Articles written by robert lucke

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  • Mayor Stiles Resigns

    Robert Lucke|Nov 8, 2017

    Mayor Stiles told “The Mountaineer” that he is resigning from being the Mayor of Big Sandy. Stiles had run for a second term of Mayor and said he would continue to be the Mayor until his new term starts at which time the Council would have to find a replacement for him. Mayor Stiles has been having some health problems and the stress connected with being Mayor of Big Sandy was not helping cure those problems....

  • "Visions of Christmas Past" Big Sandy Christmas Stroll News Griswold Decorating day

    Robert Lucke|Nov 8, 2017

    Chamber of Commerce people have heard that more and more Big Sandy is getting a very good reputation for having many Christmas lights each Christmas Season. That all starts soon now with the Griswold Christmas Party. That is an occasion for business people along with residential dwellers to bring out their Christmas lights and hang them while it is still fairly warm out, then head to Agri-Prairie for Tom and Jerrys and good cheer. The Griswold Christmas Party starts on November 17 around 12:30pm. The more people that are there, the more lights...

  • Bats outnumber ghosts in Glacier's grand hotels

    Robert Lucke|Nov 8, 2017

    Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks declared October 24 to 31 as National Bat Week. Bats are kind of like snakes and things that crawl on the ground. They have a bad reputation. People know they can carry rabies and that does not help their general well being, living in a world with all the rest of us. But there is more. It is a well known fact that in ghost mythology and things that go bump in the night, bats are a form that vampires take to get around the countryside very quickly. They are black, only come out at night and hang upside down. What...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Nov 8, 2017

    Thanksgiving is just around the corner and for many it is the time to head to Grandmother’s house or Aunt Margie’s house or invite a dozen people to your own house. I can remember when I was a small child around eight or so, I got a new sister and we always wanted to stay home for Christmas. Our parents were very generous as was Santa and there was a lot to play with on Christmas Day, So, we would put up a fuss if we had to go somewhere on that day of all days. We wanted our turkey dinner but we wanted it at home. Can you imagine us kids tel...

  • Senior Center News

    Robert Lucke|Nov 8, 2017

    Contact Senior Citizen Cooks at 378-2405. For orders to go, please order them before 10:30am. Menus for the coming week are as follows: Wednesday, November 8 creamed chicken over biscuits, vegetables, salad and dessert. Thursday, November 9 patty melt with chips, salad and dessert. Friday, November 10 Veterans Day Dinner including prime rib, scalloped potatoes, carrots, salad, jello salad, rolls and dessert this meal costs $10.00 and is the Lunch of the Week! Monday, November 13 goulash, salad, bread and dessert. Tuesday, November 14 is the Bir...

  • Pioneer News

    Robert Lucke|Nov 8, 2017

    Wednesday, November 8 - FFA Business/Ag Days in Fort Benton from 8am to 1:30pm. Wednesday, November 8 - FFA leaves for John Deere Ag. Expo at Bozeman, Montana. Wednesday, November 8 - Parent/teacher conferences from 4 to 7pm. Thursday, November 9 - Parent/teacher conferences from 4 to 7pm. Thursday, November 9 - Veteran guest speakers to talk to history classes throughout the day. Friday, November 10 - Junior high basketball at Chester Saturday, November 11 - Junior high basketball jamboree at Big Sandy. Monday, November 13 - FFA officers will...

  • Fort Assinniboine, another view on this former military base

    Robert Lucke|Nov 1, 2017

    Talk to old timers about Fort Assinniboine and the first thing you learn is how to spell Assinniboine (3 n's if you please). The next thing you learned was how shocked the towns around Fort Assinniboine were that this brand new state of the art base and huge military reservation was going to be closed while many much older bases stayed open. Back then, like today, there was no figuring out what the Government was going to do next. I was always told that Fort Assinniboine was built in Montana...

  • Christmas Stroll News: Craft Show

    Robert Lucke|Nov 1, 2017

    Hold on to your hats and don't buy any Christmas presents until after the Christmas Stroll Craft Show which is held in conjunction with the Christmas Stroll on December 2, 2017. There are all kinds of crafts for sale that day, ranging from delicious Christmas goodies to hand built Christmas presents to antiques and collectibles and all on show that day from 9am to 4pm. Lis Maxwell says there is good news and bad news about the Craft Show this early in the season. The bad news is that most...

  • Guest Interview: Crystal Geyer

    Robert Lucke|Nov 1, 2017

    This week's guest interview is with Crystal Geyer. Crystal runs the Senior Citizen's Center with a lot of help from her cooks she says but going into this holiday season, she has lots more on her mind than just food. The Senior Citizen's Center has about a jillion greeting cards to sell and sell soon. Here is the thing. Crystal says there are tons and tons of cards, She is selling them for ten cents a card or buy several boxes and donate the proceeds to the Senior Citizen's Center. People who...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Nov 1, 2017

    This is the season for making hot and hearty soups. Yesterday a neighbor brought a vat of clam chowder for my supper. Clam chowder is a soup I do not make from scratch very often. I buy some prepared and add to it. But I love clam chowder and I think one of the reasons I do love that soup is because no matter who makes it or what restaurant makes it, it is always different from all other clam chowder and always very good. It was the same yesterday with my neighbor’s clam chowder. It was different than any I had eaten and very good! Years ago I...

  • Senior Center News

    Robert Lucke|Nov 1, 2017

    Birthdays for November include Shane Chauvet, Pam Bold, Dianna Webster, Leo Bitz, Adele Otto, Betty Lou Solberg, Gene Welty, David Schwarzbach, Marianne Brewer and Earl Boettcher. As Glenn Miller and his orchestra play “A String of Pearls” a swish around the ballroom from November anniversaries, Wesley and Rita Berlinger, Glenn and Jere Skaalure, Raymond and Carla Courtnage, Frank and Lis Maxwell and Francis and Doris Gasvoda. Contact Senior Citizen cooks at 378-2405 and remember that if you are ordering meals on wheels, order them before 10:...

  • Pioneer News

    Robert Lucke|Nov 1, 2017

    Wednesday, November 1 Juniors and Seniors head to North Star to hear an assembly by Jean DeShaw. Friday, November 3 junior high basketball at Turner Friday, November 4 football quarter final at Bridger at 7 p.m. Saturday, November 4 junior high basketball jamboree at Big Sandy Monday, November 6 MSU Bozeman representative at Big Sandy 8:30 am. For juniors and seniors Monday, November 6 financial aid workshop at the high school computer lab at 5pm. Monday, November 6 adult education designs jewelry and cases. Tuesday, November 7 junior high...

  • Interview with a Ghost by Presence in an old Haunted House

    Robert Lucke|Oct 25, 2017

    My name is Lucille. I am a ghost and I don’t like it one little bit. I have just gone around for a lifetime haunting the house I lived in as a child and where I died. It must have been twenty or thirty years after I died that I learned that I could be heard by residents of the house. I have scared a lot of them a lot through the years. I learned that if I scream as loud as I can, I can break through some barrier between the truly dead and people like me who are stuck in sort of a limbo land. It is not pleasant. Once in a while a person can get...

  • Christmas Stroll upcoming events for the stroll; Buttons

    Robert Lucke|Oct 25, 2017

    By Robert Lucke The Big Sandy Chamber of Commerce and Marlys Myers are busy getting ready for the annual Big Sandy Christmas Stroll the first weekend in December. This year's theme is "Christmas Past". Of course when people think of Christmas Past, they think of their childhoods or their children when they were young and Bing Crosby singing "White Christmas" while gentle flakes of snow decorate the streets and byways of the Big Sandy community. There is more to Christmas Past than that. Take...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Oct 25, 2017

    A good Halloween story is one that ends like no one ever suspects it is going to. A case in point is the dreadful Christler murder where Rev. Christler was shot dead by his girl friend in front of his wife at the church rectory where they were living. There were always stories going around about that murder for several reasons. Many people wondered if Rev. Christler’s wife had anything to do with the murder and others knew that the church rectory was haunted from that day forward. That Rev. Christler had a girl friend was well known around t...


    Robert Lucke|Oct 25, 2017

    Don’t forget that Story Hour is running every Wednesday at 10:30. Lego Club is running every second and fourth Friday at 11am. Don’t miss the fun! This week Darlene chose “ANY DREAM WILL DO” by Debbie Macomber. Shay Benson adored her younger brother Caden and that got her into trouble. When he owed money, Shay realized she would do anything to help him avoid the men who were threatening him, and she crossed lines she never should have crossed. Now determined to start fresh, she finds herself in search of a place to stay and wanders into a...

  • Baumgarn takes Blood Drive Reigns

    Robert Lucke|Oct 18, 2017

    After thirty years Twila Cline has given up heading blood drives in the Big Sandy area. Rachel Baumgarn and Laci LaBuda have taken over the reins. Last Wednesday, October 12 was the first blood drawing for Rachel and she said, prior to the drawing that she was looking forward to it. She added that she didn't know anything that could go wrong as she had never been in charge of one before and by the time readers are reading this story and Rachel has one blood drawing under her belt, she might...

  • Guest Interview: Bob Quinn

    Robert Lucke|Oct 18, 2017

    "The Mountaineer" introduces a new news story this week. It is called a Guest Interview and features a "Mountaineer" reporter picking up the telephone and calling someone in our phone book and asking what is on his or her mind today. If you have something on your mind and are interested in doing a Guest Interview, just give us a call at "The Mountaineer" phone number 378-2176. This week, early in the morning of October 12 Bob Quinn's phone rang early in the morning. That was the start of our Gue...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Oct 18, 2017

    I can’t help it. It is hunting season, or almost, and I have hunting on my mind. Now, mind you I don’t have shooting an elk or antelope or even a deer raised in alfalfa fields for a couple of years, no, it is not that that I dream about. It is the eats, in a word. My father and his brothers must have loved cabins. Anyway during fishing season we lived in a cabin most of the summer in the Bear Paw Mountains on Clear Creek. That was true in the fall when those fishing camps would turn into hunting camps as well. In those days there were few elk...

  • Senior Center News

    Robert Lucke|Oct 18, 2017

    Contact the Senior Citizen Cooks at 378-2405. Menus usually include an entrée, vegetable, potato, salad, dessert and drink and usually cost $5.00 unless the meal is more costly. Menus for the coming week are as follows: Wednesday, October 18 breakfast for lunch including scrambled eggs, links, fruit and blueberry muffins for the Lunch of the Week! Thursday, October 19 Dolly’s hot Mexican dish, vegetables, salad, dessert and bread. There will be a Board meeting that morning at 10:30am. Friday, October 20 Polish dogs, sauerkraut, vegetables, sa...

  • Pioneer News

    Robert Lucke|Oct 18, 2017

    There will be no school for Big Sandy students on October 19 and 20. Teachers will be attending Montana Education Association activities. Saturday, October 21 FFA members visit the pumpkin patch from noon to four pm. The week of October 22 is Red Ribbon Week. Thursday, October 26 district volleyball in Chester. Thursday, October 26 is the end of the first quarter. Thursday, October 26 ACT tests for those who have signed up for them at 7:45am at the Lutheran Church. School lunch and breakfast menus for the coming week are as follows: Wednesday,...

  • 2017 Blizzard in October

    Robert Lucke|Oct 11, 2017

    One of Grandma Moses paintings is titled, "It snows, oh it snows". Those were the operative words around here last week when snow started falling Monday afternoon and by Monday night the power was off from Havre to Malta, blizzard like winds blew huge branches and sometimes whole trees to the ground and as Tuesday morning dawned, there were downed power lines all over parts of Chouteau, Hill, Blaine and Phillips County. Observers think that Big Sandy got around 24 inches of snow and many places...

  • Fire Prevention Week October 8 - 14

    Robert Lucke|Oct 11, 2017

    This week is Fire Prevention Week. It is a week of celebration all around the United States. And, although we don't celebrate it as such in the Big Sandy area, we do celebrate Chili Feed Night which is a large fund raiser for the Big Sandy Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance. But it is more than that. It is a time that Big Sandy residents can honor those who volunteer and keep us safe in so many ways. The other day I was at the Big Sandy Medical Center and the Mercy Flight was just leaving...

  • Bear Paw or Bears Paw: No Mystery Here

    Robert Lucke|Oct 11, 2017

    One of "The Mountaineer" readers, Elaine Thompson, said that she had kept a story from "The Mountaineer" about whether the mountain range to the south of us should be called the Bear Paw Mountains or the Bears Paw Mountains. She had lost the story and wondered if it could be reprinted. So, here goes. First let's look at it through the eyes of journalists. Several years ago "The Tribune" in Great Falls did a survey and ran a story saying that the range should be called the Bear Paw Mountains...

  • Columbus and the Blackfeet Tribe

    Robert Lucke|Oct 11, 2017

    One of the puzzling things about living in a state that has seven Indian Reservations in it is what should people be called who live on those reservations? Some suggest calling them Native Americans. Others say that First Nations People sounds better and many agree that the name Indian should probably not be used. Many of the Blackfeet Nation do not feel that way at all. They say that when Christopher Columbus discovered what is now the United States and thought it was India so he named the...

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