Sorted by date Results 451 - 475 of 476
Thanksgiving overview There has been many a merry Thanksgiving spent in this neck of the woods. Some better than others, but all a good time for family, friends and sometimes total strangers to get together and eat beef or turkey. It was Charlie Russell who said that beef ought to be served for Thanksgiving dinner, not turkey, as Montana owes much more to beef cattle than to turkeys. Whatever was served, in the early days people cooking and celebrating Thanksgiving would check with local hotels and make sure that no one was left out of a...
You know when you come right down to it, this town is really smoking. When you compare where we are today compared to where we were last Stroll, we have made a lot of activity. First, and most important are all the young families who have come back home to Big Sandy to raise their children, educate them and live in the shadow of Centennial Mountain. Not a lot of Montana small towns can boast about larger census figures but Big Sandy certainly can. How many have come by “the Mountaineer” or introduced themselves on the street and said they wan...
Griswold Christmas and Parade Lianna Heimbigner and Lisa Meyers, members of the Big Sandy Chamber of Commerce, were in “the Mountaineer” last week explaining about a Griswold Christmas in Big Sandy and the Stroll Parade. Griswold Christmas The Griswold Christmas is just around the corner. It starts on Friday, November 20 at 1pm and is a time when the Chamber of Commerce encourages the community to come down to Main Street and decorate the nines out of it! If there are lights hanging out of lights and more lights, that still is not enough Chr... Full story
There will be a volleyball fundraiser at the high school gym for Yanci Ann Phillips, daughter of Victor and Karli Phillips Saturday, November 21 starting at 9am. The style of these volleyball matchups are 6 on 6 Co-Ed. There is a sixty dollar entry fee per team and teams can be made up of seventh graders and up. Get your entry forms from Sherri at the High School and be prepared to play the most fun volleyball you have ever played in your life! For those who just love watching good and fun...
Jamie Tone teaches fifth grade at the F. E. Miley School in Big Sandy. Jamie is a long way from home. She was born and raised in Lindenhurst, New York. She moved to Missoula when she was a freshman in high school. “The Mountaineer” caught up with Jamie a couple of weeks ago. Here is her story. “Mountaineer” : Did you ever think you would become a school teacher? Jamie: I did enjoy playing “school” when I was a child but I did not know that I would follow that road until my early 20’s. ”Mountaineer”: Where did you get your education and how...
This week Vicki picked a book about when knights were in power and things were not like now. Called “KNIGHTS OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS” by George R. R. Martin, this story takes place nearly a century before the events of A GAME OF THRONES. A KNIGHT ON THE SEVEN KINGDOMS is the first three official prequel novellas to George R. R. Martin’s ongoing masterwork, A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE. These never before collected adventures recount an age when the Targaryen line still holds the Iron throne, and the memory of the last dragon has not yet passed from...
Thursday, November 19 high school basketball and wrestling start. Thursday, November 19 junior high basketball at Box Elder 5 and 6:30pm. Friday, November 20 junior high basketball hosts Chinook 4pm. Saturday, November 21 Phillips Volleyball fundraiser starts at 9am in the high school gym. November 23 and 24 Science Olympiad in Bozeman November 23 junior high basketball in Fort Benton November 25 to 29 No School Happy Thanksgiving! Breakfast and lunch menus for the coming week are as follows: Wednesday, November 18 breakfast includes egg and ch...
We try to devote the front page of “The Mountaineer” to veterans on Veterans Day and on Memorial Day. Of course we, like you, know that we really honor veterans every day, when we see them and when we do not. If infirm we carry them like they carried us in battles all over the world. My father had a veteran friend who came back from World War II with what was then called Shell Shock. The friend was very quiet and did not use good sense about how to live life in Montana or anywhere else. The veteran could not hold a job although before the war...
For people attending the annual Big Sandy Christmas Stroll on December 5, the Crafter’s Show at the Jerry Martin Memorial Hall is one of the most important events. The Crafters have set up and are open for business on December 5th at 9am. The show runs until 4pm. Show organizers say that no one will be dissembling their craft tables until after the show closes at 4pm. This is the only time during the year that Big Sandy people and people from elsewhere can buy gifts unique to the mountains and prairies around Big Sandy and Big Sandy itself. A...
Vic’s Pics Vicki can sure pick good books. Not only is this one by James Patterson but it is a murder mystery and it comes with a multimillion dollar house in the Hamptons to make us even more scared. “THE MURDER HOUSE” is Number 7 Ocean Drive and is a gorgeous multimillion dollar beachfront estate in the Hamptons where money and privilege know no bounds. But it’s beautiful gothic exterior hides a horrific past: it was the scene of a series of depraved killings that have never been solved. Neglected, empty and rumored to be cursed, it is know...
Thursday, November 12 FFA in Bozeman for three days Thursday, November 12 MSU Bozeman representative at the high school during fifth period, Friday, November 13 junior high basketball hosts Hays at 2pm. Saturday, November 14 junior high basketball at Rudyard Thursday, November 19 basketball and wrestling practice begins. Make sure to get your physicals turned in before you start practicing. Menus for the coming week are as follows for breakfast and lunch. Wednesday, November 11 breakfast includes muffins, yogurt, assorted cereal, fresh fruit,...
Contact Senior Citizen Cooks at 378-2405. All lunches sell for $5.00 unless otherwise noted and consist of an entrée, salad, vegetable, dessert and drink. Menus for the coming week are as follows: Wednesday November 11 Veteran’s Day which includes roast beef, potatoes, gravy, salad and dessert. Veterans are paid for by Agri-Prairie and Meyer Farms. Thursday, November 12 Pepper beef with cashews over rice, oriental vegetables, salad and pudding. Friday, November 13 Breaded pork patty on bun, baked beans, macaroni salad and brownies. Monday, No...
Lisa, Teal and Marlys stopped in "The Mountaineer" to start talking about the Christmas Stroll that is a short month away. This year's stroll is happening on December 5. Buttons and ugly sweaters were on the minds of the Chamber of Commerce representatives for this week. There are kids' buttons and adult buttons. Each one sells for $5.00 and all are on sale today at any Chamber sponsor. Remember, kids' buttons are for kids 12 and under. Prizes for winning buttons are on display at Wells Fargo...
Big Sandy School Superintendent Brad Moore will be attending a national conference in Phoenix, Arizona from February 10 through 16, 2016. He will be attending the conference with his wife and son. Two Montana Superintendents are picked from applications each year to attend the AASA (American Association of School Administrators) Convention which is sponsored by the Montana Association of School Superintendents. Jim Rouse of Browning is the other Superintendent to win the award this year....
Thank Bob Quinn for the great pictures of filling the forms last week at the new library. Always there is a mystery. What was it that was discovered that day and how much would it cost to eliminate the problem? Was it a bomb? Was it an old bank vault? Was it buried treasure? Or an abandoned and leaking fuel tank? After spending $500.00 the library ladies found out it was a very old boiler. Safe one, too. So, it sleeps today as it probably has slept for the last hundred years. Probably not too...
At the latest City Council meeting, October 15, 2015 there were no visitors, no public comment and no sheriff’s report. Previous minutes were approved and the pledge was recited. Regarding the Wastewater Project, there is a grass issue at the lagoon. Bad fill is given for the reason that grass will not grow in one area. The construction company and council are working on a solution. There is a small tear in the sewage lagoon liner. It is cost prohibitive for the manufacturer to come and repair it. Mayor Stiles figured the least that bill would...
Wednesday, October 28 Red Ribbon Week. Wear Red. Thursday, October 29 District Volleyball tournament at North Star School. Thursday, October 29 is the end of the first quarter. Parents may pickup report cards at Parent/Teacher conferences November 6. Friday, October 30 Junior High basketball at Box Elder. Friday, October 30 Annual Halloween hamburger feed and dance for grades 7 through 12 at the elementary school. 7 to 9 pm. Tuesday, November 3 a representative from MSU Billings will be here at 2:30pm to answer questions about MSU Billings. Wed...
It was raining on Clear Creek all during a late October weekend. I didn't mind as I was at the great old cabin on two cliffs with my Dad. He was doing what he loved most, remodeling a room in the cabin. I must have been around eight and I know that even at eight, I could not get enough of those old Clear Creek cabins. I suppose that when the large log house was built, it wasn't on two cliffs. They must have come later. The house had three rooms on the main floor and three bedrooms on the second...
Thelma Mae Briney is two years old and is going through treatments that no two year old should have to go through. Her parents have an extraordinary amount of expenses so friends are having a benefit for Thelma Mae on Saturday, October 24 2015 at the Jerry Martin Memorial Hall on Main Street in Big Sandy, Montana. There will be a free will spaghetti dinner served from 5 to 7pm and a silent auction and raffles from 5 to 7pm and a live auction at 7pm. Thelma is the two year old daughter of Brad...
Amy Terry is a new second grade teacher at the Elementary school. For "the Mountaineer" and our readers, Amy answered a series of questions from "The Mountaineer" about a whole range of subjects. Her answers made us dream we were in the second grade once again. "Mountaineer": Where were you born and raised., Amy: I was born in Whitefish and raised in Big Sandy. "Mountaineer": When you were a child, did you ever think you could become a teacher? Amy: I wanted to be teacher for as long as I can...
Imagine this. In Big Sandy the same person has been running blood drawings for the last 28 years. She is Twila Cline and she is a happy camper when she talks about her blood drawings through the years. Cline is as close to a life time resident that Big Sandy has without living here full time. Twila was born and raised in Box Elder but has made her home here in Big Sandy for the last 47 years. And in that time Twila has learned a lot about blood drawings. "Like be sure that the donors have...
If you see a pickup of watermelons for sale on Main Street, those belong to Bob Quinn. They were planted and tended to by Caleb Kriser who is also in charge of Quinn's Kracklin' Kamut snack nuts. It seems that Kriser came from watermelon country in Florida. Meantime Bob Quinn has been trying all of his life to grow watermelons but could not due to a very short growing season. Quinn had succeeded in growing a few watermelons thanks to a longer growing season in this part of Montana. Caused by cli...
When Big Sandy Schools hired Brittani Bergtoll from Saco, Montana to be an art teacher, it was an art teacher and so much more. Bergtoll is tall, like a basketball player and yet rodeo is her thing. Last week Brittani sat down and answered some "Mountaineer" questions. "Mountaineer": What do you teach and where do you teach it? Bergtoll: I teach grades 7 through 12 art at the high school. I also teach seventh grade English and elective English classes. This semester they are American Literature...
Continued from Part one in the September 30 "Mountaineer" Most casualties resulted from accidents in the field and on post, disease, alcoholism, desertion, fights among soldiers and suicides. Some soldiers were wounded on patrol but reportedly there were no direct combat deaths. Temporary excitement resulted from a short tour of duty in the Little Rockies on the Fort Belknap Indian reservation during the gold strike of 1884 but the miners were impossible to stop short of shooting them. Métis...
Although wind gusts were not reported in Big Sandy, Sunday last, the National Weather says there were large gusts all around so consider the wind was at times topping 50 mph in Big Sandy as well. There were gusts of 53mph reported north of Loma, 68 mph reported east of Geraldine, and 55 mph in Havre. Other notable gusts happening on Sunday were 81mph in East Glacier, 74 mph in Babb, 70 mph in Zortman, 69mph in Whitlash, 68mph in Geraldine and 83mph in Pendroy Sunday morning for the highest in Montana on Sunday. With a gust of 62mph at the top...