Articles from the January 6, 2016 edition

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  • 2015 in Review: the good , the bad and the ugly!

    Robert Lucke|Jan 6, 2016

    "The Mountaineer" takes the first issue of every new year to do a review of stories printed during the previous year. This year we are going to go one more step. We are going to pick what we thought to be the very best story of the year and the very best picture of the year as well. So, sit back and revel on the happenings in old Big Sandy last year. In the January 7 issue of "The Mountaineer" there was a story that should at least be an honorable mention story of the year. With a headline...

  • Best Story of 2016

    Robert Lucke|Jan 6, 2016

    What a dilemma! What story of all the front page stories in "the Mountaineer" for 2015 was the best story? Honorable mentions included the cattle crossing the Missouri, School goes to a four day week, KFBB, Kamut, Housing in Big Sandy, Tavie Kipp comes to Montana, Reinholt Bitz's story of World War II, the Cooks Thanksgiving Roundup and Knife, Gun, Family, Friends, and Wilderness, the story of Bob Nelson's hunt in Alaska this fall. Now, of course if you measured stories that were important to...

  • Picture of the year

    Robert Lucke|Jan 6, 2016

    This year's picture of the year was the mountain lion swimming over to a boat full of people. The picture was taken by Janine Jorgenson at Fourchette Bay in western Fort Peck. We knew that the picture was of a mountain lion, not a tiger, Nevertheless it was too good a chance to run with that wonderful Blake poem, "The Tyger" It fit the picture perfectly and in one stanza asks the profound question, "When the stars threw down And water'd heaven with their tears: Did he smile his work to see? Did...

  • January for National Blood Donor Month

    Guest Column|Jan 6, 2016

    This January, during National Blood Donor Month, the American Red Cross encourages people to roll up their sleeves to give blood to help maintain a sufficient blood supply for patients. Since 1970, National Blood Donor Month has been observed in January to not only honor blood and platelet donors, but also to help increase donations during the winter months. Maintaining a sufficient blood supply for patients is difficult at this time of year because extreme winter weather and seasonal illnesses often impact donor turnout. Karla Essmiller...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Jan 6, 2016

    Additional Announcements for January 11th Cropping Seminar in Fort Benton We will have two additional presentations at the 2016 Cropping Seminar in Fort Benton. Dr. Clain Jones (MSU Extension Soil Fertility Specialist) will be presenting research based information on acidic soil management in Chouteau County. The presentation will cover the causes of acidic soils, and the consequences to crop production. Dr. Jones will explain how to recognize and test acidic soils and offer management options to slow further acidification and increase...

  • 3 Simple Steps for Saving for College

    Guest Column|Jan 6, 2016

    The overwhelming majority of families agree that college is an important and worthwhile investment, yet fewer than half are saving for it, according to “How America Saves for College 2015,” a recent study by Sallie Mae and Ipsos. Why the reluctance to put aside money for something deemed so important by so many? “One of the greatest obstacles for families to overcome is simply getting started,” says Charlie Rocha, executive vice president, Sallie Mae. “We know those who have a plan and save are more likely to attend college, more likely to...

  • Choose Success in 2016; Call the Montana Tobacco Quit Line!

    Guest Column|Jan 6, 2016

    Each New Year, thousands of people across Montana resolve to improve their lives, vowing to give up their bad habits in exchange for healthy lifestyles. The Montana Tobacco Quit Line wants to assist people who attempt to quit tobacco and has free programs designed for all Montanans. The Quit Line has expanded services and now offers a dedicated American Indian Quit Line, dedicated female coaches and additional incentives for pregnant and pre-natal women, with electronic enrollment for all services. For 2016, the Quit Line aims to help those...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Jan 6, 2016

    What to cook and eat that tastes good, does not have a lot of calories and is easy to prepare? That is what I was looking for last week to begin 2016. Needless to say I did not find much of anything that had few calories and was good. A friend gave me some yogurt saying I should be eating that daily. It was good yogurt but had such a tiny bit of flavoring in the bottom of the can that I had to put my glasses on to find it to stir it in. Not even the color of the white yogurt changed when all stirred. Enough of that, I thought. Why not get a...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Jan 6, 2016

    “In quarreling, the truth is often lost.” Originally written in Latin a couple of millennia ago, this adage is as true today as it was when it was first thought up. I’ve recognized the truth of this idea, particularly in observing arguments and conflicts in marriages. Most fights between spouses start over fairly minor issues, but really get rolling when perceptions of the other’s attitudes, thoughts, or actions throw gas on the tiny spark that is the initial issue. A tone of voice or word choice is perceived as disrespectful or unlovin...

  • Alternative Cold and Flu Remedies to Try this Season

    Guest Column|Jan 6, 2016

    While flu and cold are common to every region of the world, different cultures have developed their own solutions to tackle the all-too-familiar and dreadful symptoms. Today it’s thought that 70 percent of your immune system lies in your digestive tract, so many of these alternative healing methods rely on food for its curative properties. While some alternative treatments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration for efficacy, many people swear by them. If you are suffering this cold and flu season, incorporating these r...

  • New Library Update

    Marla Ray|Jan 6, 2016

    The Christmas Stroll’s annual raffle/craft/bake sale in City Hall brought many wonderful opportunities to find that perfect, unique Christmas present. The new library fund- raising committee was delighted to raise $650 on their several baskets and Ann’s beautiful fabric snowflakes. The lucky winners were: “Rest And Relaxation” novel and chocolates and drink, donated by Vicki Silvan, won by Dolly Pursley, “Rest and Relaxation” novel and chocolates and drink, donated by Vicki Silvan won by Reggie Jappe, “Kamut Products” oil, soap, snacks an...

  • In The Garden

    Muriel Silvan|Jan 6, 2016

    The simple things you do every day, from the cup of coffee you drink in the morning to the lights you turn on at night, all have an impact on birds. As we human beings expand our presence on Earth, our lives intersect more and more with the wildlife around us. Our everyday activities increasingly erode their habitats, deplete their food supplies and create new dangers for them to face. If we want to protect the birds around us and preserve their future, we need to begin to conduct our lives...


    Robert Lucke|Jan 6, 2016

    This week Vicki picked “COLD BETRAYAL” by J. A. Nance. It is an Ali Reynolds novel. Ali Reynold’s longtime friend and taser-carrying nun Sister Anselm rushes to the bedside of a young pregnant woman hospitalized for severe injuries after she was hit by a car on a deserted Arizona highway. The girl had been running away from The Family, a polygamous cult with no patience for those who try to leave its ranks. Meanwhile, married life agrees with Ali. But any hopes that she and her husband, B. Simpson, will finally slow down and relax now that...

  • Pioneers starts new year in Hays, girls get first win 34-31, boys fall

    Kody Farmer|Jan 6, 2016

    The Big Sandy Pioneer girls and boys basketball teams traveled to Hays Saturday as they began 2016 with a District 9C clash. The girls and boys teams, both under the tutelage of head coach Ronnie Simpson, have competed hard start to finish, night in, night out. However finding the win column has been difficult in recent years. Both teams finished 2015 with identical 0-3 conference marks and 0-5 overall records but things are bound to turnaround at some point. The Pioneer girls are young and...

  • Four Individuals Charged With Unlawfully Killing Eight Buck Deer in Hill County

    Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks|Jan 6, 2016

    Four individuals were charged in Hill County Justice Court for violations that resulted in the killing of eight buck deer in Hill County in Sept. and Oct. of this year. Elisha Rulison, 21, of Plains, and Tyler Adams, 20, of Havre, plead guilty to multiple counts of unlawful possession of a game animal, unlawful hunting from a public road, hunting during a closed season, unlawful use of artificial light while hunting, and a single count of killing an over limit of a game animal. Janelle Baird,...

  • Third grade gets "Money Savvy"

    Jan 6, 2016

    The third grade class recently completed a course called Money Savvy Generation. This class teaches the children how to save, spend, donate and invest money. It is a 7 week program and the children each receive a bank to help get them started using their money wisely. The class is sponsored by the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, moderated by Pat Matthew of Big Sandy....