Articles from the January 30, 2019 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 16 of 16

  • Gun Show is More About People than Guns

    Zoe Merrill|Jan 30, 2019

    According to Vance Butler there was some excitement at the gun show. There were a number of high quality of guns at the Big Sandy Gun Show. Vance Butler and Brian Harwood from Thompson Falls, Hardwood Bullets, spend the night on the premises guarding the guns. Brian who was instrumental in encouraging Vance to have a gun show in Big Sandy woke up to a large loud bang. He looked over to Vance's cot and Vance wasn't there. He was afraid Vance had woken up and had to use his gun. He went looking...

  • Action Required with Agriculture Information

    Zoe Merrill|Jan 30, 2019

    According to Matt Perdue, Government Relations Representative at National Farmers Union in Washington DC, it's important to know your facts and act accordingly. He was introduced as "He is up on the hill every day!" And when he started his presentation he said, "And it is very important you stay!" Commodity Prices have dropped 49% from 2013. In just five years the loss is $65.7 billion. The medium farm income is projected to be $1,691 less in 2018. He mentioned farms bill struggle to pass...

  • Reinhard Bold; Geo-Bee Winner

    Zoe Merrill|Jan 30, 2019

    The National Geographic Geo-Bee started in 1989 but this is only the second year Big Sandy Schools have participated. Students from the fourth grade to the eighth grade compete. This means Big Sandy had 10 finalists competing in the contest. There were nine boys and one girl. They were given two opportunities to answer incorrectly before they were removed from the contest. As it turned out they were actually given more than two wrong answers as they had to have two for the final contest. They ha...

  • Legislative Information for 2019 Session

    Zoe Merrill|Jan 30, 2019

    Every two years we have an opportunity to participate in state government. In order to contact our legislator’s, we are printing our local Representative and Senator’s contact information. District 27 Representative Joshua Kassmier 406-781-538; and Email address is District 14 Senator Russel Tempel 406-292-3542 and 406-265-0990; and Email Address Here are some bills having to do with agriculture you might want to research; SB 32- Creates stream gauge oversight work group; HB 102- Creates civil p...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Jan 30, 2019

    Keeping House Plants Healthy During the Winter Many houseplants suffer in winter from too little light. Houseplants need sufficient light to photosynthesize and make sugars and other carbohydrates. Even a south-facing windowsill may not provide sufficient lighting for normal growth. A normal desk lamp or reading lamp puts out about 50-foot candles. That seems sufficient to us, but it may not be for your plants. The aluminum plant, spider plant, Boston fern, Bromeliads, Devil’s Ivy, Watermelon Peperomia, Oval Leaf Peperomia, Painted Drop T...

  • Katherine Bold Winner of the Triangle Telephone Trip to Washington DC

    Zoe Merrill|Jan 30, 2019

    Katherine Bold daughter of Anna Bold was chosen as one of two winners of a trip to Washington DC from the Foundation for Rural Service and Triangle Communications. Baily Gasvoda was one of two last year and told Katherine about the opportunity. Students who is 16-17 years old who is a dependent of a subscriber receiving telephone, broadband or mobile service from Triangle can apply for the opportunity to win the trip to Washington DC. Katherine said she is looking forward to meeting to people...

  • Senior Center News

    Leslie Gregory|Jan 30, 2019

    The Senior Center will now be OPEN every Friday Starting in February. Thursday, January 31 - Taco Soup, Green Salad and Pudding. Monday February 4- Tomato Basil with Ravioli, BLT Wraps, and Chocolate Chip Cookies. Tuesday, February 5 - BIRTHDAY DINNER, $10.00, Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Carrots, Frog Eye Salad, and German Chocolate Cake. Wednesday, February 6 - Hawaiian Pizza, and Fruit Pizza. Recipe of the Week: Game Day Bites Ingredients: 1 pound ground beef chuck 1 (8 ounce) package shredded Cheddar cheese 1 tablespoon...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Jan 30, 2019

    The human soul transcends earthly value Q: Our friends have two teenagers with severe behavioral problems and claim that it is due to mental illness, but neither child has been diagnosed with any particular disorder. Having been close with this family through the years, the problem to me seems simple—the parents don’t discipline them and lets them have their own way. Doesn’t this seem dangerous that their children will never be able to appropriately assimilate into society? A: Mental illness is a general term used to cover a wide range of psych...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Jan 30, 2019

    On Monday, I had an early doctor’s appointment that required me to be in town early. As a result, I wasn’t able to get to the gym first thing in the morning. It’s the first time in 2 months that I haven’t exercised first thing in the morning. It is a habit that I have maintained most days of the week for nearly 18 months. Missing my morning gym time felt weird, like skipping my morning coffee or shower. It’s become a normal part of my routine. It’s a habit. Missing it felt awkward. I have been talking with my brother this month about his e...

  • A Night of Motown With Spectrum

    Jan 30, 2019

    Chouteau County Performing Arts in partnership with Triangle Communications, present a fun filled journey back to Motown in the 60s. Get ready to get up and dance in the aisles of the Fort Benton Elementary School Auditorium, at 7PM, Tuesday February 12th. These four singers bring back the days of the Four Tops, the Temptations, and so many other greats from the Motown sound. Cushney, David, Pierre, and Darryl bring the harmonies, the solos, and the dance steps which were hallmarks of the 60's....

  • Parent's Night for Basketball Feb. 2

    Alicia Bjornestad|Jan 30, 2019

    As the basketball season is coming close to districts, the last home game is approaching. The basketball season has been going very well for the two teams. The girl’s team is being coached by Naomi Terry and the boy’s team is being coached by Thomas Dilworth. They have both done a wonderful job with their teams and are planning on finishing the season with a great turn out. The last home game is also known as parent’s night. On parent’s night, the players give their parents, family members, and friends a rose for their appreciation on their s...

  • Rotary Christmas Light Winners

    Sheri Moore|Jan 30, 2019

    Although this is a late acknowledgement, the Christmas lights are still up so it’s never too late to talk about the winners of the Big Sandy Rotary Club annual Christmas Light Contest. The following nine winners received a cash prize. Kenyon and Kathleen Cook, Clete and Mary Ophus, Frank and Charlene Moravec, Terry and Twila Grant, Big Sandy Activities, Larry and Chris Brumwell, Clay and Kelly Dixon, Tom and Maranna Allen, and Frank and Lis Maxwell....

  • Pioneers struggle, fall to Denton/Geyser-Stanford, Hays/Lodge Pole

    Kody Farmer|Jan 30, 2019

    The Big Sandy Pioneer boys and girls basketball teams were at home on Friday night as they hosted the Denton/Geyser-Stanford Bearcats in a non-conference basketball game. Both teams played well but fell short of picking up a win. The girls were defeated by a score of 67-45 while the boys came up short 62-45. Saturday afternoon they were in Hays to take on the Thunderbirds as they stepped back into District 9-C play. The boys suffered another loss, falling 84-57 while the girls were defeated...

  • 86th Annual Lutefisk Dinner Set For Saturday, February 2 at Havre First Lutheran Church

    Jim Griggs|Jan 30, 2019

    Eighty-six years of tradition returns to the Hi-Line on Saturday, February 2 when First Lutheran Church serve up their 86th Annual Swedish Meatball and Norwegian Lutefisk Dinner at First Lutheran Church in Havre. The dinner is the longest running ethnic event in Havre. Serving begins at 12 noon in the Fellowship Hall and runs to 6 p.m. The Scandinavian dinner originally started as a small gathering in the old church parsonage where a handful of people were served a lutefisk dinner. As time went on the Swedish Meatballs were added to give those...

  • High school wrestling wraps up regular Season, off to Northern B/C Divisional

    Kevin LeFurgey|Jan 30, 2019

    Last week was an end to a busy month for the Fort Benton/Big Sandy wrestling Co-op regular season. Tuesday January 22, they competed in Belt, on Thursday January 24 Big Sandy High School was the home host, and a couple wrestlers finished up in Simms on Friday January 25. In Belt, Fort Benton Senior Connor Schnabel won all 3 of his matches, Brock Hanford won both his matches, Colter Ball won his lone match, and Big Sandy's Bayley Genereux won a match. In Big Sandy Bayley, started the night off...

  • What are Fish Doing These Days?

    Bruce Auchly|Jan 30, 2019

    Ever wonder on a cold, snowy winter day what fish are doing under the ice? The short answer is: about the same as the rest of the year. They breathe, eat and try to avoid being eaten. There are, however, some differences in winter. First, it’s important to remember that freshwater fish like reptiles and amphibians are coldblooded. (Scientists prefer the more precise word, poikilotherms, but we’ll forgive them.) That means their body temperatures are controlled through external means, in this case, water temperature. They do not maintain a con...