Articles from the February 10, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 17 of 17

  • Don't Overlook Butte

    Robert Lucke|Feb 10, 2016

    It is true that you can get most anything you want to know off the internet. This week two of our front page stories, Top Ten crime towns in Montana to live in, and Twelve Overlooked Montana Towns, came from the Internet. Butte, Montana in Silver Bow County made that list of overlooked Montana towns. I would have to agree that Butte is probably overlooked but once there is one of the most interesting towns in all of Montana. Butte was built on a hill so its large downtown area is almost up and d...

  • Ken Denning inducted into the MSU Wrestling Hall of Fame 3 years running

    Robert Lucke|Feb 10, 2016

    When Ken Denning got a call a couple of weeks ago from MSU, it took him back many years to when he had graduated from Great Falls High School and started studying architecture at MSU in the fall of 1963. Ken could go to MSU because he got a Presidential Academic Scholarship which paid his tuition to any school in Montana. He had to be in the top two percent of his class and maintain a 3.2 GPA in college. Ken wrestled in high school so it seemed natural that MSU would want him to wrestle on the college team. “There were lots of Great Falls k...

  • Dangerous places to live in Montana

    Robert Lucke|Feb 10, 2016

    There is a web site called “ONLY IN YOUR STATE” that lists everything from the most haunted places in our state to the worst places to live due to crime. In the interest of information only, “the Mountaineer” is publishing the list of the ten most crime ridden towns to live in, in Montana. We urge you to take this list with a grain of salt. It would appear that some of our larger cities that do not even warrant a mention, just might be much worse than those listed. 1. Polson. Based on FBI data, Polson has the most property crimes per capita of...

  • Valentine's Day Man on the Street

    Robert Lucke|Feb 10, 2016

    Short of eating Kandi Moreno’s wonderful oriental Valentine’s Dinner at the Senior Citizens Center on February 15, “The Mountaineer” asked some of the Big Sandy damsels if they could have anything they wanted at all for Valentine’s Day, what would it be? We think you will be as awe struck as we were at many of the answers. Donna Jenkins-- I would like to go out to a good dinner. Leslie Gregory- I want to go to Hawaii. Kandi Marino- I would start with diamonds. You know diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Crystal Geyer - Roses. Jodi Thornton- A...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Feb 10, 2016

    Tree Questions and Answers for February • Why do lilacs sometimes bud in February? The very large flower buds on lilacs were formed last summer and they are not going to bloom during winter warm weather periods. • Will my lilacs survive if it gets cold again? Lilac is a hardy shrub, and will not be affected when the weather drops below freezing. • Should I water my trees in February and March during warm weather? Watering is next to useless when the soil is frozen or soil temperatures are below 40 to 45 F. Once temperatures get into the 50s a...

  • Unofficial School Board Minutes

    Robert Lucke|Feb 10, 2016

    From the January 19 meeting Edited by Robert Lucke According to unofficial minutes of the January 19 School Board meeting, trustees present were Kurt Strutz, Darin Genereux, Brad Weaver, and Brandon Gasvoda. Absent was Diana LaBuda. Staff present was Superintendent Moore, Clerk Engle and Elementary Lead Teacher Heather Wolery. Visitors present were Traci Rodewald, Rhonda Works, Miranda Schwenke, Charlie Sipler, Brianna Bernhardt, Teal Pool, Lianna Heimbigner, Laura Cline, Whitney Peterson, Diana Keane, Larry Brumwell, Sheri Moore, Christine...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Feb 10, 2016

    Would anyone reading this give their kids a plate full of gravel when they ask for a sandwich? Or would anyone give their kids a live rattlesnake when they ask for lunch? “Of course not!” is the obvious answer. Jesus used these questions as an illustration as to why we can trust God to answer our prayers and requests for help. If God is better than us, then we can probably trust Him to take care of His children, meaning us. This is a paraphrase of Christ’s words, and I’m being a little simple in my treatment of the teaching because I’m going to...

  • Getting By

    Janell Barber|Feb 10, 2016

    The fastest growing segment of the population in the United States are older adults. This group is uniquely vulnerable to financial scams. Con artists find them as attractive prey because older adults are thought to have a “nest egg,” have excellent credit, won’t say “no” because they were raised to be polite and trusting, are less likely to report the fraud for fear of appearing to have a weakened mental capacity because they were taken advantage or they do not know how to report it. Older adults need to be aware and prepared to protect themse...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Feb 10, 2016

    On the front page of “The Mountaineer” there is a story about overlooked Montana towns. I think I know one that is so overlooked it is not even thought about by those who are picking the overlooked towns. I love Zortman. The Little Rocky town is a straight shot back to the time when outlaws and the Kid Curry Gang roamed the mountains and fortunes were being made in gold by Pop Whitcomb and Ben Phillips. Zortman is at the bottom of the Ruby Gulch and is a tiny town surrounded by high limestone cliffs that are filled with fossils and Lodgepole fo...

  • Tickle Your Funny Bone

    Feb 10, 2016

    Ole and Lena were marred for 40 years. When they first got married, Ole said, “I am putting a box under da bed. You must promise never ta look in it.” In all their 40 years of marriage, Lena never looked in the box. However on the afternoon of their 40th anniversary curiosity got the best of her and she lifted the lid and peeked inside. In the box were three empty beer cans and two thousand dollars in cash. Now that she knew what was in the box, she was doubly curious as to why. That evening they were out for a special dinner. After dinner Len...


    Robert Lucke|Feb 10, 2016

    Imagine my surprised when Vicki picked a book this week that has been in my Montana library for going on 60 or so years. It is “WINTER WHEAT” by Mildred Walker. If you have read it before, read it again. Especially read it if you are in agriculture, raise wheat or want to know what a woman’s role in agriculture can be. For this Bison Books edition, James Welch, the acclaimed author of “Winter in the Blood” and other novels introduces Mildred Walker’s vivid heroine, Ellen Webb, who lives in the dry land wheat country of Montana during the...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Feb 10, 2016

    Q: We usually go to church every week, but our neighbor seems to be involved in church activities all the time. Does God look down on us because we also enjoy doing other things? A: No, God doesn’t look down on you just because you enjoy activities that aren’t directly related to your church (as long as they’re honorable). Remember: Jesus was attending a wedding celebration when He performed His first miracle (see John 2:1-12). At the same time, I can’t help but wonder what place God actually has in your lives. Do you see Him as someone you thi...

  • School Board Elections

    Feb 10, 2016

    The annual school election will be held May 3, 2016, from noon until 8:00 p.m. Two trustees with three year terms are expiring this year: Kurtis Strutz and Brad Weaver. Anyone wishing to file for a 3-year term for election to the Big Sandy Public School Board of Trustees must do so by March 24, 2016. Petitions may be requested by contacting District Clerk Maryetta Engle at the high school. Write in candidates must file a declaration of intent by March 31, 2016. Absentee ballots will be available by Wednesday April 13, 2016. Absentee ballots...

  • Pioneers season winds down this weekend, District 9C begins next Wednesday

    Kody Farmer|Feb 10, 2016

    The Big Sandy Pioneer girls and boys basketball teams failed to pick up a win this past weekend as both teams fell to the Chester-Joplin-Inverness Friday at home and Saturday in Box Elder to the Bears. The Hawks defeated the girls by a score of 57-23. The Bears topped Big Sandy by a 81-11 margin. The boys fell Friday to Chester J-I by a 64-20 margin. Saturday the Bears were 92-27 winners over the Pioneers. The teams will travel north to Turner for games with the Tornadoes Friday night and play...

  • Big Sandy's Solf headed to State one last time

    Kody Farmer|Feb 10, 2016

    The Fort Benton/ Big Sandy wrestling co-op participated in the Northern B/C Divisional wrestling tournament his past weekend in Chinook. Five wrestlers qualified for the state tournament this weekend held in Billings. Connor DeBruycker had his best tournament of the year by winning all his matches and became the 145 pounds champion. Joining him at state is Logan Taylor, who placed fourth at 152 pounds, Josh Solf of Big Sandy, he placed 4th at 160 pounds, Matt Blansett, placed fourth at 205...

  • Pioneer News

    Robert Lucke|Feb 10, 2016

    Friday, February 12 elementary ski trip to Showdown State wrestling in Billings Basketball at Turner Saturday, February 13 Final basketball home game for the regular season vs. North Star. No JV games. Varsity girls play at 3pm and Varsity boys play at 4:30pm. Parents are reminded this is Parent’s Night! Wednesday, February 17 District 9C basketball tournament at Havre High School Breakfast and lunch menus for the coming week are as follows: Wednesday, February 10 breakfast is breakfast burritos, assorted cereal, fresh fruit, juice and milk. L...

  • Cattle Women & Stock Growers Scholarship

    Feb 10, 2016

    A scholarship is again offered by the North Central Montana Cattle Women and the North Central Montana Stock Growers. This annual scholarship is available to high school seniors and college students completing their sophomore year. Interest from a memorial fund honoring the memory of deceased members is contributed to by the Cattle Women. Stock Growers supplies their portion of the scholarship through fundraising efforts and interest from money left from the Livestock Protective Association, a forerunner to the present Stock Grower...

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