Articles from the February 13, 2019 edition

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  • A Valentine for all of Big Sandy

    Zoe Merrill|Feb 13, 2019

    Valentine's Day is celebrated every year on February 14. It has cultural, religious and commercial ramifications. It is a holiday about romance and romantic love all around the world. However, it is not a public holiday in any country. I was surprised the total expenditures in 2017 topping $18.2 billion, which is over $136 per person. The saint that Valentine's Day is named for was put in prison for performing weddings for soldiers, which were not allowed to marry. He also ministered to...

  • Celebrating Presidents Day, and learning something about it

    Zoe Merrill|Feb 13, 2019

    "Which President would you like to sit down with over lunch and have a conversation?" This article is about the first eight presidents mentioned in celebration of Presidents Day. The presidents mentioned here are: President Lincoln, President George Washington, President Theodore Roosevelt, President Jimmy Carter, President Bill Clinton, President George HW Bush, President George Bush, and President Barack Obama. The largest response was for President Lincoln the 16th president of the United...

  • The Reichelt's take a bucket list trip to Machu Picchu, Peru

    Zoe Merrill|Feb 13, 2019

    Mark and Connie Reichelt, daughters Madison and Sophie all travelled to Machu Picchu, Peru. The photos of the area are incredibly beautiful. However, the history of the area is also one of the reasons it has been chosen as one of the seven wonders of the world. Often referred to as "the Lost City of the Andes". Machu Picchu is located only 50 miles from the Inca capital in Cusco. It was abandoned by the Inca's because they believed the Spanish conquistadors were coming, but the Spanish never...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Feb 13, 2019

    Night Feeding or Daytime Calving Information for this article was taken from the February issue of the Cow Sense Chronicle written by Rachel Endecott, MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist. We’ve all experienced that middle-of-the-night calving incident that sure would have been easier to manage if it had happened in the daylight. Some ranchers use an evening feeding strategy to shift more cows to calve during the day. A case study comparing two sets of calving data with different feeding times illustrates this phenomenon well (Jaeger, et al. 2...

  • Senior Center News

    Leslie Gregory|Feb 13, 2019

    The Senior Center will now be OPEN every Friday. Thursday, February 14 $10.00 Valentine’s Dinner Drummies, Chicken Chow Mein, Egg Rolls, Chinese Coleslaw, and Strawberry Shortcake. Friday, February 15- Vegetable Soup, Cold Ham Sandwiches, Red Velvet Cookies. Monday February 18- Spaghetti, Green Beans, Cookie Salad, and Garlic Toast. Tuesday, February 19 - Fish Burgers, Coleslaw, and Pie. Wednesday, February 20 - Baked Chicken, Stewed Tomatoes, Bean Salad, and 7- Up Cake. Recipe of the Week: Valentine’s Day Strawberry Muffins Ingredients: 1 tab...

  • Pioneer boys No. 4 seed heading into District 9C Tournament, girls are No. 8

    Kody Farmer|Feb 13, 2019

    The regular season is in the books and the teams are locked into their positions heading into the District 9C Tournament. The Big Sandy Pioneer boys finished the season with a big win at home Friday night over the Turner Tornadoes, 70-60 and fell unexpectedly Saturday afternoon to the Chester/Joplin-Inverness Hawks 56-43. The girls were defeated Friday by a score of 62-24 and then held a lead for much of the contest against the Hawks Saturday afternoon before having it slip away late in a 28-26...

  • Getting By

    Janell Barber|Feb 13, 2019

    One of the traits I admire about people are those who can make other people laugh. Some of the most memorable times I recall have been with people who have made me laugh. With the many things we are responsible for and worry about on a daily basis, laughter is a great stress buster. Laughter has short-term and long-term benefits. Mentally, laughter lightens your load and it also has a positive impact physically. Laughter increases your intake of oxygen, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles and increases the endorphins released by your...

  • I Love My Library Party and Imagination Library Sign Up

    Zoe Merrill|Feb 13, 2019

    The Big Sandy Library is celebrating its 2nd year in the new building! The event, “I love My Library”, is aptly named. Friends of the Library are currently raffling off a beautiful quilt, and the winner will be chosen on February 14th after the festivities. You don’t need to be present to win. But they would like everyone to stop in and have fun at the party. There will be opportunities to make Valentine Day cards. Only the supplies will be available and you will be responsible for creating your own. Children are welcome but parents would...

  • MSU Pesticide Education Program to offer regional pesticide trainings across Montana

    Feb 13, 2019

    BOZEMAN – The Montana State University Pesticide Education Program will be coordinating five regional pesticide training events across Montana in April. These seven-hour trainings are designed for individuals who want to learn more about pesticides and/or qualify for a Montana private applicator license. A private applicator license enables pesticide applicators to purchase and use restricted use pesticide products to manage pests on land they own, rent or lease. The registration fee is $30 and will cover training materials, speaker costs and a...

  • Montana Legislation information

    Feb 13, 2019

    HB 300--Would create a 2.5% sale tax on most transactions, including internet sales, but exclude SNAP-eligible food and medicine. It would cut three different types of property tax and the raise would go to “infrastructure, health, safety and welfare.” Senate Bill: 206 which would require Country-of-Origin Labeling placarding for beef and pork at Montana retail stores. SB 176: To develop a state hemp certification program plan. SB 178: Exempting hemp processing equipment from property taxation. This bill was heard in the taxation com...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Feb 13, 2019

    Mark Twain once said: “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” The reason being that no-one wants to eat a frog. Putting off eating it until later in the day may seem tempting, but it will give you opportunity to put it off again and again until you don’t do it altogether. This is essentially the heart of all procrastination. We look at a task that we don’t want to do and come up with reasons to avoid it or we just don’t thin...