Articles from the May 4, 2016 edition

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  • Part Time Help needed now!

    Robert Lucke|May 4, 2016

    One thing is for sure if you talk to perspective employers in Big Sandy, they need more help than they can get their hands on. Take Lorrie Merrill at Big Sandy Activities. She is not shy in sharing her business needs. “There is a huge need here for people to go to work,” commented Merrill. “At Big Sandy Activities I just hired three new employees but I still need two more. I could use as many as eight part time employees.” Merrill said that she can work a schedule most any way a perspective employee wants it so the employee gets the hours t...

  • Trustees to Appoint New Board Member

    Brad Moore|May 4, 2016

    The Big Sandy School Board of Trustees will be looking to appoint a new trustee at the upcoming May 17 board meeting. Since there were more positions up for election than people that filed for those positions the May 3, 2016 election was cancelled. In accordance to Montana law the trustees have 60 days to appoint a new trustee. The goal of the trustees is to be able to appoint the new trustee at the May 17th board meeting where the new board members are sworn in and the Chairperson and Vice-Chair are elected by the board. There are a few...

  • Sherri Heppner, A Mother's Day Mother

    Robert Lucke|May 4, 2016

    Each year "The Mountaineer" gathers a committee together and chooses a Mother's Day Mother to honor. This year it was not even a contest. Sherri Heppner won hands down. Read on to find out why. Sherri and David Heppner have two sons, Calenn and Casten. Calenn is married to Laura. They have four children, Layten, Levi, Lucy and Landry. Casten is married to Katie. Their children are Bailey, Natalie, Cassie, Paezlee and Austin. That should add up to nine grandchildren and that is what is best about...

  • The Blacksmith: Skaalure Family moves to Big Sandy

    Robert Lucke|May 4, 2016

    Loren Jenkins has given "the Mountaineer" a sheaf of stories written about old timers as a school project many years ago. This week, we feature The Blacksmith by Kevin Skaalure. A few horses, a cow, blacksmith's tools, household goods and furniture filled the "Immigrant Car" from Burton, Wisconsin to Big Sandy, Montana. In the midst of the animals in the shadows of the boxcar, at checkpoints, but keeping Archie company the rest of the way, was a stowaway named Charles Beck. (Later he was to...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|May 4, 2016

    Lawn Management and Drip Irrigation Information The MSU Extension Master Gardener program provides research based information for gardeners. Below are a few notes taken from the turf management portion of the program. • Rough bluegrass is probably the best grass in Montana for shady areas. • Kentucky bluegrass is the best grass for open sunny areas with well-drained soil. • Annual ryegrass can be used as a cover crop following vegetable production. • The standard lawn mix is 60% Kentucky bluegrass, 30% creeping red fescue and 10% annual ryegras...

  • How to Make Mother's Day More Meaningful this Year

    State Point|May 4, 2016

    Gifts and flowers are a nice way to show mom you care on Mother’s Day. But this year, consider adding deeper meaning to the holiday (which falls on May 8) with these ideas: Volunteer Together After breakfast in bed is wrapped up, spend the day working side-by-side with your mom on a local volunteer project. Whether you take advantage of the spring weather and participate in a park clean-up, or you serve lunch at a local soup kitchen, you and your mom will enjoy quality time together, while also feeling good about helping the community. Gifts t...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|May 4, 2016

    Q: I think it’s arrogant for people to say they know they’re going to go to heaven when they die. How do they know? I’m just as good as some of them are, even if I’m not very religious. A: The greatest mistake anyone can ever make is to assume that they are good enough to go to Heaven. And yet countless people make this mistake every day, thinking their good deeds will somehow outweigh their bad deeds and make them eligible for Heaven. Why do I say this is a mistake? The reason, the Bible says, is because God’s standard is nothing less than per...

  • Getting By

    Janell Barber|May 4, 2016

    Because private wells are not monitored for drinking water quality standards like municipal water sources are, you might want to consider testing your private well water supply. Even if you do have good water quality, routine testing is a good idea to establish a water quality record. If a contaminant problem suddenly appears, it is easier to correlate what the cause is. This is where the Montana Well Educated Program comes in. A kit is available at the Chouteau County Extension Office located at 1308 Franklin St in Fort Benton or by calling 40...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|May 4, 2016

    About the only thing I learn when cooking is that I can make a dish better than the one I just made. For instance I have been making Shrimp Creole for forty years at least. Recently I learned how to make it much better than I had made it before. First, I had always made it to go with rice. I learned I like it much better if it is made to go with wide noodles and there is a meat market in the vicinity that carries very wide and long noodles. If you cannot find wide noodles and want to make your pasta dish with them, just cook up a batch of...

  • Continued from last weeks Farmers Union study on Climate Change

    May 4, 2016

    Clearly the grain and cattle sectors of the Montana economy are of significant importance. Climate change that threatens these sectors, poses a serious threat to the overall Montana economy. 3. The Estimated Economic Losses to Agriculture Associated with Climate Change in Montana Both climate change and its agricultural and economic impacts are difficult to calculate. Projections require professional judgement based on the best evidence available. In public policy discussions aimed at reducing human releases of greenhouse gases (GHG) there...

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