Articles from the December 14, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 15 of 15

  • Thank you Vicki Silvan!

    Robert Lucke|Dec 14, 2016

    In another section of this week’s “Mountaineer” Vicki Sylvan has a thank you to the community for all the good things they have done for her while she has been the Big Sandy Library. Somehow, that is not the way it should go. It is us of her community that should be thanking her for all the good she has done in letting people know what books are in the library, which are good, which are bad and which are downright ugly and at all times recommending very good books of all types to a book hungry public. It was about the time that Vicki took...

  • Invasive mussel larvae in Lake Elwell

    Fish Wildlife and Parks and Robert Lucke|Dec 14, 2016

    From a November press release written by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks biologists, there is an invasive mussel larvae in some lakes and rivers in Montana. It is with sort of a jaundiced eye that one looks at that press release because even the name of the body of water is wrong. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks calls it Tiber Reservoir but most everyone on the High-Line knows it to be Lake Elwell. Judge Elwell is probably turning over in his grave that his name is not used on his beautiful...

  • Christmas cooks make nice for Santa

    Leslie Gregory and Robert Lucke|Dec 14, 2016

    When Leslie Gregory suggested that we do a story about Christmas cookies, I cringed. I cannot bake. No exactness about what I cook. But that is exactly what Leslie can do is stick to the directions and come out with some great cookies. And, yet I knew there is a world of cookies out there to explore, to sample and to bake and that is not to mention the wonderful Christmas candy that seems to float around the community this time of year. So you will not only hear about Christmas cookies but some...

  • Gingerbread Men the most Scary treat of them all

    Dec 14, 2016

    One of the most intriguing of all Christmas cookies are the sort of scary gingerbread men and women. When I went to school at Devlin school in Havre, someone always made gingerbread men and we hung them on our school tree. I was always taught by my friends to always eat the head off the gingerbread man first so it would not eat you! Many people make gingerbread men for Easter, Christmas, Halloween and for birthdays too. How about a look back to how this good tasting but sort of unpleasant...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Dec 14, 2016

    Master Gardener Level 1 Class in Fort Benton (Pre-Registration Begins Today) MSU Extension level 1 Master Gardener classes will take place in Fort Benton in February pending pre-registration numbers. Now is your chance to participate in an excellent educational opportunity. If fifteen people pre-register, we will have the class, which traditionally begins the third week in February. Please contact the MSU Chouteau County Extension office at 622-3751 to pre-register. The Level 1 Master Gardener course requires 16 hours of class time, and is...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert C. Lucke|Dec 14, 2016

    The neatest scene I ever saw regarding Christmas Trees in the Bear Paw Mountains would have meant little or nothing if I hadn’t been an English teacher and loved to teach Macbeth. During those days a friend or two and I would go up to the tops of mountains and cut down several trees that would barely fit into our living rooms. But they were so beautiful and after all, I always had the huge Christmas trees of Francis and Laened Black as patterns. If they could have a Griswold Christmas tree, why couldn’t I? What we always wanted was the top twe...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Dec 14, 2016

    The philosopher Soren Kierkegaard wrote a parable about a king, who was very wealthy and powerful. He was so wealthy and influential that other kings came from all around to kneel before him. Everything he saw was his and there was nothing he could not have. That is, until one day, this king sees a peasant woman working just outside of the castle. He is struck by her beauty and grace. He begins to make up excuses to watch her. The more he watches, the more in love he becomes. He decides that he must have this woman as his wife, so he chooses...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Dec 14, 2016

    Q: We want to make this a better Christmas, so we’ve decided to read some Bible passages together about Christmas. Where can we find them? A: I’m thankful you want to do this; could anything be more important than turning our hearts and minds toward Jesus, whose birth we celebrate at Christmas? Let me simply repeat some suggestions I’ve made before. Centuries before Jesus’ birth, God promised that He would send His Savior into the world. This week, therefore, I suggest you concentrate on prophecies from the Old Testament. You might begin w...

  • Christmas Stroll Library Raffle Winners

    Marla Ray|Dec 14, 2016

    The Big Sandy Christmas Stroll once again brought out the faithful shoppers who are looking to buy or win the unique, homemade gifts. The fundraising committee for the new library was pleased to have 8 baskets of various goodies donated for our raffle, plus a beautiful, queen-sized block quilt made by Judy (Bissell) Hawkins (Class of ’66) who now lives in Ohio. Wendy Kleinsasser was the lucky winner of this lovely quilt. The other raffle winners were as follows: Andrea Schlinger- Mr. & Mrs. Dafty Bunny, donated by Allison Taylor, Demra B...

  • 'Tis the Season to Save

    State Point|Dec 14, 2016

    It’s easy to get the entire house ready for the holiday this season and celebrate one of the most wonderful times of the year without spending a fortune. From simple decorating ideas to affordable party planning inspiration, getting into the holiday spirit has never been so easy with these tips from the discount experts at Dollar General. Holiday Decorating Decorate in style, but affordably, by purchasing inexpensive holiday table runners, ornaments and holiday pillows. Local Dollar General stores have these items, as well as ornaments a...


    Dec 14, 2016

    3-7-16 The Pinochle Tournament held Sunday, December 4th had just twelve players enjoying an afternoon of fun. Three more came down for a while and played a round or two each – thank you Shawn! 1st went to Maggie Cline with her 6070 earning her $20; 2nd went to Nora Grubb with 5940 earning her $15; 3rd Jessica Sietsema won $10 for her 6920; 4th Shawn Webster got $5 for his 5610; and 5th Charlene Moravec with 5440 for $5. Last place honors went to Martha Pleninger for which she got her $5 entry fee back. High round score for the afternoon w...

  • Pioneers tipped-off at the Pre-Season Tournament in Chester

    Kody Farmer|Dec 14, 2016

    Basketball season is in full swing as the Big Sandy Pioneer boys and girls teams began play this weekend at the Chester Tip Off Tournament. The girls played very well over the weekend earning a split following a tough loss Thursday morning to the Power Pirates 30-27. Saturday the girls bounced back with a hard fought 28-24 win over the Valier Panthers to begin the season 1-1 Sophomore Jaylyn Cline led the effort against Power scoring a team high 14 points in the contest. Junior Cally Demontiney...

  • Emergency restrictions approved in effort to contain invasive mussel spread

    Press Release|Dec 14, 2016

    HELENA, Mont. – The Montana Mussel Response team today announced immediate temporary emergency restrictions on the launch or removal of all boats, docks, and other structures for Tiber and Canyon Ferry reservoirs. Matt Wolcott, Incident Commander for the State’s Mussel Incident Response Team, said the restrictions are necessary to prevent the potential spread of invasive aquatic mussels from the two reservoirs to other uncontaminated water bodies in Montana and elsewhere. The restrictions were approved this afternoon by the directors of the Mon...

  • Public health reporting increase in norovirus outbreaks

    Dec 14, 2016

    The Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) announced today that in the last three months there have been 12 norovirus outbreaks in Montana that have sickened more than 250 people. This is three times the number of outbreaks usually reported during this time of year. Norovirus, a very contagious virus that can affect anyone, is the most common cause of gastroenteritis in Montana and the US. Outbreaks have occurred in the counties of Cascade, Flathead, Rosebud, Sanders, Valley and Yellowstone. “Most of these outbreaks occurred i...

  • Radio and Television

    Robert Lucke|Dec 14, 2016

    I have written a lot about when I was a small boy in Havre, Montana. It was the late 1940’s and early 1950’s and children in my neighborhood of Second Avenue played outside winter and summer. Not only that but we walked everywhere. We walked to school and back home again. We walked to the movies on Saturday night or to the Havre High Gym to go to a basketball game. Not only were my friends and I walkers, but the streets were full of kids walking home from many events that had happened around the town. I remember there were four basketball pla...

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