Articles from the March 2, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 21 of 21

  • Paula Reynolds will be missed all along the entire Hi-Line

    Kody Farmer|Mar 2, 2016

    Paula Reynolds, a friend, co-worker and a great ‘Ad Lady’ lost her life suddenly due to a heart attack Wednesday, February 26. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her. If you were a business on the Hi-Line from Malta to Fort Benton and your phone rang with Paula’s unique voice on the other end, you knew immediately what she wanted. Paula didn’t mess around, she might ask you how your day was going but in the end she did her job and did it very well. Hearing a customer say ‘No’ didn’t bother her, she thanked them for taking her call and m...

  • Super projects from super students

    Robert Lucke|Mar 2, 2016

    Look at Big Sandy high school science teacher Melanie Schwarzbach and the chances are you will see a big smile on her face these days. She is getting seven high school scientists ready for two spring Science Fairs. One is in Havre on March 9; the other is in Missoula on March 20 to 22. Schwarzbach thinks she has a whole host of winners in this spring's entries. Here are the high school scientists and what they are working on. Hold on to your hats. Many of these projects border on the...

  • Struggling students addressed

    James Anacker|Mar 2, 2016

    During the 2015 legislative session, lawmakers in Helena passed the “Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training Act.” Having schools full of professionals who are trained in what to do in case of an emergency in these regards was the intention of the legislation. The Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI) is the agency designated from the law to provide access to training for school employees. Helping students who are struggling with these issues is a serious concern across Montana and America. This October the Big Sandy School Board began t...

  • Rotary Banquet Prizes, something for everyone plus new twists

    Jodi Thornton|Mar 2, 2016

    The time to get a Rotary Banquet ticket is slipping away with the banquet scheduled for Saturday March 12, There are still tickets available for anyone who would like to get a ticket. The tickets for the 32nd annual banquet benefit are still $100.00 thanks to the generosity of the local and surrounding area business community. Those sponsorships provide funding for the 10 final prizes awarded at the end of the banquet. First prize is $3,000 cash. This year Valley Furniture is continuing the generosity of the Serv–Ur-Self Furniture Store with t...

  • What was your favorite? Top Ten 2016 Super Bowl Commercials

    Robert Lucke|Mar 2, 2016

    Many people have said that Super Bowl Fifty was a fizzle from the teams playing, the actions of Panthers quarterback Cam Newton, the Half Time Show and even the Super Bowl Commercials were mostly duds this year. In fact, only if you are a fan of the Denver Broncos did you have much to crow about in terms of this Super Bowl. In a word, it was anything but Super! However, there were commercials and they were rated as to the top ten in terms of television enjoyment. Here are the top ten commercials for 2016. Don’t feel bad if you don’t rem...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Mar 2, 2016

    Estate Planning Seminar in Fort Benton Save the date: Monday, March 14, 2016 from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension Family Economics Specialist, will be in Fort Benton to present a seminar on estate planning topics. Transferring agriculture operations to the next generation will be included. More details to follow. Notes from Master Gardener (Level 2) Class The Master Gardener class (Level 2) began in Fort Benton on February 18 in Fort Benton. Eight Chouteau County Gardeners learned about binomial nomenclature, soils, n...

  • Kralich wins Geography Bee

    Mar 2, 2016

    GREAT FALLS, MT – Fourth through eighth grade students at Foothills Community Christian School participated in the National Geographic Bee this morning. 20 students competed against one another answering geography questions for over 2 hours to determine a winner. The fierce battle involved several tie breakers to determine who would advance through each round. 4th grade student Hallie Kralich answered her way to victory followed closely by 8th grade student Jacob Lehmann. 6th grade student S...

  • March is National Nutrition Month: Develop Better Eating Habits

    Mar 2, 2016

    (StatePoint) Have your healthy New Year’s habits already begun to fade? Recharge your resolutions in March during National Nutrition Month and remember the importance of developing and following sound eating habits. The 2016 National Nutrition Month theme, “Savor the Flavor of Eating Right,” encourages you to take time to enjoy food traditions and appreciate the pleasures, great flavors and social experiences that food can add to life. “Food nourishes the body and provides necessary fuel to help you thrive and fight disease,” says registere...

  • Getting By

    Janell Barber|Mar 2, 2016

    The theme for National Nutrition Month® (March 2016) is “Savor the Flavor of Eating Right” which encourages everyone to take time to enjoy food traditions and appreciate the pleasures, great flavors and social experiences food can add to our lives. It is just as important to develop mindful eating patterns that include the how, when, where and why in addition to what we eat. The following are some budget-friendly tips for healthy eating: * As mentioned in a previous article of this column, planning your snacks and meals a week or two week...


    Robert Lucke|Mar 2, 2016

    This week Vicki picked a new novel by famed novelist Danielle Steel. Called “BLUE”, it is the story of dark secrets revealed, second chances and the power of love and courage to overcome life’s greatest challenges. Ginny Carter was once a rising star in TV news, married to a top anchorman with a three year old son and a full and happy life in Beverley Hills. That is until her whole world dissolved in a single instant on the freeway two days before Christmas. In the aftermath, she pieces her life back together and tries to find meaning in her e...

  • Senior Center News

    Robert Lucke|Mar 2, 2016

    March birthdays include Pastor Jeff Stoppes, Marla Ray, Beau Pegar, Shirley Kulbeck, Del Starr Simon, Paul Marino, Edna Bitz, Lorraine Skaalure and Midge Edwards. A sashay around the ball room floor while Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadians play Moonlight in Vermont for Angus and Ruth Merrill, Bob and Ann Quinn, Paul and Kandi Marino and Dale and Carrie Cline. March events include Rotary Banquet on March 12, Daylight savings time starts on March 13; blood pressure day on March 14 and a Board Meeting on March 15. St. Patrick’s Day dinner is n...

  • Paula Josephine Reynolds

    Mar 2, 2016

    Paula Josephine Reynolds (aka Paula Anderson and Paula Carmean) 61, of Havre passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday February 24, 2016 in Havre. A celebration of her life will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday March 3, 2016 at First Lutheran Church in Havre with Pastor Tanner Howard officiating. Graveside services will be held at 2:30 p.m. at Highland Cemetery. Paula's family has requested that memorials be made to the Victoria Reynolds College Fund, in care of Independence Bank in Havre. Holland...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Mar 2, 2016

    In Paul’s two letters to the church in Corinth, there is a scandalous event that is addressed. 1 Corinthians is basically a letter that addresses a laundry list of questions from the church, probably asked in a letter he had received from the church. One question concerns a man who had become romantically involved with his father’s wife, his own step-mother. The church had already talked to the guy about his behavior and he was uninterested in changing. Paul’s direction for the church is pretty straightforward: show the guy the door. Don’t...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Mar 2, 2016

    I told readers that to get rid of the mid winter blues, I had been cooking recipes all of February that Laened Black had given me years ago. Funny thing about the recipe here, I don’t remember ever eating these beans at her house or at her beautiful Clear Creek cabin. I cooked the beans for Super Bowl and can tell you they are as good a baked bean that I have ever cooked. The recipe serves 25 and is almost impossible to cut down. But the beans freeze well. If you love baked beans, you are going to love these. Turn oven to 350. Have a roaster f...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Mar 2, 2016

    Q: I don’t believe in forgiving people who have hurt us. If anything, we ought to pray that God will punish them for what they’ve done. Forgiving someone who’s hurt you doesn’t do any good, in my opinion. A: Let me ask you a question: Does refusing to forgive someone who has hurt you do any good? Absolutely not—and in fact, almost nothing has a greater potential for evil. Look at it this way. Suppose someone hurts you, and you refuse to forgive them. What happens inside of you—in your mind and heart? The answer is simple: Anger and bitterness g...

  • County Spelling Bee Winners!

    Mar 2, 2016

    The annual County Spelling Bee was held in Fort Benton. F.E. Miley Elementary students did an outstanding job representing Big Sandy. Participants were Hunter Moore, Jaihven Baumann, Kaya Demontiney, Loni Ophus, Wylee Snapp, Reinhard Bold, Teagen Cochran, Amy Gasvoda, Eva Wagoner, Mattie Gasvoda, Amiya Griffith and Anna Allderdice. Lane Demontiney qualified but was unable to attend due to illness. Even though the competition was tough with approximately 27 spellers in the 3rd and 4th grade...

  • Spring Tips to Attract Beautiful Birds to Your Yard

    Mar 2, 2016

    (StatePoint) When hosting neighbors and friends for spring gatherings, your thoughts may dwell on accommodating guests. But how often do you consider your animal visitors? “During spring, flocks of birds migrate and are looking for places to refuel and rest,” says Spencer Schock, Founder of WindowAlert, makers of bird-friendly products for homes. “A few small tweaks to your yard, is like placing out a welcome mat.” Unfortunately, migration is not without peril or hardship, but Schock says turning your home into a refuge for birds can be fun...

  • Pioneer News

    Robert Lucke|Mar 2, 2016

    Thursday, March 3 Middle School wrestling here at 5pm. Thursday, March 3 Cavaliers here at 3:45 for tux fittings Friday, March 4 Little Pioneer wrestling here at 5:30pm. Friday, March 4 High School Ski Trip to Showdown with the bus leaving at 6am sharp. Monday, March 7 at 11:10 the City College-----Billings representatives here to visit with interested students. Breakfast and Lunch menus for the coming week are as follows: Wednesday, March 2 breakfast is muffins, yogurt, assorted cereal, fruit, milk and juice. Lunch includes pizza, corn...

  • Tickle Your Funny Bone

    Mar 2, 2016

    Ole tried to sell his car. He was having a lot of problems selling it because the car had 250,000 miles on it. One day he told his problem to Sven who worked at the gas station. Sven told him, “Ole, der’s a vay to make da car easier to sell but it ain’t legal.” “Dat don’t matter,” replied Ole. “If only I can sell the car, dats OK.” “OK,”, said Sven. Here’s da address of a frienda mine. He owns a car repair shop. Tell him I sent you and he vill turn da counter in yer car back to 50.000 miles. Den it von’t be a problem ta sell yer car anymore....

  • Spring Cleaning: Eliminate Kitchen Counter Clutter

    Mar 2, 2016

    (StatePoint) Birds are chirping, flowers are blooming and the ever-daunting spring cleaning checklist is looming. As you take on tasks this year, make the kitchen a top priority. In addition to a little extra deep cleaning, it could be time to rethink its organization. With a few inspired solutions, counters can be freed from clutter, allowing more space for food preparation and cooking. Cast Off and Get Creative The easiest way to make room in the kitchen is to clean out excess. Go through dishes, pots, pans, appliances and utensils. Consider...

  • DPHHS officials announce first Zika virus infection in a returning traveler

    Mar 2, 2016

    State public health officials have identified the first case of Zika virus infection in Montana in an adult female from Missoula County who returned from a Zika-affected area. The infected individual is not pregnant. Zika is a disease caused by a virus that is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species of mosquito not found in Montana. Travelers returning from Zika-affected areas who have symptoms or are pregnant should consult with their health care provider. “This case serves as a reminder that anyone t...

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