Articles from the January 3, 2024 edition

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  • New Year Goals: Get in Shape

    Zoe Merrill|Jan 3, 2024

    Both the Big Sandy High School and Lift can help you achieve the goal of getting healthy in 2024. "Big Sandy School District strives to make the building available to the public for community activities and to provide access to the fitness areas; however, we do need to maintain reasonable security in the building to protect the district from liability. Your access to the building is a privilege, and users must agree to follow all security guidelines set forth by the district." Users of the...

  • Big Sandy Medical Center looks forward to 2024

    Jessica Ophus|Jan 3, 2024

    7 brought a lot of progress to the goals at BSMC. The end of the calendar year will not end our production though. 2024 will bring a continued effort to get the new building completed and begin clinic operations there, final set up of the new generator, a dining room expansion, removing the carpet from the walls of the nursing home wing, continued efforts to improve the billing process, continued improvement of our nursing care, continued development of our leadership team, more community education, and so much more. The kitchen addition...

  • Big Sandy Food Bank receives genereous donation from Big Sandy Schools and First Bank

    Erik Sietsema|Jan 3, 2024

    The Big Sandy Food Bank closed out its calendar year with a generous gift from students at Big Sandy Schools and First Bank of Montana. The gift helped augment the food bank's stores in a time where inflation has made keeping the shelves stocked increasingly difficult. In addition, changes in donations for this year's food drive have expanded the products offered in the near future. For several years, the Elementary School has done a food drive to assemble Thanksgiving and Christmas food boxes...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Jan 3, 2024

    Max Ag will sponsor Golden Triangle Cropping Seminar on January 11 in Fort Benton Montana State University Extension will host its annual cropping seminar series in Fort Benton on January 11, 2024. Registration begins at the Ag Center (1205 20th Street) at 8:30 a.m. The first speaker will begin at 9:00 a.m. Speakers will cover topics such as weed resistance, crop rotations, marketing tips, and vertebrate pests. Three pesticide credits will be available for attending the event. A special thanks to Max Ag for sponsoring the lunch. (9:00-10:00)...

  • Big Sandy Community Amazingly Generous

    Ron Wiens|Jan 3, 2024

    Having worked in Big Sandy for over a year now, one thing that continually amazes me is the generosity of the people who call this town home. And by generosity, I’m not just talking about money, but of time. The members of the Rotary Club give countless hours of service to this community so we can have Christmas lights to enjoy downtown and a park in the mountains to recreate, and most recently, an ice-skating rink for kids to play. The hospital Guild volunteers somehow pull together a huge rummage sale every year. Roberta Edwards volunteers c...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jan 3, 2024

    Best restaurant in town! The SENIOR CENTER has an amazing menu! Fantastic, cooks and exciting foods that I had never heard of. They really put a lot of a love and creative work into their meals. My favorite was chicken stirfry on rice cooked just right, with a crisp Chinese mandarin almond salad. I am away from my real home in Big Timber, during fall and winter to work harvest in Big Sandy. It has been a lifesaver for me that the town of Big Sandy provides a warm, balanced meal, so I don’t have to eat a cold sandwich in a cold shop. It is nice...

  • Theresa Marie Matlosz

    Jan 3, 2024

    Theresa Marie Matlosz, 73, of Big Sandy, passed away on Friday, November 10, 2023. She was born on December 5, 1949, to Alfons and Clara (Kovach) Matlosz in Fort Richardson, Alaska. Theresa moved to Big Sandy and lived with Earl and Lenore Marx for 40 years. While there she became an active participant in Special Olympics on the bowling and basketball teams. She was also a member of the Church of God and would walk to the Big Sandy Activity Center. She loved drinking Coke in the red can.... Full story

  • Joanne Lee Gasvoda Ford

    Jan 3, 2024

    Joanne Lee Gasvoda Ford, 83, went to be with the Lord on December 20, 2023 in Victor, MT with her daughter, Kim and her faithful dog, Colby, at her side. She was born on July 22, 1940 in Havre, MT to Joseph & Earnesteen Gasvoda. She grew up on the family homestead in Big Sandy, MT until the family moved to Hamilton, MT in 1952. She graduated from the Hamilton High School in 1958. Joanne is survived by her son, Barry Platt, and daughter, Kim Otten (Mike), 2 grandchildren, Amanda & Christopher,... Full story

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Jan 3, 2024

    I have been writing columns for the Mountaineer for around 11 years. At different times, these articles have dealt with marriage, family, spirituality, depression, other mental health issues, and a plethora of other topics. Every year over New Year’s, I find myself reflecting on what to write that will help folks who are making resolutions. I’ve talked about S.M.A.R.T. goals, given tips for consistency, and other bits of advice to help readers of the Mountaineer with simple, life change advice. This year, while reflecting on the topic, I had...

  • Thoughts with Zoe

    Zoe Merrill|Jan 3, 2024

    A new year is always a time for reflection. During December, I heard the word hope many times and realized I needed to renew my hope. Life is hard, and sometimes depression tells us the future is bleak. Listening to politics never mentions how the future looks bright! I was challenged by an article I read to eavesdrop on conversations around me and see how many of them had hope in the tone of their conversation. And to be honest, that day, there was none. I hope those who read this paper realize that I am a Christian; if not, let me clarify...

  • Read More: a great way to start a new year

    Emiene|Jan 3, 2024

    Are you a reader? I am a definite wannabe reader! I absolutely love searching for books, buying books, and having a ton of books! Have I read them all? NOPE! I have good intentions of reading them, and sometimes I do, but if the book doesn’t capture me in the first three pages, I stop reading it. How about when someone says to you, "You wanna read a good book? I have a good recommendation." I immediately think, "No, I don’t want your recommendation because I’m a book snob and want to find books on my own." But I do give in, and I’m thankfu...

  • Basketball Action before Christmas

    Jan 3, 2024

    The Mountaineer didn't have room to publish the results of the last basketball games in the Christmas edition, so we present a brief rundown of the games here. Against DGSG, the Big Sandy Varsity Girls lost 61-69, and the Big Sandy Varsity Boys lost 51-56. In those games, Lane Demontiney was the top scorer for both teams with 28 points, but DGSG had every player score but one. Eyon Sherburn scored 10, and Ryder Galbavy 8. In the girl's game, Eva Yeadon had 30 points, Keira Galbavy 12, Alex...

  • Eli Dixon: an Example of True Sportsmanship

    Zoe Merrill|Jan 3, 2024

    It's the perfect article to start the New Year-a true example of doing something special for your friends. I didn't even know Levi would play basketball this year until I saw him play in the game. It was then that I looked at the Pioneer roster and saw we had another senior playing basketball. I asked him when he last played, and he said he played his Freshman year and then quit. So why has he started to play this year? Levi said, "This year, seniors weren't available." He smiled and said, "I'm...

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