Articles from the March 20, 2024 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 13 of 13

  • Vegas Casino Benefit and Banquet

    Zoe Merrill|Mar 20, 2024

    The big night was, as always, a big success. The 39th Annual Rotary Club Benefit and Banquet with a Vegas Casino theme is in the books. The big prize of the $3,000 was Dr Larry Obie from Havre, who gave it to the Big Sandy Swimming Pool fundraiser. Dylan Laslovich won the Milwaukee set; Colby and Rachel Baumgarn won the Traeger Grill; Daren and Tracy Schuster won the Vortex Binoculars; Ty and Dusty Cline won the Kitchen Aid Mixer; Robin and Cinda Pearson won the Ninja Oven; Ron Wiens won the...

  • Big Sandy Organics win a Three Million Dollar grant

    Zoe Merrill|Mar 20, 2024

    The press release said, “Big Sandy Organics, LLC in Big Sandy, Mont., received a (three-million-dollar grant) to increase processing capacity for organic grains and pulse crops by acquiring advanced equipment to enhance product quality, reduce labor-intensive processes, and reduce production costs. The project will also expand the organic market by promoting collaborative product development and diversification.” Heather wrote, “The grant will help us become so much more efficient, take on more business, and produce a better-quality produ...

  • Big Sandy Theater presented Nonsense in the North Woods a fun watch

    Zoe Merrill|Mar 20, 2024

    It was a play that will be remembered! It was a musical in Big Sandy! It was a comedy with a number of fun music parts. In my opinion, the sarcasm about politicians was front and center. The play was two and a half hours long but entertaining in every 17 scenes. The amount of work they went through had to be immense. There were 41 members of the cast and 12 members of the crew, including four directors: Amanda Hoffman, Dianna Keane, Michelle Danreuther, and Stephanie Drga. It all takes place at...

  • Did Easter Really Happen? Part 2

    Erik Sietsema|Mar 20, 2024

    Palm Sunday and Easter will be taking place the next two Sundays, prompting people all over the world to join the Christians who have been remembering/celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus. Last week, I started a series exploring the veracity of the historical claims regarding the events we are celebrating. My primary focus in that article was whether or not there was any evidence that supports the claims that Jesus rose from the dead. My article zoomed in on the many surviving eyewitness accounts and offered some context for them in...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Mar 20, 2024

    Montguide Available for Bull Buyers Kari Lewis and Wendy Becker, MSU Extension Agents from Glacier County and Fort Peck Reservation have developed a resource for the bull buying season. The MontGuide is available at the Chouteau County Extension office or online at Bull selection is one of the most important management decisions a producer can make. Bulls are assessed phenotypically (appearance), genotypically (their genetic potential), and on performance (feed efficiency, carcass ultrasound, etc.) Bulls have a...

  • Upcoming Events for Chouteau County Cancer Support Group

    Mar 20, 2024

    If you wonder how to support the County Cancer Support Group you could attend one of the following events. The Cancer Group strives to offer support to all individuals treating cancer and to their families. It seems the number of individuals in our county with a cancer diagnosis has not decreased over time. ---Saturday, March 23 the Dart Tournament sponsored by Natasha Cook at the Palace Bar gives their proceeds to our Cancer Group. This is a wonderful fund raiser for us. You could stop by to purchase a raffle ticket or bid on a gift basket if...

  • Big Sandy Methodist Church to host Movie Club

    Mar 20, 2024

    Big Sandy Methodist would like to invite everyone to come to a movie club at the church. We have a large screen TV, on which we wish to show movies we believe people can enjoy together and then discuss afterwards. In fact, kind of a book club with no books! The first series to be offered is " The Chosen". This is a captivating drama about the life of Jesus Christ. Some have commented it can be watched at home. However, we feel your viewing and participation of such a film is made more valuable when viewing with others. This gives you a chance...

  • Homecoming 2025 Update

    Mar 20, 2024

    The Homecoming Committee has lost contact with the following people; let us know if you can help us out at: email – • Facebook, Big Sandy Homecoming page – private message with any personal information • Homecoming Committee, Box 437, Big Sandy, MT 59520 • Also, update your information if your name, address or email has changed in the last five years. 1946 - Ann Jean Cloonan, Bernice Tingley 1947 - Dorothy Trepina, Francis Littlefield 1948 - Lillian Johnson 1954 - Mary Ellen Marty 1955 - Peter Madison, Daniel Ri...

  • Gardening 101: Advice From A Novice Gardener

    Stephanie Drga|Mar 20, 2024

    Gardening season is upon us. For some it is a way to cut down on the grocery bill, for other it is a way to test their survival skills, others it is just who they are (those people can be spotted by looking at their nails for a dirt manicure for half the year). I do not think that I am qualified for even a novice gardener class at this stage in my life, but here is what I have learned so far from my feeble attempts at a vegetable garden the last 6 years. Good gardens begin with good soil. We like to compost at our house. We keep a 5 gallon...

  • Big Sandy Medical Foundation and Albert & Mary Bold SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINES MARCH 31

    Mar 20, 2024

    Big Sandy Medical Services Foundation would like to remind BSHS seniors, BSHS graduates attending college, and/or BSMC employees who are pursuing a medical career that the deadline for these scholarship applications is March 31, 2024 for the 2024-2025 college year. Applications may be picked up either at the high school by contacting Mrs. Dianna Keane or by writing: Big Sandy Medical Services Foundation, PO Box 530, Big Sandy MT 59520. You may also call 378-2163 and ask Nora Grubb, Secretary. BSMC employees may request an application from...

  • Big Sandy Education Foundation Scholarship Opportunity for Current College Students

    Mar 20, 2024

    The Big Sandy Education Foundation is offering scholarships to current college students. To be eligible for consideration for these scholarships, interested students can send a letter of interest to the Education Foundation. Please provide information about your current college and career plans and goals along with any other pertinent information to:

  • We need to know more about NFHS

    Zoe Merrill|Mar 20, 2024

    We know very little about the NFHS (National Federation of State High School Associations). What most people have heard about it is the NFHS Network, where they live stream events at high schools (and at the junior high level, too). The NFHS owns the NFHS Network, but first, we are going to do a little background history on who and what the NFHS is. I am hoping to turn this into a three-part series over the next few weeks. This part of the series will be about how it got started and the multiple different facets that come with NFHS. Several...

  • Let's talk. Let's Walk

    Zoe Merrill|Mar 20, 2024

    I know I should walk and am inspired by those who do. I just had a physical, and she assured me I was healthy enough to walk. I thought doing my research and revising the value of walking would help me become motivated. I hope it will help motivate you. Let’s face it: walking has numerous health benefits for people of every age. It can help with current health concerns and prevent others. It’s easy to do, and the weather is cooperating. 1. We all know walking burns calories, and many need to lose weight to get healthier. 2. Walking 30 minutes d...

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