Articles from the April 4, 2018 edition

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  • Spring It's Here, or is it?

    Zoe Merrill|Apr 4, 2018

    It's here! Spring, the season we've wanted for weeks every time we were digging ourselves out of icy snow drifts. The country roads still have drifts of snow along the sides and the gravel doesn't appear to be there at all as we fight through, but as the mud flies to the top of the pickup, covering the license plates so you can't even read it, and muddy water covering the windows so bad a highway patrol will stop and ticket you, we know it is Spring. It was exciting when it rained because it was...

  • There is Easter and then there is EASTER

    Zoe Merrill|Apr 4, 2018

    The wind chill factor was zero and it was snowing out so the Easter Bunny asked Rotary if they would please move their annual Easter Egg Hunt indoors this year. She wanted to visit with the kids and felt it was too cold outside for the little ones. So, the annual Easter Egg Hunt was held inside city hall at 11:00 with Bob Nelson giving the count down. The fire alarm from a fire truck which usually triggers the start of the hunt, was missing so the entire community members started making the...

  • Swim Team 2018 begins with the annual BBQ fundraiser

    Zoe Merrill|Apr 4, 2018

    The 2018 Big Sandy Barracudas, the Big Sandy Swim Team, held its registration March 29th and during the Rotary Easter Egg Hunt they held their 2nd annual Barbecue dinner. The excitement of the year has already bubbled to the top of their conversations. For seven years Travis Baumann has been the head coach of the Big Sandy Swim Team the Barracudas. The first year there was 13 kids on the team. On this Thursday 36 signed up to be on the 2018 team. Travis believes there will be at least 40 by the...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Apr 4, 2018

    Gardening Questions and Answers per Master Gardener Class • Will removing half the vegetable plant leaves when transplanting reduce transpiration and wilting? According to Illinois Extension, pruning transplants to reduce water loss is not a recommended practice. Although pruning may reduce the extent of wilting after setting out, it will also reduce the rate of new root growth. When a plant is transplanted, food energy stored in the old, large leaves will be transported downward to promote root growth. If these leaves are removed, root g...

  • Fifth and Sixth Grade basketball fundraiser for New Uniforms

    Zoe Merrill|Apr 4, 2018

    Parents quickly decided to create a fundraiser for the 5th and 6th grade boys' and girls' basketball team. Before the fundraiser, the Big Sandy swim team held their first registration of the year at the same place. The swim team had already scheduled their event, but it was determined it would be a good night to serve a meal to many people already at the school. It was also the night that two candidates for Big Sandy School Superintendent were being interviewed. Kelly Haaland of Melstone, and...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Apr 4, 2018

    Like many others around the country, I have spent the last week complaining about the time change and the havoc it wreaks on my natural living rhythms. I tend to wake up at the same time every day, and I get tired about the same time regardless of what the clock actually says. The clock impacts my daily planning and my commitments, but it can’t change certain aspects of life. I get tired when I get tired. I get hungry when I get hungry. Reflecting on this brought to mind Solomon’s words in Ecclesiastes 3, which most folks are familiar with bec...

  • Senior Center News

    Leslie Gregory|Apr 4, 2018

    The new salad bar is ready this week. You can go check it out. Menus for the week are: Thursday, April 5- Chef Salad, Rice Crispy Treats. Friday, April 6- Oven baked chicken, Potato sald, carrots & Peas, Apple Slaw, and Oatmeal cookies. Monday, April 9- Biscuits and Gravy, scrambled eggs, and fruit. Tuesday, April 10- Sub Sandwiches and chips. Wednesday, April 11- Chicken Quesadillas, macaroni salad, and bread pudding. Slow Cooker Chicken and Dumplings • 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast h...

  • Pioneer News

    Leslie Gregory|Apr 4, 2018

    School was out for Easter break so there is no news for this week. There is school Friday April 6th. Menus for the week are: Thursday, April 5- Breakfast- Maple Bars Cheese Sticks, assorted Cereals, fresh fruit, juice and milk. Lunch- Hamburgers, mixed fruit, salad bar, buns and milk. Friday, April 6- Breakfast- Waffles, Egg patty, assorted, fresh fruit, juice and milk. Lunch- Quesadillas, corn, blueberry dessert, salad bar, buns and milk. Monday, April 9- Breakfast- French Toast, Sausage, assorted cereals, fresh fruit, juice and milk. Lunch-...

  • Big Sandy Activities will NOT plant Flower Pots around town this year

    Zoe Merrill|Apr 4, 2018

    Big Sandy Activities is still getting request for flowerpots; therefore another explanation is in order. It was a great privilege for Big Sandy Activities to serve the community by yearly planting and taking care of flowerpots around the town of Big Sandy. They do believe it helped make our community prettier, and the 99 flowerpots at the cemetery have helped make it a wonderful place. A big thank you needs to go to John Siebrasse for all the extra work he did for the community by going around all the flowerpots every summer at the cemetery....

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Apr 4, 2018

    Q: My faith today is probably about where it was 10 years ago—not much stronger, not much weaker. I know I ought to be a better Christian, but I don’t know how. What would you say to me? A: Just as children are meant to grow and become adults, so we are meant to grow and become “spiritual adults”. Only then will we be able to resist wrong and do what’s right. The Bible says, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). The key is to understand that when we come to Christ and commit our lives to Him,...

  • New @ the Jeff Reichelt Library

    Apr 4, 2018

    ALL-AMERICAN MURDER BY JAMES PATTERSON Aaron Hernandez was a college All-American who became the youngest player in the NFL and later reached the Super Bowl. His every move as a tight end with the New England Patriots played out the headlines, yet he led a secret life--one that ended in a maximum-security prison. What drove him to go so wrong, so fast? Between the summers of 2012 and 2013, not long after Hernandez made his first Pro Bowl, he was linked to a series of violent incidents culminating in the death of Odin Lloyd, a semi-pro football...

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