Articles from the April 7, 2021 edition

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  • Kulbeck was sworn in as Big Sandy's new City Council member and New Pool was discussed

    Zoe Merrill|Apr 7, 2021

    Mayor Shaud Schwarzbach mentioned that the pivot soil samples had been taken. Diane Labuda from the Big Sandy Pool Committee attended the meeting and reported on the recent meeting held with KLJ about the pool design and emphasized the funds would all be raised through fundraising. There will be stages so that the project can be started in different phases. A zero entrance versus a ramp approach to the pool was discussed. Mark Rohweder from KLJ visited about the state code mentioning the pool...

  • Rotary Banquet will be April 24

    Apr 7, 2021

    The annual Rotary banquet will be held on Saturday, April 24 at 6:00 in the Big Sandy High School gymnasium. The theme this year is Camelot, so join us in your finest royalty attire. Tickets are $100 again, which includes 2 prime rib dinners and entry into the top 10 prizes and grand door prize. The top prizes this year will be: 1. $3,000 Grand Prize – Big Sandy Rotary Club 2. $1,000 gift certificate to North Forty – Cash Sponsors 3. 20 yards of gravel - Genereux Gravel 4. Big Screen TV – Cash Sponsors 5. Covered Swing – Cash Sponsors 6. Gard...

  • Big Sandy Paraprofessionals win award

    Zoe Merrill|Apr 7, 2021

    A surprise assembly at the F. E. Miley school was held to award Amy Terry, Alma Terry, Cat Lopez, Brittany Sherburn, Cheryl Ostrom, and Dick Thornton the Paraeducator/Teacher Team of the Year award. Kristie Rutledge, School Psychologist Bear Paw Cooperative, presented the award to a shocked group of paraprofessionals. Also present was Glen Terry, the president of the Big Sandy School Board. He said, "Everyone is born with a gift, and these people use their gifts working with you," he said to...

  • Triangle Sponsors Food Bank Raffle

    Erik Sietsema|Apr 7, 2021

    The Big Sandy Food Bank is raffling off a half a pig to raise money to support their food distribution program. Tickets are $5 and the drawing will be held April 30th. They can be purchased from the Senior Center, the offices of the Big Sandy Activity Center, the Mint Bar, or at the Mountaineer Office. They can also be purchased from Terry Grant or LeaAnn Williams. The fundraiser is a result of the generosity of Triangle Communications. The company purchased pigs and cows from 4-H groups last year as a part of their efforts to support the 4-H...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Apr 7, 2021

    The Chouteau County Soil Moisture Survey was started by Judee Wargo in 1993 to assist farmers in determining recropping potential on cereal grain stubble. After 28 years, the Chouteau County Extension Office continues to compile data for determining recropping potential and providing the state drought committee with soil moisture information. Testing for soil moisture took place in Chouteau County on March 26-31. All winter wheat locations except three (southeast of Big Sandy and north of Loma) exceeded 3.5 feet of stored soil moisture, which...

  • ioneer Track Begins

    Zoe Merrill|Apr 7, 2021

    Big Sandy Pioneer track was canceled last year, so the start of a new season is exciting. Head Coach for the Big Sandy Pioneers is Melanie Schwarzbach. Helping her this year is Charlie Klimas throws, Wendy Taylor-sprints, and Shersteen Cline. “Track helps every sport. Not everybody does track for the love of track, but track will benefit every sport,” Melanie said. “They are coming out knowing they need to get faster for football.” According to Melanie, “We are using a really cool newsprint program.” She learned about it at the coach’s clinics....

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Apr 7, 2021

    In the first century, when Jesus lived and taught, the Jewish people were living under the oppressive rule of the Roman Empire. The Jewish people were violently opposed to the Romans, a fact that resulted in more than a few violent uprisings that set out to liberate the nation of Israel. They did not succeed and eventually angered the Romans enough that they destroyed the country completely, exported its citizens all over the empire, and outlawed the Jewish faith in Israel entirely. This desire to be liberated seeped into the popular...

  • Getting By

    Janell Barber|Apr 7, 2021

    The food being promoted through Montana Harvest of the Month for April is chickpeas. Harvest of the Month is a program which showcases Montana grown foods. You will see posters and events in the schools, other education facilities and healthcare institutions across Montana. These places promote the locally grown item by serving it as a meal and/or snack along with displaying educational literature and displays. Many of your children may have mentioned during school they learned about these locally grown items and/or had a taste test. The...

  • April Fool's Day brings pranks & backfires

    Erik Sietsema|Apr 7, 2021

    Erik Sietsema— For the first few years I was here, when I would tell the kids they could go to children’s church, I would say: ‘If you are a small child, or just very immature, you can go downstairs.’ It was just a joke I’d add in. Sometimes I’d mention someone by name, just to tease them. Well, one year April Fools Day fell on Easter Sunday. It was a pretty full house that day, which is kinda normal for Easter. When I said: ‘If you’re a small child or just very immature, you can go downstairs,’ everyone got up and filed out of the room until I...

  • Senior Center News

    Apr 7, 2021

    Menu Thursday, April 8- Beefy Casserole, veggie, Garlic toast, and Pea Salad. Friday, April 9- Chef Salad, roll, and Lemon Bars. Monday, April 12- Sausage Stir-Fry, Coleslaw, and Peach Cobbler. Tuesday, April 13- BIRTHDAY DINNER- Chicken Fry Steak, Mash Potaoes, veggie, Jello wit fruit, and Birthday cake. Wednesday, April 14- Baked Chicken Parmesan with noodles, Stewed tomatoes, fruit, and dessert. Recipe of the week: April 7th is National BEER day! Beer Cookies Ingredients 2 cups all-purpose flour ½ teaspoon baking soda ½ cup packed brown s...

  • Strutz selected for 9C All Conference Basketball

    Apr 7, 2021

    Sophomore, Kody Strutz has bee selected to the 9C Basketball Alll Conference...

  • Pioneers Selected for the Class C 6-Man All State Football game

    Apr 7, 2021

    Senior, Kade Strutz Senior, Parker Proulx Senior, Cameron Schwarzbach Senior, Brady Pleninger and Pioneer Head Coach- Larry Jappe...

  • The future of Pioneer Basketball, 4th, 5th & 6th grades

    Apr 7, 2021

    This year the grade school basketball season shorten but at least held. Coaching the girl's basketball this year was Jamie Worrall and Katie Heppner. Jamie Worrall said, "It was a great year we had 14 girls out. This was a great group of girls. They were really fun to work with." After visiting with a few of the brand new basketball players said it was a lot of fun. They won a number and lost a few, but everyone got to play. Next year, they are looking forward to next year when the 6th graders...

  • Big Sandy Little Wreslters finish a successful season

    Apr 7, 2021

    The Little Pioneer Wrestlers and their coaches were committed to their sport this year! They are to be congratulated for their efforts. They worked tirelessly for three months. Most of their meets were held in Big Sandy, which took another committed group of parents and volunteers. As the group picture shows, the smallest of wrestlers learned how to participate in the sport for the first time. It's entertaining to see the youngest wrestle. As they get older, they get good at the sport, which...

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