Articles from the April 26, 2017 edition

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  • BSA Helps

    Robert Lucke|Apr 26, 2017

    When Connie Green started Big Sandy Activities in an old house on the south side some 40 years ago little did she know that she was aiding the town financially and giving them something that many towns the size of Big Sandy do not have. That is how present Big Sandy Activities director Lorrie Merrill thinks of her organization and she should know. “It started as a day care program,” continued Merrill. “The State of Montana had closed down institutions and people who had lived in those institutions were sent to nursing homes. When setti...

  • Meet the Candidates for House of Representatives Election

    Robert Lucke|Apr 26, 2017

    When Congressman Ryan Zinke was appointed by President Trump to be the Secretary of Interior, that left Montana's only seat in the House of Representatives vacant. Three men are running for that seat in a special election to be held toward the end of May. They are Mark Wicks, Libertarian; Greg Gianforte, Republican and Rob Quist, Democrat. "The Mountaineer sent each candidate a set of questions to answer for readers of this newspaper. Here are the questions and the answers by the candidates. Do...

  • BSHS Carnival April 28

    Apr 26, 2017

    The annual CARNIVAL will be held on Friday, April 28th at Big Sandy High School and will provide entertainment for all ages. The night's events begin at 6:00 P.M. in the auditorium with the presentation of Carnival Royalty. Games and food booths are scheduled to be open from 6:15 – 9:00 P.M. in the gym and multi- purpose area. Games and booths include Ping Pong Plinko, Nose Game - "Pick a Prize", Sack Races, One-on-One Basketball, Photo Booth, Cake Walk, Goldfish Toss, Velcro Golf, Pie and C...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Apr 26, 2017

    Grass Establishment Notes for Ranchers Below is a list of questions and answers I have compiled from specialists on seeding techniques for grasses. For further information about forage establishment, please contact the Chouteau County Extension at 622-3751 or stop in for a visit. We are located in the green building next to the Courthouse. Should I include a nurse crop in with the seed mix? “I usually don’t like to put a nurse crop in. I think it is too much competition when the plants are trying to get going, and we have seen it have a neg...

  • Local boater training, certification now available online

    Apr 26, 2017

    Local boater training and certification for Tiber and Canyon Ferry Reservoirs can now be done online at The online training course provides participants with information about the invasive mussel threat, how to appropriately clean, drain and dry your watercraft and why it’s important for everyone to take responsibility in protecting Montana’s waterbodies. This year in Montana, watercraft owners can be certified as local boaters at both Tiber and Canyon Ferry to allow them to bypass decontamination stations at the res...

  • Getting By

    Janell Barber|Apr 26, 2017

    National Volunteer Week is April 23-29 Our office would like to thank all the parents, grandparents, family and community members who currently volunteer or have previously volunteered with the Chouteau County 4-H youth development program. The skills and knowledge gained through the hands-on experiences that you present and help the 4-H members with will last them a lifetime. Past, present and future volunteers—know that you have contributed or will contribute to the foundation of lifelong success of many 4-H members. 4-H members—take a mom...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Apr 26, 2017

    Maybe it was T. S. Elliott or some other poet who said that April is the cruelest month of all. I agree! When I look at the three months of spring, not counting June, but starting with March, April and May, March usually is as much winter as summer and we all have grown to expect that. But when we finally get through March, and are basking in the early April sunshine, that sunshine can turn cloudy in a heartbeat and the next time you go out the back door, there is three inches of snow on the sidewalk. That is what I find so cruel about April....


    Apr 26, 2017

    An Open House for the new Jeff Reichelt Memorial Library was held from 2-6 on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. Nearly 200 people browsed through the spacious facility, enjoying refreshments provided by the local "Friends of the Library" ladies, while looking at the beautiful display of books, tapes, artwork, furniture and more. Several festive balloon bouquets given by Judy (Bush) Pleskac in memory of her mother, Louise Bush, a former Big Sandy librarian, adorned the stacks. Keith Ballantyne, architect...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Apr 26, 2017

    Camels are able to build a resentment toward their handlers. They can literally get angry at their handlers over a long period of time, then suddenly attack to release their pent up hostility. Some observers have compared them to pressure cookers that explode after enough heat has built up. An experienced camel handler can learn to observe and recognize that their animal is reaching the limit and about to blow up. Interestingly, their solution is to give the exasperated camel their coat, right at the point when the camel is about to lose its...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Apr 26, 2017

    Q: Both my parents were alcoholics, and I always vowed I’d never go down that path. But now I’m in my 30s, and I’m afraid I’m about to go the same way they did. What’s wrong with me? I hate myself for being so worthless. A: I don’t need to tell you that you’re about to go down a dead-end road; you saw what happened to your parents. One reason I wanted to reprint part of your email here is because I hope it will warn others who are in danger of making the same mistake. Don’t beat yourself up, however, or tell yourself that you’re worthles...

  • Public health officials issue a rabies reminder

    Apr 26, 2017

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 18, 2017 Contact: Jon Ebelt, Public Information Officer, DPHHS, (406) 444-0936 Chuck Council, Communications Specialist, DPHHS, (406) 444-4391 State and local public health officials are reminding Montanans to be aware of the risk for exposure to rabies as summer approaches. Encounters between humans and wild animals often increase in spring and summer months because of the time spent hiking and engaging in other outdoor activities. From 2010 to 2016, 141 animals submitted for testing to the Montana Department of...

  • NorthWestern Energy Reminds Customers of Approaching Energy Assistance Deadline

    Apr 26, 2017

    Butte, Mont. – April 21, 2017 – NorthWestern Energy is reminding its customers that the deadline to apply for financial help with energy bills through the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) is Thursday, April 30, 2017. The federally funded assistance from LIEAP is available to utility customers who may not be able to heat their homes in the winter months. LIEAP payments to qualifying customers reduce the amount those customers pay in utility bills during the winter heating season. Eligibility for LIEAP is based on household size and...

  • Boaters: be prepared or don't go

    Apr 26, 2017

    Those who have had to give up and return to shore due to poor boating conditions know it can be a tough decision. “When spring is in the air, snowmelt creates high water in our streams and rivers and high expectations for some good boating or rafting,” said Liz Lodman, the boat education coordinator for Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. The combination of high water and high expectations can be deadly when it turns out that the conditions are too extreme for safe boating. “It can be hard to put safety ahead of adventure when you’ve spent hours p...

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