Articles from the April 29, 2020 edition

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  • Governor Bullock's Phase 1, Re-Opening of state

    Apr 29, 2020

    News Release April 22, 2020 Directive implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 and providing guidance for the phased reopening of Montana and establishing conditions for Phase One This Directive provides for the phased reopening of Montana. It establishes guidance applicable to all phases and provides direction for Phase One, including lifting the Stay at Home Directive and reopening non-essential businesses. It also provides local school boards the flexibility to make decisions about...

  • School Board met April 21, 2020

    Zoe Merrill|Apr 29, 2020

    The full school board met along with guests on Google Meet for the school board meeting on April 21. They also met on Monday, April 27, but that meeting took place after the printing deadline of Monday morning, therefore, we were not able to cover that meeting till next week’s Mountaineer. During old business, they showed pictures of the upgrade to the storage room at the FE Miley Grade School. This was the former stage area. The project came $3,500 under budget. The pictures showed a well-organized area with lots of room for storage. Travis B...

  • How the Prairie Anemone Got its Fur Coat

    Author Unknown|Apr 29, 2020

    Editor's note. The early spring flower the crocus gets its name from the English. The French called it the pasque flower. While prairie children called it the gosling. The Indians had a "perfect" name for it, 'Ears of the Earth'. The following is a story from tradition. Wapee shivered and dew his robe tighter about him. It was cold there on the hillside, but the shiver was more of fear and loneliness than of cold. Always before he had slept in the tipi of his parents, where his father could...

  • BSMC; Here to Serve You: Behind the Scenes

    Jessica Dooley|Apr 29, 2020

    Every business is successful because of how they operate behind the scenes. Here at Big Sandy Medical Center, we have some of the best working hard to make sure that your experience here is the best that it can be. It takes a village, a team, a work family; and that is exactly what we have here at BSMC. As we prepare for National Hospital Week, we tip our hats to everyone who keeps this place up and running. BSMC is a small facility, employing less than 50 people. This small but mighty crew is...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Apr 29, 2020

    Its Tick Season in Montana The following article was prepared by Laurie Kerzinik (MSU Entomologist). The common ticks in Montana this time of the year are the Rocky Mountain wood tick, Dermacentor andersoni, and the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis. The two species look very similar. We don’t have either of the two species of black-legged ticks (formerly deer ticks) that vector Lyme disease in Montana. The Rocky Mountain wood tick is very common in the Rocky Mountain region and is found on livestock, companion animals, and humans in th...

  • The Fitness Corner

    Serena Cator|Apr 29, 2020

    Let’s talk about exercise and nutrition. I was always an athlete, so to me, the exercise was always there. But when it came to nutrition, I still lived a lifestyle of “as long as you burn more calories than you intake, you should be fine.” That lasted until I was 35. I packed on 30 pounds in three years. I was eating late at night, most nights, in bed while watching a movie. I was drinking high-calorie beer, as well as wine (which both were high in sugar). Bad nutritional habits and no exercise will definitely contribute to weight gain as I...

  • Getting By

    Janell Barber|Apr 29, 2020

    A series of 30-minute Estate and Legacy Planning webinars, called Tuesday Tips, is available to view and listen to from the convenience of your home every Tuesday, through May 26, from 11-11:30 am. These sessions also include an additional 25-30 minutes afterwards for your questions related to estate and legacy planning. Hosted by Dr. Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension’s Family Economics Specialist, and Emily Standley, Fergus County MSU Extension Agent, topics include beneficiaries, wills, avoiding probate, trusts, power of attorney and many more....

  • Senior Center News

    Apr 29, 2020

    Thursday, April 30- Sliced Ham, eggs, fruit, toaste with jelly. Friday, May 1- Liver & Onions, scalloped poateoes, veggies, prezel salad. Monday, May 4- Cattleman’s Hoagie, tots, and dessert. Tuesday, May 5 - Chicken Enchiladas, rice and veggies. Wednesday, May 6- Pork Roast, fried potaotes, veggies, fruit salad, dessert, and bread. Awesome Enchiladas Ingredients • 2 pounds skinless, boneless chicken breast meat - cut into chunks • 1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of chicken soup • 1 ¼ cups sour cream • ¼ teaspoon chili powder • 1 tablespoo...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Apr 29, 2020

    While teaching one day, Jesus was asked by an expert in the Jewish law codes ‘what is the most important commandment.’ His answer was to repeat the Old Testament summary of the 10 Commandments: Love God with all your being and love your neighbor as yourself. This prompted another question: Who is your neighbor? Neither of these questions was unique among the ancient Jews. Rabbis had been arguing over these sorts of matters for centuries. In particular, the neighbor question was one of the 7 most hotly debated religious topics of the era. There...

  • Heimbigner wins the Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) grant

    Zoe Merrill|Apr 29, 2020

    Severin Heimbigner, a member of the Big Sandy FFA, has won an SAE Grant from the National FFA. He won one of the 176 SAE grants given nation-wide. Severin received $1,000 to support his lawn mowing business. Severin started applying in September 2019 but he didn't get it done until mid-Nov. Severin plans to buy some equipment and repair some of his old equipment with his dad's help. I asked him if he was surprised he won and his smile told me everything. We were doing the interview outside at...

  • Thoughts with Zoe

    Zoe Merrill|Apr 29, 2020

    Earth Day came and went without a mention from me. Surprisingly, because right now, walking outside is what brings normalcy to my life. My granddaughter was the one that brought it to my attention. She said to me, "yesterday on the 22nd was Earth Day. We don't have to celebrate the day, because we take care of the earth every day. Because we are farmers!" She's only six but the truth none the less. Every year on April 22, Earth Day is celebrated. This year marks 50 years of celebration. The...

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