Articles from the May 10, 2023 edition

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  • Hospital Week Is Here!

    Jessica Ophus|May 10, 2023

    The American Hospital Association designates a theme for Hospital Week every year. This year: We Are Healthcare; caring for patients, strengthening communities. That is certainly true for the community of Big Sandy and its local medical center, but it is not just a one-way street. The community supports this facility as much as we care for the community. We are pleased to welcome the community back into the facility to celebrate Hospital Week with us, May 8-12. You’ll find spirit week style dress-up days, special meals, and lots of fun a...

  • School News, including Board Action

    Zoe Merrill|May 10, 2023

    The Big Sandy musical students attending State Musical Festival did Big Sandy Proud! Those receiving a Superior #1 were: Sandy Sweethearts, Jaycee Worall for both vocal and piano solos, Jamie Jones’s Flute Solo, and Hunter Moore’s Trumpet solo. Those receiving Excellent scores #2 Sandy Select, Lance Rutledge/Angie Sant Duet, Darrell Sunchild and Hunter Moore’s instrument duet and Darrell Sunchild/s Baritone Solo. This week the Special Olympic Flame was brought to Big Sandy. Chase Gasvoda and Sonny Phillips were picked to carry the flame throu...

  • May is Mental Health Month

    Zoe Merrill|May 10, 2023

    The following facts were taken from the US Department of Health and Human Services, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act, According to the above sight, “There are many different types of mental illness. Some of the main groups of mental disorders are mood disorders (such as depression or bipolar disorder), anxiety disorders, personality disorders, psychotic disorders (such as schizophrenia), eating d...

  • It's Auctioneer Month, and it's time to look at their service to the community

    Zoe Merrill|May 10, 2023

    Auctioneer Shane Ophus told me, "I wanted to do something that nobody else was doing. There were already lots of farmers and ranchers. I didn't have any place to go farming or ranching. I didn't want to go to college. So I had to pick another option. His son, Blaine, said, "I grew up in it every Saturday, and even during school or after school, we go to help set up everything. I don't know; being an auctioneer is more of a passion than anything else." And just like that, we got into the real rea...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|May 10, 2023

    Watch for Anthracnose in Lentils Anthracnose, a lentil disease caused by the pathogen Colletotrichum truncatum, has been detected in 16% of lentil seed lots tested in the Regional Pulse Crop Diagnostic Lab this winter. While levels of this seed-transmitted pathogen are low, the widespread presence of the pathogen in seed lots indicates that growers should be consistently monitoring their lentils this growing season, particularly if environmental conditions are favorable for the development of Anthracnose. Favorable conditions include abundant...

  • Thoughts with Zoe

    Zoe Merrill|May 10, 2023

    Several years ago, a Big Sandy Convalescent Home patient attended church. She came into the church and sat in the back pew. When it came time to share prayer concerns, she raised her hand and said, "Please pray my husband dies quickly so I can marry Steve!" The person responsible for prayer briefly paused and said, "I'll pray for the Lord's will in this manner." As ridiculous as her request sounds, I don't think it's so far from the rest of our prayers. We pray for our concerns. We are told to pray for our problems. He wants us to talk to Him....

  • Things my mother taught me

    Zoe Merrill|May 10, 2023

    Mother’s Day always brings up memories. I wanted to have some fun this Mother’s Day by interviewing several kids and adults and asking them, “ What has your mom taught you?” The following answers are from children between 9-14 years old. “She’s taught me how to be safe.” “She’s taught me to chase after our dogs.” “That it’s okay not to do drugs.” “She helps me with my homework.” “To not suck on sugary coated painkillers.” “To not put quarters. In my mouth.” “Don’t lie.” “Don’t talk to strangers.” “Look both ways.” “How to handle ch...

  • Elementary Extravaganza, May 24

    May 10, 2023

    The students at F.E.Miley Elementary are very busy preparing for this year’s Extravaganza. It will be held on May 24. K-3 will be presenting from 12:30 - 1:30 and 4-6 will be presenting from 1:00 - 2:00. The whole community is invited to attend. The Kindergarten’s theme is “On the farm and ranch with Kindergarten”. They will be teaching about agriculture (crops,livestock varieties) in Montana. First Grade is preparing a Camping Guide for all to follow, featuring best camping spots in Montana and what animals one could encounter. There will al...

  • Tracksters compete at Top 8 in Great Falls

    May 10, 2023

    The Pioneers had two track meets this last week. On May 1st, they traveled to Rudyard for the Jason Groseclose Memorial. There were 13 teams at that track meet. Big Sandy attended the track meet without those who were competing at the Top 8 track meet. The boy’s team placed 9th place, and the girl’s team placed 6th at the Jason Groseclose Memorial track meet. Then on May 2nd, the invited Pioneers traveled to Great Falls for the Top 8 meet with 22 teams. The boys placed 6th overall, and the girls placed 8th overall. The district track meet is...

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