Articles from the May 17, 2017 edition

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  • Richter talks Graduation

    Robert Lucke|May 17, 2017

    It has been a tradition for several years at "The Mountaineer" to feature a graduating senior girl and boy with a parent in an interview for the graduation edition. This year is no exception. We have Alex Richter whose story is told by her father Jeff and Matthew Louvar whose mother Debbie tells his story. First here is the interview about graduating senior Alex Richter, "Alex attended a graduation in Big Sandy and decided that she wanted to graduate from a small school and Big Sandy was her...

  • Deb Louvar faces Empty Nest

    May 17, 2017

    Each year "The Mountaineer" features a graduating senior girl and boy and a parent. This year is no exception. Matthew Louvar and Alex Richter are the senior boy and girl chosen to represent their class of graduating seniors. Here is Matthew's story as told by mom Debbie Louvar. Debbie Louvar said that Matthew is the last of five to graduate so by this time she ought to know what to do and when to do it. However it has been eight years since the last one graduated so Debbie thinks she might have...

  • 2017 Big Sandy Rotary "Spring into Paradise" Banquet a Huge Success!

    May 17, 2017

    Big Sandy Rotary celebrates another successful banquet, with a salute to Agriculture! We are so pleased with the continued support from the Big Sandy, Havre, Fort Benton & Great Falls Communities!! The Rotarians would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to everybody who helped in any way with the success of the 2017 Banquet!! For over 33 years, your generosity has been astonishing!! This has enabled us to return over $575,000 to more than 60 youth/school activities, civic groups, programs and organizations!! Without each and every one of you, we...

  • Horsemanship Class

    May 17, 2017

    A three-day horsemanship class will be held July 14-16 at the Fergus County Fairgrounds in Lewistown. Kip Fladland, a native Montanan who currently resides in Council Bluffs, Iowa, is the clinic instructor. Kip traveled exclusively with Buck Brannanman for five years, and now starts and rides horses for clients. Throughout the year he holds clinics, teaching the style of horsemanship brought about by Tom and Bill Dorrance and Ray Hunt. The Lewistown clinic begins with a groundwork class from 9 a...

  • Walter Gerson Poetry Contest First Place winner

    Robert Lucke|May 17, 2017

    This is the ninth year former Big Sandy High School graduate Ellaraine Lockie has provided the English students at BSHS the opportunity to participate in the Walter Gerson Poetry Contest. Each year Ellaraine Lockie judges students’ poetry, makes comments about the poems and awards students for their excellent poetry and participation. This year is no exception. There are several cash prizes and several honorable mentions. Two teachers at Big Sandy high school have been involved in the poetry contest. Lauren Clampitt handled the Gerson poems f...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|May 17, 2017

    Lawn Management Information The Master Gardener program provides research based information for gardeners. Below are a few notes taken from the turf management portion of the program. • Rough bluegrass is probably the best grass in Montana for shady areas. • Kentucky bluegrass is the best grass for open sunny areas with well-drained soil. • Annual ryegrass can be used as a cover crop following vegetable production. • The standard lawn mix is 60% Kentucky bluegrass, 30% creeping red fescue and 10% annual ryegrass. • Zoysiagrass does not grow...

  • Chouteau County Fatality on Duck Creek Road

    May 17, 2017

    Michelle W. Parker died on the Duck Creek Road in Chouteau County in a single vehicle rollover on Thursday afternoon. The vehicle ran off the right side of the road then went back on the road and crossed the centerline before running off the right side of the road once again. “It was a broadside skid when it ran off the roadway the second time,” said Montana Highway Patrol Trooper Matthew Finley. “Then once it ran off the road it began to roll.” Trooper Finley said that Parker was not wearing a seatbelt and was ejected about 60 feet from th...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert C. Lucke|May 17, 2017

    Last night when I turned off my light on the night stand and prepared to go to sleep, I laughed out loud. Someone would think that to be very strange to laugh when turning off a light. But not to me. Years ago I had a cabin up by Baldy on Beaver Creek that did not have electricity. At the time I was teaching in Glasgow and I went into Markles hardware one day and found an “Aladdin Lamp” for sale. Now I did not know what an Aladdin lamp was but it had a large and fragile wick and it came with directions. I filled it with kerosene and lit the...

  • County Road information and meetings

    May 17, 2017

    Many Parts of Chouteau County have received 5 – 10” of rain this spring and although those of us who farm don’t complain about the rain, it has presented some challenges to our road crews. As commissioners, we would like to express our thanks for the patience you have shown when if seems we are losing ground daily. Our special election for increasing road budget is coming in June. The ballot will be mailed our May 31st to all rural people in the county. Anyone who lives in Big Sandy, Geraldine, or Fort Benton that has land holdings outsi...

  • Wanda Marilyn Morris Ragan

    May 17, 2017

    Wanda Marilyn Morris Ragan 78 of Green River, WY formally of Blaine County and Big Sandy, Montana passed away Jan. 18, 2017 at the University of Utah Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah after a hard fought battle with Pulmonary Hypertension surrounded by family. Mom was born March 10, 1938 in Harlem, MT the 5th child and only daughter of Gail and Fay(Statelen) Morris. On Sept. 11, 1955 she married the Love of her Life James H. Ragan in Big Sandy, Montana. To this union 4 children were born....

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