Articles from the May 25, 2016 edition

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  • Moore and Regents talk teacher shortages

    Brad Moore|May 25, 2016

    The crisis of a teacher shortage in Montana continues to reach epidemic proportions, particularly in rural Montana. Just last week as I looked at OPI Teacher Placement site where most schools in Montana advertise open teaching positions, there were over 635 new job listings in the last 90 days. I think it is safe to say that there are not that many new graduates in our university system to fill those positions. Today we rarely get applicants for any teaching jobs in our rural schools. 10 years ago the perspective teachers came to us and...

  • Veteran George Rice honored

    Robert Lucke|May 25, 2016

    When Big Sandy native George Rice was drafted in 1952 he could hardly believe it. After all he was in college at Montana State College. That didn’t seem to matter and Rice was drafted into the United States Army. Drafted he was and he went to Fort Lewis, Washington for his basic training. After that Rice went to school at San Louis Obispo in California. Rice was trained there as a small engine power maintenance mechanic. Rice says it was a good course with good instructors. It lasted about three months. Then Rice was sent to Fort Hood, T...

  • Reihl, Olson & Rominger answer Questions

    Robert Lucke|May 25, 2016

    There are three candidates running for one Chouteau County Commissioner seat in the June primary. Since all three are Republicans, it probably can be assumed that whoever wins the primary will be the new Chouteau County Commissioner. The three candidates running for that office are Jim Olson from the Spring Station Road, Clay Riehl from the Bootlegger Trail and Dean Rominger from Floweree. "The Mountaineer" asked a series of five questions of the candidates that were either county related or...

  • From The Mayor's Desk

    Robert Lucke|May 25, 2016

    At the May 4th regular City Council meeting there was one visitor. After the pledge was recited minutes of the last meeting were approved. There was no Sheriff’s Report. Regarding the Wastewater Project, the mayor said that finally they are closing out phase 2 and 3. The wastewater lagoon was seeded and hopefully grass will come up this time. In the new water project, funding is coming along. Already Big Sandy has $750.00 from the Treasure State Endowment fund. The rest of the project could be funded by a loan from the State of Montana R...

  • Getting By

    Janell Barber|May 25, 2016

    Whether you rent or own the residence where you live, it is very important to be aware of the link between you and your family’s health and your housing. There can be common housing issues that may affect the health of you and your family. Monitoring and maintaining a healthy home can alleviate or prevent many health-related issues such as allergies, asthma, falls/accidents, contamination/exposures and many more. What is a healthy home? A healthy home is: - Dry - Clean - Pest-Free - Safe and Accessible - Well Maintained - Contaminant-Free - W...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|May 25, 2016

    I have written about this again and again but it is so beautiful in my back yard I have to write about it one more time this spring. When my mother and I bought the Sixth Street house in Havre, we had moved back home from Lakeside and Somers on Flathead Lake. One thing mother loved about living in those locations was that winter or summer she saw a huge amount of green evergreens out her windows. I knew that we had to have that in Havre as well. The back yard of our house was just mainly dirt but you know I had known I wanted to grow dahlias an...

  • American Legion Auxiliary host Potluck

    May 25, 2016

    The American Legion Auxiliary will be hosting a potluck at the Senior Citizen Center on Memorial Day May 30th. The dinner will follow the ceremony at the cemetery. All are welcome to attend. Come spend the afternoon visiting with friends and out of town guests. The Center will be open by 8:00 am if any one wants to drop their food off before attending the Big Sandy Historical Society breakfast at the museum. Call Helen Rice at 378-2271 for information about the potluck. The American Legion Auxiliary ladies will, as usual be offering poppies...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|May 25, 2016

    I recently came across an anonymous quote: “A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men.” There are a slew of variations of this quote in books or on the internet, but in general, they capture the same idea. The role a dad plays in his daughter’s life is huge. She learns a great deal about her value as a person from her dad. She learns how men should treat women by watching her dad’s interaction with her mom and her. She has her earliest emotional needs for love, security, and acceptance met by her dad. This i...

  • Green Acres

    May 25, 2016

    Gardening tips for the month of June • Gardeners who want to eliminate crab apple fruit on the lawn can use ethephon or naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Spray when fruit is small. Follow label directions. • Hand thin apples to no more than two fruit per cluster. • It is impossible to kill worms in apple trees after they have penetrated the apples. To protect apples form worm damage, clean up debris around the tree and spray at 10 day intervals after the petals have fallen. Malathion works well using 1 tablespoon/gallon of water). Follow label...

  • 10 Facts about Memorial Day

    May 25, 2016

    Here are 10 fast facts about Memorial Day, a holiday honoring American soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country: • Even though numerous communities had been independently celebrating Memorial Day for years, the federal government declared Waterloo, N.Y. the official birthplace of Memorial Day. Waterloo first celebrated the holiday on May 5, 1866. • Memorial Day was celebrated on May 30 for decades, but in 1971, Congress established Memorial Day as the last Monday in May and a federal holiday. • Memorial Day originally honored...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|May 25, 2016

    Q: Where can I find God? Everybody seems to have a different opinion about this, but how do I know which one is right? Maybe they’re all wrong, and God doesn’t want to be found—or doesn’t even exist. A: The most important truth I can tell you is this: God not only exists, but He wants you to come to know Him as your closest and best friend! “You are my friends,” Jesus told His followers (John 15:14). And God has done everything He possibly can to make this a reality. God isn’t hiding off in some distant corner of the universe, hoping we’ll...

  • BSHS Band and Choir a success at State

    Amanda Rohlman|May 25, 2016

    The Big Sandy Music Department has been busy this spring. The movie-themed spring concerts at the end of April featured many talented soloists. The elementary kids sang songs from The Sound of Music, The Lion King, Mary Poppins, The Jungle Book, The Music Man, Pocahontas, Beauty and the Beast, and Frozen. The junior high and high school kids presented performances from district music festival and some volunteered to do other pieces as well. The concert ended with Princess Leia conducting the...

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