Articles from the May 31, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 16 of 16

  • State Tax Shift Impacts Big Sandy Schools Taxpayers

    Brad Moore|May 31, 2017

    Going into this past legislative session the state was facing a revenue shortfall. When there is a shortfall in revenue, cuts are made across the board to address the shortage. With public education being a large portion of the state’s budget it was likely that public education would see some cuts. When the session ended, Big Sandy School did not see a decrease in our budget as our budget stayed relatively the same, but how our budget was funded changed dramatically. In order to maintain the same general fund budget the state chose to take a p...

  • BSHS Students go to Costa Rica

    May 31, 2017

    Big Sandy High School students will travel to Costa Rica, June 5- 13, to conduct research and participate in a Sea Turtle Ecology Program. Big Sandy High School Students join the Field Science Program in Costa Rica. Melanie Schwarzbach of Big Sandy High School has organized a group of 11 students to participate in a 9-day Sea Turtle Ecology Program in Costa Rica through Ecology Project International (EPI). EPI is a field science and conservation organization that partners scientists with local a...

  • River Rules: Benton to Kipp

    Robert C. Lucke|May 31, 2017

    There are plenty of rules if a person wants to go boating in the mighty Missouri from Fort Benton to the Fred Robinson Bridge. There is also a wide array of pamphlets to describe how to play by the rules when on the Missouri. Most of the material is available in Fort Benton at the Interpretive Center. There are sheets of suggestions. There are frequently asked questions. There are even sheets for portable toilet options. There are sheets of river and camping fees. There are pamphlets of authorized outfitting and vender services in case a...

  • City operational Levy

    Robert Lucke|May 31, 2017

    In the interests of full disclosure, Mayor Stiles told “the Mountaineer” that if the new pool bond passes, there will need to be a special district created that would create roughly twenty-five thousand dollars annually for pool costs. The new assessment would be .00412 per square foot of taxed property. In Big Sandy the average lot is 140 by 50 feet which would figure out to $2.40 per month or $28.84 annually on each average lot. This is a city operational levy and should not be confused with The Swimming Pool Bond Issue which will be vot...

  • Special Election 2017: Chouteau County Votes

    Kody Farmer|May 31, 2017

    Voters headed to the polls on Thursday, May 25 to fill the congressional vacancy left by President Trumps appointment of former Congressmen Ryan Zinke as Secretary of the Interior. The Special Election included three names on the ballot: Republican, Greg Gianforte, Democrat Rob Quist and Libertarian Mark Wicks. Gianforte won the election with 50% of the vote (189,473), while Quist was second with 44% (166,483) and Wicks third with 6% (21,509). In Chouteau County Gianforte claimed victory receiving 1,234 votes or 58% to Quists 33% (715) and...

  • Walter Gerson Poetry Contest Third Place winner

    Robert Lucke|May 31, 2017

    This is the ninth year former Big Sandy High School graduate Ellaraine Lockie has provided the English students at BSHS the opportunity to participate in the Walter Gerson Poetry Contest. Each year Ellaraine Lockie judges students’ poetry, makes comments about the poems and awards students for their excellent poetry and participation. This year is no exception. There are several cash prizes and several honorable mentions. Two teachers at Big Sandy high school have been involved in the poetry contest. Lauren Clampitt handled the Gerson poems f...

  • From The Mayor's Desk

    Robert Lucke|May 31, 2017

    The regular Big Sandy City Council Meeting for May was held on May 11. There were no visitors present, no sheriff’s report and after the Pledge was recited and the previous minutes approved, there were no public comments. The new water project was discussed. The City is still waiting for Rural Development to get a package put together. Mayor Stiles thinks it will be most of the summer getting things put together and the earliest there could be bids on this project would be next winter with the project to start in the spring of 2018. There was n...

  • Special Road Improvement Levy Ballots are in the Mail

    May 31, 2017

    The Chouteau County Commissioners would like to encourage passage of the Special Levy. Chouteau County has lost nearly 1 million dollars per road district over the last eight years, compared to the previous eight years. The lost revenue comes from diminished Oil and Natural Gas Production Tax. The Commissioners received the 4th Qtr. distribution last week and it put the FY17 total to just over $16,000 to be split three ways. In contrast, Chouteau County received a high of $477,000 in FY06. These are the funds that are historically used for...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|May 31, 2017

    A fellow came in “The Mountaineer” office a couple of weeks ago and said how much he likes the stories about fishing on Clear Creek. He said that he has done a lot of fishing on Sandy Creek and Beaver Creek as well. It is still May and what used to be the most important month of the year for stream fishing in our area as the first day of stream fishing used to be the third weekend in May. I remember old timers saying that if there were still snow drifts in the high country of the Bear Paw Mountains on the first day of fishing season, it was...


    Doug Giebel|May 31, 2017

    For a tribute to Big Sandy’s involvement in World War Two, the Big Sandy Cultural Fund is seeking photos, in uniform if possible, of any residents who served during the war. Also needed are personal descriptions of what it was like in Big Sandy during the war, from scrap and paper drives to dorm life to celebrations and any other wartime events. Send or give the photos and information to Doug Giebel, 533 Third Avenue or by email: Giebel’s phone: 378-2430. All material will be copied and the originals returned. A memorial d...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|May 31, 2017

    Q: Last week I went to a bookstore to buy a Bible to give to my nephew for his birthday (he’ll be 14), but I got discouraged and finally gave up because there were too many choices. Why are there so many different Bibles? A: Don’t give up; nothing you could ever give your nephew is more valuable than a Bible. Remember: The Bible is God’s Word, and God gave it to us to guide us and help us come to know Him. The Psalmist wrote, “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word” (Psalm 119:9). Let me suggest t...

  • Pioneer Heroes Homecoming 2020

    May 31, 2017

    The first spring meeting had a special agenda: The Homecoming Book. The 2020 committee tried to gather names of people who had helped put the book together in the past and invited them to come share input. We dubbed this a meeting of “The Wise” and “The Unwise.” Your current committee was the full cast of the unwise—but can now say we are slightly informed. The ladies who joined us were a treasure trove of information on all aspects concerning the homecoming book. Tracy Schuster, Dianna Webster, and Leslie Gregory took time to join us for a...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|May 31, 2017

    My son is almost 4. He is just beginning to figure out that when he and his sister don’t agree on something, he can hit her and get his way. The other day, they got into an argument over a toy they both wanted to play with. His solution to the impasse was to punch his sister. She started crying and told on him. I punished him and he apologized to his sister. About 20 minutes, later the scene replayed itself. My boy literally did the same thing he had done before. He apologized again, but it’s clear that he will likely end up fighting with his...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|May 31, 2017

    Tree watering rules of thumb • Water trees three times a month in addition to watering your lawn. • Deep watering to a depth of 12” inches below the soil surface is recommended. Saturate the soil around the tree within the “dripline” (the outer edges of the tree’s branches) to disperse water down toward the roots. • For evergreens, water 3’-5’ beyond the dripline on all sides of the tree. • The objective is to water slowly, dispersing the flow of water to get the water deep down to the trees roots. Watering for short periods of time onl...

  • American Legion Auxiliary Poster Winners

    May 31, 2017

    Lianna Ophus Heimbigner announces that out of several good poppy posters these 4 created for the American Legion Auxiliary poster contest were chosen to be sent to the Department for the next round....

  • Masons give "Bike for Books"

    May 31, 2017

    Mr. T (the school librarian) and the Masons Announce the "Bikes for Books" Winners. "Bikes for Books" is sponsored by the Big Sandy Masons. Students in grades 3,4 and 5 earn a chance to win a bicycle for every book read from January 16 to May 18. The more books read the more chances a student has to win a prize. On May 18th there was a drawing and one student from each grade won a bicycle....

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