Articles from the June 7, 2017 edition

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  • Summer Art Programs set for Big Sandy

    Doug Giebel|Jun 7, 2017

    The Big Sandy Cultural Fund will sponsor free summer workshops in the arts, drama, performance and creative writing for all ages. The informal sessions will begin June 5th in the former S&J grocery store, now being converted into a community cultural center and after-school program. Join Big Sandy art teacher Jessie Jaramillo for lively art sessions, Monday through Thursday from 9 to 11 and from 2 to 4 for some fantastic new art classes. According to Ms. Jaramillo, each session will be limited to 15 people. There will be guided lessons for...

  • Ride for Wounded Warriors

    Jun 7, 2017

    Saturday, May 27, the Eagle chapter of bikers stopped in Big Sandy, returning to Havre from their annual Memorial weekend ride to support the Montana Chapter of Wounded Warriors. This year the dedicated group rode from Havre to Inverness and along the Hi-Line, went south to Fort Benton and back to Havre for a lavish dinner....

  • Summer Bucket List for 2017

    Robert Lucke|Jun 7, 2017

    By Robert Lucke The term Bucket List comes from a movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman who go around doing wonderful things they have always wanted to do before they "kick the bucket". For several years at "The Mountaineer" we have composed winter and summer bucket lists of things to do that are close to home. We think with pride that our list is so much better than other newspapers who feature things like drive from one end of US Highway 2 from North Dakota to Idaho and to visit...

  • Bee Lucke and C. L. Stuart and the case of the terrible tie rod

    Robert Lucke|Jun 7, 2017

    Sometimes history is a confluence of events that when merged together cause something really great to happen. Such it was with Bee Lucke and C. L. Stuart around 1950 when they were heading to Clear Creek in Bee’s 1939 black Chevy Coupe with a genuine Indian Teepee loaded in the back end. The confluence of events that caused the two of them to be heading to Clear Creek in the black Chevy Coupe were twofold. First, Bee’s two brothers told him that he could no longer use the Lou Lucke Company delivery truck to go to the mountains. They said he...

  • Walter Gerson Poetry Contest Co-Third Place winner

    Robert Lucke|Jun 7, 2017

    By Robert Lucke This is the ninth year former Big Sandy High School graduate Ellaraine Lockie has provided the English students at BSHS the opportunity to participate in the Walter Gerson Poetry Contest. Each year Ellaraine Lockie judges students’ poetry, makes comments about the poems and awards students for their excellent poetry and participation. This year is no exception. There are several cash prizes and several honorable mentions. Two teachers at Big Sandy high school have been involved in the poetry contest. Lauren Clampitt handled t...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Jun 7, 2017

    Pulse Production Management after Seeding • Peas use water down to 3 feet (Wichman, 2005). • Nodulation begins 2-3 weeks after plant emergence (Jones, 2017). • Nodules are active 3-4 weeks after plant emergence (Jones, 2017). • Active nodules are pink to red inside. Inactive nodules are white inside (Jones, 2017). • Amount of nitrogen fixation depends on species. Green and yellow peas fix more nitrogen than chick pea. Chick peas fix more nitrogen than lentils (Jones, 2017). • If you notice yellow lower leaves (N deficiency) dig and look for ros...

  • Tester Announces Nearly $9 Million for Job-Creating Airport Infrastructure

    Jun 7, 2017

    Senator Secures #ConnectMT Resources for 20 Local Airports Across Montana. (U.S. Senate) - U.S. Senator Jon Tester announced today, as part of his ongoing efforts to strengthen the state’s infrastructure and #ConnectMT, that 20 Montana airports will receive a total of nearly $9 million to expand and update, and improve their facilities. “When you live in Big Sky Country, sometimes you’ve got to fly to get you where you’re going,” said Tester, member of the Senate Appropriations Committee. “That’s why responsibly investing in Montana’s air...

  • Getting By

    Janel Barber|Jun 7, 2017

    Precautions must be taken to ensure your personal information and finances are secure when banking online. The first important piece to look for is if the bank displays the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) logo to attest to the bank’s insurance status, especially when deciding on a new bank. You may also want to check out the Bank Find website at to find additional information about the bank and be sure they are registered. When accessing the bank’s website, verify the web address. Fraudulent web...


    Robert Lucke|Jun 7, 2017

    This week Vicki has chosen “THE GIRL WITH NO SHADOW” by Joanne Harris. This book is a sequel to “CHOCOLATE HOLY FOODS” and is delightful dark and a far darker chocolate recipe. The wind has always dictated Vianne Rocher’s every move, buffeting her from the French village of Laansquenet-sous-Tannes to the crowded streets of Paris. Cloaked in a new identity, that of widow Yanne Charbonneau, she opens a chocolaterie on a small Montmartre street, determined to still the wind at last and keep her daughters, Anouk and baby Rosette, safe. But the w...

  • Katherine Elaine Courtnage

    Jun 7, 2017

    Katherine Elaine Courtnage, 69, passed away in Great Falls on Friday, May 26, 2017. Funeral services were at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 3, 2017, in the Big Sandy High School Auditorium. Burial followed in the Big Sandy Cemetery. Elaine's family has suggested memorial donations be made to the Big Sandy Library, Big Sandy Medical Center, or the charity of the donor's choice. Holland & Bonine Funeral Home has been entrusted with services and arrangements. Please visit Elaine's online memorial...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Jun 7, 2017

    Last week, I was very busy. As a result, I didn’t get to sermon writing until Thursday, which is usually my last office day for the working week. The sermon was on the parable of the prodigal son, which is a story Jesus told at the end of a series of stories about lost things, specifically a lost sheep and a lost coin. I was working hard trying to finish up before the end of the day, when my 4-year old son came into my office and asked to sit in my lap while I worked. I agreed, with the stipulation that he had to be quiet so I could focus on my...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Jun 7, 2017

    Q: Since the Bible says God created everything, doesn’t this mean He also created the devil? And if He created the devil, doesn’t this mean God is actually responsible for all the evil in the world? A friend of mine who likes to argue about religion asked me this, and I didn’t know what to say. A: I seriously doubt if your friend really wants an answer to his question; I suspect instead that he is only using this as an excuse to keep from facing his need to repent of his sins and submit his life to Christ. Unfortunately some people are like...

  • Five schools in Montana received a recent boost to their National Archery in the Schools Programs (NASP).

    Jun 7, 2017

    Big Sandy, Sidney, Winnett, and Lewis & Clark in Lewistown each received a total contribution of $3,000 from the Montana Outdoor Legacy Foundation, National Archery in the Schools, Easton Foundation, Cabela’s Outdoor Fund, Montana Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, and Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks towards the purchase of archery equipment for their school. Kila received $2,000 from the above and $1,000 from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. “Approximately 450 students will benefit from these generous contributions,” said Kurt Cu...

  • May Regular and Special School Board Minutes

    Jun 7, 2017

    Regular Meeting May 16, 2017 7:00 p.m. Trustees Present: Diana LaBuda, Vice Chairperson, Darin Genereux, Andrew Long, Brandon Gasvoda, Trustee Absent, Brad Weaver. Staff Present: Brad Moore, Superintendent, Maryetta Engle, Clerk, Heather Wolery, Elementary Head Teacher. Visitors Present: Miranda Schwenke, Colby Cline, Lorrie Merrill, Trent Cline, Jessica Roth, Heather Pleninger, Joe Bahnmiller, DJ Camp, and Cheryl Strutz. 1. Call to Order Vice Chairperson Diana LaBuda called the meeting to order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance, The Pledge of Allegianc...

  • Montana Students Make UM Dean's List

    Jun 7, 2017

    MISSOULA – At the University of Montana, 2,743 students made the spring semester 2017 Dean’s List and President’s 4.0 List. To qualify for the Dean’s List or President’s 4.0 List, students must be undergraduates, earn a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher and receive grades of A or B in at least nine credits. Students who receive any grade of C+ or below or no credit (NC/NCR) in a course are not eligible. The Montana students listed below made UM’s spring semester 2017 Dean’s List or the President’s 4.0 List. Double asterisks after a name indicate t...

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