Articles from the August 10, 2016 edition

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  • Chouteau County Fair Rocks

    Robert Lucke|Aug 10, 2016

    Blast yourself out of the Past and hold on to your hats and come running to the Chouteau County Fair on August 18 through 21 in Fort Benton. There is the Barbecue throwdown on Thursday, August 18 at 5pm and while area barbecue specialists compete for the honor of the best barbecue ever, thanks to The Grocery Store in Big Sandy, the rest of us get to enjoy the fruits of their labor in a free barbecue meal that evening. And, providing the pigs don’t run and hide in the mighty Missouri, there is a pig wrestling contest and pig wrestling C...

  • Wayman makes good in Twin Cities

    Robert Lucke|Aug 10, 2016

    When Mike Wayman graduated Valedictorian from Big Sandy High School in 1989, little did he know that he would be putting engineers to work in the Twin Cities area as well as helping design a huge safety feature for fire trucks known as BackSafe. Wayman is the son of Karen Jespersen and step son of Rich Jespersen of Big Sandy. After graduating from Big Sandy High School, Wayman went to Concordia College and North Dakota State both, graduating with a mechanical engineering degree. Wayman took his...

  • Big Sandy business sidewalks

    Robert Lucke|Aug 10, 2016

    As most Big Sandy residents have noticed for a long time now there have been sidewalks torn up in the Big Sandy business district. Project manager Keith Ballantyne said that by the time this story is out, all the sidewalks should be finished. Chouteau County found that there was some money left in old CTEP funds (Community Transportation Enhancement Project). The money was awarded to Chouteau County to use in Big Sandy for a sidewalk project. By using CTEP funds for sidewalks, the business owner would not have to pay as much for a new sidewalk...

  • Fatality on Kenilworth Road

    Aug 10, 2016

    The Chouteau County Sherriff’s off has released the name of the victim in the accident that occurred Monday, August 1. He was identified as Scott Wayne Riggs, 47, of Missoula. Riggs was traveling west on secondary Highway 432 when the vehicle went off the right side of the road. Riggs re-entered the road then overcorrected and went into the north ditch and rolled. He was ejected. Riggs was pronounced dead at the BSMC....

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Aug 10, 2016

    Pre-seeding fertilizer tips for farmers Clain Jones, MSU Extension Soil Fertility Specialist Presented at the Montana Agricultural Business Association last winter in Great Falls. The majority of the presentation contained a variety of fertilizer tips to help producers prepare for the upcoming seeding season. In addition, information for this article was taken from the Fertilizer Guidelines for Montana Crops (EB161), which is available at the Chouteau County Extension office. • MSU Extension has an on-line tool designed to assist producers i...

  • Fun Ways to Help Ease Kids Back into the Classroom

    Aug 10, 2016

    (StatePoint) After a summer of fun, getting back into the swing of the classroom can be difficult for students of all ages and family backgrounds. But parents can help, say experts. “It’s easy for parents to feel like there isn’t enough time to add more activities to an already packed schedule. But, there are many easy ways you can set the tone of making learning fun, ease the back-to-school transition, and foster literacy skills at home,” says Jon Reigelman, creative director of the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL). Reigelm...

  • "Water, Water Everywhere?" family program coming to Upper Missouri River Breaks Interpretive Center

    Aug 10, 2016

    (FORT BENTON, Mont.) – Water is essential to life. In various parts of the world, water can be easy to come by… or not. Of all the water in the world, only 1 percent is available as fresh water needed to survive. The United States holds almost half the world’s fresh water. While the average American uses 176 gallons of water per day, the average person in a developing country must walk about 4 miles for about 5 gallons per day. Within the United States the Missouri River drains almost two-thirds of the country. Without the powerful Misso...

  • Getting By

    Janell Barber|Aug 10, 2016

    Pre-Fair 4-H Year in Review With the Chouteau County Fair beginning next week, the Chouteau County Extension office would like to congratulate all of the 4-H members of Chouteau County on their achievements this past 4-H year. Over the past nine months, many 4-Hers have been busy fulfilling their 2015-16 4-H year goals by completing and caring for their projects, competing in contests and competitions, engaging in “learn by doing” workshops and activities and community service. Below is a summary of the results of the 4-H contests and com...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Aug 10, 2016

    Charlie Russell was saddened by what he called the death of the west. I know what he is talking about. I am saddened by the death of what this part of Montana used to be like when I was a boy in the 1940’s and early 1950’s. I live on Sixth Street and while there are plenty of children in my neighborhood, you don’t see a lot of them out. Mainly I see kids from the east end making the trek to the skate board park on ninth street. In my day, winter and summer we kids in my neighbor spent most of our time outside. In the summer it was long hikes, l...

  • Bring the Family Together for Meal Time

    Aug 10, 2016

    (StatePoint) Between work and school-year commitments, it can be difficult to carve out time to sit down at the table and enjoy a home-cooked dinner as a family, but it is well worth the effort. In addition to offering an opportunity to bond, eating together and engaging in conversation can have a deeper influence on children. Follow these tips to bring the family together and create a lasting tradition. Mark the Calendar Create a monthly calendar that incorporates a few meals a week in which everyone can be present when there are no sports,...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Aug 10, 2016

    The community that my wife and I moved here from was fairly wealthy. The population was mainly young, professional families with 2 incomes. When we first moved there, I remember being impressed by the fact that many of my neighbors had huge houses, a new car every year, and most of them took expensive trips to exotic places a couple times a year. This was at a time when my wife and I could barely afford to heat our home, resulting in nights sleeping in front of the fire place half the year and breath you could see while you were in the living...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Aug 10, 2016

    Q: I know Jesus said we ought to love people, but how do you love someone who’s really hard to get along with? My aunt is like this, always criticizing everyone and in general just being disagreeable. We dread it when she comes to visit. A: You’re right, I’m afraid; some people are simply hard to like. Sometimes, of course, we are at fault—and if so, we need to be honest about it and try to change our attitude. But unfortunately some people seem to take almost a perverse delight in criticizing others or antagonizing those around them. Sometimes...

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