Articles from the August 17, 2016 edition

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  • New Teachers at Big Sandy Schools

    Brad Moore|Aug 17, 2016

    There will be many new teachers this year at Big Sandy Schools as school gets underway. Most of our new staff are from the area or have ties to the area, which is a real plus. At FE Miley Katie Hanson, who student taught in 3rd grade last year, will be assuming the 1st grade teaching duties. Katie completed her elementary education degree at MSU-N this past spring. Katie is a graduate of Big Sandy High School, so we are excited that she chose to start her teaching career in her hometown. Calista Worrall will be taking over the 5th grade teachin...

  • Finally no child left behind is left behind

    Robert Lucke|Aug 17, 2016

    It was like a scene out of “The Wizard of Oz”. Only in the Montana Education version Dorothy’s house did not land on the wicked witch of the north but instead landed on what was left of “No Child Left Behind” to everyone’s relief. Out of the ashes has sprung “Every Student Succeeds Act”. In Big Sandy, Superintendent Brad Moore was all smiles as he explained the new and streamlined education act that was signed into law by President Obama late in 2015. Superintendent Moore said, “The biggest thing for us is that we will be in charge of how we...

  • School Board Adopts Mentoring Program

    Robert Lucke|Aug 17, 2016

    As schools across Montana continue to struggle with teacher recruitment and retention, school boards and administrators are always looking for ideas, incentives, or programs to help deal with the recruitment and retention problem. Schools have implemented 4-day school weeks, modified salary schedules, student loan forgiveness, housing and such. All these concepts are successful in helping recruit and retain teachers to a certain degree. One component we as a school district was missing was a strong mentoring program to help new teachers adapt...

  • Grizzly Bears spotted in the Sweet Grass Hills

    FWP|Aug 17, 2016

    After decades of absence, once-native grizzly bears have been spotted in the hills north of Chester. State wildlife officials are asking residents and recreationists of the Sweet Grass Hills to be bear aware after the sighting of a couple of grizzly bears recently. “We believe there are at least two bears in the Hills,” said Mike Madel, bear management specialist with Fish, Wildlife and Parks, adding the bears were involved in the killing of several sheep. The Sweet Grass Hills are on the Canadian border north of Chester. The bears were sighted...

  • Vaccinations a must for back to school

    Aug 17, 2016

    Life can be full of risks. Every time we step outside, we risk insect bites, car accidents or simply tripping on an uneven sidewalk. Of course, we don’t let these concerns rule our lives or change our daily activities. We take reasonable precautions, such as insisting our kids wear seat belts and put on helmets when they take off on their bicycles. As medical providers in this community we are very much aware of the health risks that surround us. So we take precautions. We evaluate coughs and colds, schedule routine checkups, and recommend c...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Aug 17, 2016

    MSU Extension releases new MontGuide factsheets on forage analysis Montana State University Extension specialists have released two new MontGuide fact sheets on forage analysis. A new four-page MontGuide, Forage Analysis Interpretation, describes why forage analyses are an important tool in livestock nutrient management. “Understanding forage analysis and how it can impact a ration feeding program is vital to maintaining herd health, improving productivity and decreasing forage waste,” said Megan Van Emon, MSU Extension beef cattle spe...

  • Class of 1966 Reunion this weekend

    Bob Quinn|Aug 17, 2016

    After 50 years, the Big Sandy High School Class of 1966 will once again gather in our home town. This time it will be to celebrate our 50th class reunion. We had two main suggestions for the celebration. Most of those living out of town wanted to return to Big Sandy while others, especially those who live here, wanted to retrace out sneak trip trek to Lake Blaine. We decided to do a little of both. We will begin in Big Sandy on August 18th with an open house at the Oil Barn located on the Quinn farm SE of town at 4 pm. We will then have a tour...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Aug 17, 2016

    I am going to make this column short and sweet. Don’t Bundle! Bundling is when you pay more than one bill with just one check. In my case I have my Direct TV bundled with my internet and home phone service. Last month I realized that my television bill was getting out of hand. I was paying $170.00 a month and not getting nearly that much service out of the television service. Cutting back did not come easy as I have been with Direct TV since 1996. So, at the beginning of last month I called Direct TV and cut enough programming to make my b...

  • Getting By

    Janell Barber|Aug 17, 2016

    If your garden has not already started screaming at you that the fruits of your labor are ready to be picked and preserved, it will be soon. Whether you are experienced in home canning or have never done it before, come join us for an evening of learning and fun with basic canning techniques on Thursday, September 8, 2016 from 6:00 pm to approximately 9:30 pm at the Community Bible Church Rec Center in Fort Benton. This hands-on class will include recommended, research-based food preservation methods taught by MSU Family and Consumer Sciences...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Aug 17, 2016

    A few weeks ago, my wife and I celebrated our 18th anniversary. During the past 2 decades, I’ve learned a great deal about how to stay in the good graces of my wife. I know what sorts of things I say that upset her, what kind of gifts she likes, and what the boundaries of our marriage are. Some of those boundaries were stated explicitly in our vows, including that I wouldn’t date other women, that I would take care of her, that I wouldn’t abandon her, etc. Other boundaries fell into the “figure it out as you go” category, like how not talki...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Aug 17, 2016

    Q: I’ve always had physical problems that limit my ability to walk or do most of the things that normal people do. As a result I have very few friends, and sometimes I wish I’d never been born. Why did God let this happen to me? Does God hate me? A: I don’t know exactly why God allowed this to happen to you—or for that matter, why He allows evil of any kind to exist. In Heaven we’ll fully understand this—but not now. The Bible speaks of “the mystery of iniquity”—and that’s what evil is: a mystery (2 Thessalonians 2:7, KJV). But I do know this:...

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