Articles from the August 24, 2016 edition

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  • Help Boost BSHS Booster Club

    Robert Lucke|Aug 24, 2016

    The Big Sandy Booster Club is one of the most rewarding and fun organizations to be in--but few know anything about it. With only three fully active members, for them it is still a great organization to be in and even though none of the three have children in school any more it is still very rewarding--but few know anything about it. Current members are Barbie Martin, Maryetta Engle, and Dave Louvar. The Big Sandy Booster Club simply supports Big Sandy school children in extracurricular activities. They might provide snacks and a meal to the...

  • Big Sandy thanks Patti Hannum!

    Robert Lucke|Aug 24, 2016

    When you read these words, Big Sandy's beloved Patti Hannum will be less than a week away from retiring from her job at The Grocery Store, a job she has had since 1977. But, hold on, we are getting ahead of ourselves. Born and raised in Big Sandy and south-east of Big Sandy, Patti said that her grandfather homesteaded out there. At age 5 the family moved into Big Sandy. The farm was sold after the grandfather passed away and along with Patti's grandmother, her mother and father, Helen and Duane...

  • Fred Watstein for all Seasons

    Robert Lucke|Aug 24, 2016

    Fred Watstein works maintenance with the Big Sandy School System. Although he has not been in Big Sandy very long, he has made himself known at the school, on the City Council and bicycling around Big Sandy with his family. Fred asked "The Mountaineer" to write a story about him as, in his own words, "The Mountaineer" interviews everyone else, why not me? We agreed at "The Mountaineer" and first, found out that Watstein is his third last name. First, his last name was Thomas. From there it was...

  • From The Mayor's Desk

    Robert Lucke|Aug 24, 2016

    By Robert Lucke There were two visitors present at the August 10th regular City Council Meeting. After the Pledge was recited and guests were welcomed, minutes were approved and public comments were called for. There were none. There was no Sheriff’s Report. Regarding the KLJ Water Project report, the City is getting close to knowing what kind of a financial package would be available from Rural Development for this project. The Mayor thinks that if some public meetings go well, the project could get started this spring and he thinks that t...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Aug 24, 2016

    “Rolling Cows” A Cattle Semi Rollover Exercise for Emergency Responders A cattle semi-roll over exercise will take place on September 21, 2016 at the Community Bible Church Recreation Center located at 911 16th Street in Fort Benton. Registration will begin at 9:00 a.m. The goal is to train first responders and others in case of an actual incident involving livestock. The event will begin with introductions and logistics followed by a functional scenario & break-out discussion groups. A working lunch will take place at 12:00 p.m. followed by...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Aug 24, 2016

    Before you know it Labor Day will be here and folks will pack up their belongs and put them in storage until next summer or batten down the hatches of the cabin and not even think of it until Memorial Day, when the next year’s summer season will officially begin. I learned one thing about all the seasons, wherever there were cabins and that is that spring, fall and winter can be just simply grand seasons to spend time in the motor home or at the cabin. I have written a lot about having a mulligan simmering away in the crock pot while taking a...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Aug 24, 2016

    “I swear on my mother, if you don’t back off, I’ll knock your teeth out.” I don’t remember the exact words, but they were something to that effect. They, and quite a few other oaths to the same effect, were shouted at me by an 18-year old gang member one evening while I was at work. He had been placed at the facility where I worked because he had an anger problem and was a drug addict. I watched that kid holler and threaten for about 20 minutes and had a realization. He was all bark and no bite. He didn’t get his way, so he threatened me (and t...

  • Unoffical School Board Minutes for July 21 meeting

    Aug 24, 2016

    High School District #2 & Elementary School District #11 Regular Meeting Trustees Present: Brad Weaver, Chairperson, Darin Genereux, Andrew Long, Brandon Gasvoda Trustee Absent: Diana LaBuda Staff Present: Brad Moore, Superintendent, Maryetta Engle, Clerk Visitors Present: Shersteen Cline, Teal Poole, Jessica Roth, Connie Reichelt, Leslie Gregory, Steve Stiles, Pete Jerrell, Leah Griffith and Michelle Young 1. Call to Order Chairperson Brad Weaver called the meeting to order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3....

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Aug 24, 2016

    Q: What do you think is the biggest problem facing the world today? We’ve been having a discussion about this in our Bible class at church, but we can’t seem to agree. A: The biggest problem facing the world today is the same as it always has been: the human heart. The Bible puts it bluntly: “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). Think about it a minute. If we could only get rid of our pride and selfishness, we’d have a perfect world. We’d live in harmony with each other, and we’d no...

  • Pioneer News

    Robert Lucke|Aug 24, 2016

    Special thanks to The Church of God for the wonderful lunch they provided for the staff during in service training. Reminder to students and parents, all handouts given out the first day of school must be turned in ASAP. If you are in an extra-curricular activity they need to be turned in before allowed to compete. Thursday, August 25 Booster Club Kickoff at the football field 6pm. Friday, August 26 junior high and varsity volleyball at Centerville. Saturday, August 27 junior high volleyball at Chester and varsity volleyball at Belt. Monday,...

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