Articles from the September 7, 2016 edition

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  • Duke Pursley and Buck Boyce Inductees in to the Cowboy Hall of Fame

    Robert Lucke|Sep 7, 2016

    On August 16 the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame announced the ninth class of inductees into the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame. For those of us who live in Big Sandy, our district is District 4 which includes Blaine, Chouteau, Hill and Liberty Counties. This year only two inductees were chosen from this district which is puzzling because two legacy inductees and one living inductee can be chosen from each district. This year from District 4 were chosen the living award to Aaron "Duke" Pursley from...

  • Dark Poet says "Turtle is no metaphor

    Robert Lucke|Sep 7, 2016

    When Steve Sibra was in Big Sandy last week, one thing he did was to read from his new poetry book to a group at Craig Edward's Gallery on Saturday night. The book is called "The Turtle is Not a Metaphor" and is some 35 dark and not so dark poems that he has written in the past few years. Sibra grew up on a farm 7 miles south east of Big Sandy and graduated from Big Sandy high school in 1974. Sibra went to the University of Montana and then the University of Puget Sound for law school. He loved...

  • Rosebud librarian blossoms in Big Sandy

    Robert Lucke|Sep 7, 2016

    James C. Howland IV is the new librarian at both the Big Sandy elementary school and the Big Sandy high school. In addition Howland is teaching seventh grade English. Howland was raised in Havre, graduating from Havre High School in 2000. He majored in English and History at MSU Bozeman and has taught for 7 years at Rosebud before moving to Big Sandy to take over the library position. Howland loves history and specializes in the Middle Ages. However English is a challenge to him as well as he...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Sep 7, 2016

    Cropping Questions from Producers in August • What is causing the dark and light colored stubble in my field after harvest? According to Clain Jones, MSU Extension Soil Fertility Specialist, one explanation may be differences in fertility and soil texture. If you have sandier soil and lower nitrogen available, you are going to have lighter colored straw, greater yield, and less protein. If you have finer soil and high nitrogen available, you are going to have darker colored straw, less yield and higher protein. • Is grazing a field with wheat s...

  • Getting by

    Janell Barber|Sep 7, 2016

    Nineteen Chouteau County 4-H youth meet excellence criteria for livestock carcass quality. The 2016 Chouteau County 4-H livestock carcass contest took place at Bear Paw Meats in Chinook. Fifty-nine Chouteau County 4-H animals were evaluated for carcass quality by Darren Crawford (MSU Extension Fergus County Agent). The purpose of the carcass contest was to teach 4-H youth how to correctly select, feed and finish livestock based on carcass data. If carcass criteria are met, youth can be confident they are producing a high quality product that...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Sep 7, 2016

    It is time for a September recipe. Looking through the file of recipes I have tried lately, how about a recipe for a very good potato salad that will taste better in the fall than in the summer. Plus it is so very simple to make. This could be called Polish Potato Salad because it is best served at room temperature. You will need five medium potatoes, boiled but with skins on. Yukon gold works well for this dish ½ bottle Kraft oil and vinegar dressing with Italian herbs ¼ cup sugar Lots of salt and pepper ½ cup sliced green olives. ¼ cup malt v...

  • Inez Mary Gregori Slonaker

    Sep 7, 2016

    Inez Mary Gregori Slonaker, 94, a lifelong Montanan and longtime resident of Black Eagle and Great Falls, died on Saturday, August 20, 2016 after a brief illness, with her family at her side. Inez was the daughter of Italian immigrants Settimo (Sam) and Fanny (Vangelisti) Gregori, who came to the U.S. from Lucca, Italy in the early 1920s. She was born in Stockett, where Sam worked in the coal mines. When Inez was a young girl, Sam got a job at the Anaconda Company smelter and the family moved...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsma|Sep 7, 2016

    Last week, my daughter started kindergarten. In less than 2 decades, I will be sitting in her high school graduation. She has a long list of future plans and plenty of time to decide exactly what she will do with her life. Between now and college, she has important work to do. She needs to learn to read, to do math, how to write proper sentences, how to put her thoughts on paper, how to use a library, and all sorts of other skills. Those skills will come into play when she goes to college. If, instead of kindergarten, I had dropped her off at...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Sep 7, 2016

    Q:After college, I ended up taking what I thought was a temporary job, and five years later I’m still in it. Why hasn’t God given me something exciting, instead of a job I don’t really care about? A: Millions of Americans are celebrating Labor Day, an annual holiday set aside to honor our working men and women, and to express gratitude for the important contributions they make to society. Where would we be without them? But Labor Day, I believe, should also be a time when we ask God to help us see our work from His point of view. Let’s be hone...

  • Big Sandy Pioneers knock down Noxon Devils 33-22

    Fred Watsein|Sep 7, 2016

    Did ya see that whiteout blow through town Friday morning?? No, that was the Big Sandy Pioneers leaving in the new unlabeled white cruiser bus for their near Idaho trip to Noxon. Now, cause Robbie says so, let us get the score in the first three sentences 33-22 BIG SANDY THE VICTORS!!! Now, don't get too excited, it is early in the season, but things are looking up in Big Sandy. Laurence Allderdice got the ball rolling with a 55 yard TD run that Big Sandy topped with a pass to Darlington to set...

  • The Lady Pioneers place 5th at North Star Showcase Tournament

    Fred Watsein|Sep 7, 2016

    The Lady Pioneers have consistently been posting better stats with each contest. This weekend was no exception with the Ladies posting some wins and playing in the Championship bracket at the North Star Tournament. Big Sandy kicked off the tournament against Cascade making them earn every point 25-13 and 26-24. Then Big Sandy posted their first win of the weekend against Sunburst in a 50-39 overall tie-breaker. The overall winner of the Tourney, Roy-Winfried, defeated Big Sandy in the next...

  • Big Sandy School Board Unoffical Minutes from August 16

    Sep 7, 2016

    Regular Meeting August 16, 2016 7:00 p.m. High School Computer Room Trustees Present: Brad Weaver, Chairperson, Diana LaBuda, Andrew Long Trustee Absent: Brandon Gasvoda and Darin Genereux Staff Present: Brad Moore, Superintendent, Maryetta Engle, Clerk, Heather Wolery, Elementary Head Teacher Visitors Present: Steve Stiles 1. Call to Order Chairperson Brad Weaver called the meeting to order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. Welcome Guests Chairperson Brad Weaver welcomed the guest. 4. Approval of Minutes of...

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