Articles from the September 14, 2016 edition

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  • Northwest Farm Credit hits one out of the Ballpark!

    Robert Lucke|Sep 14, 2016

    As a community we have come to expect Shaud Schwarzbach and his team at North West Farm Credit to step forward and help the Big Sandy community with projects that probably could not get completed without help. Well, according to Erik Sietsema and the Big Sandy Food Bank, the North West Farm Credit team has hit one out of the ball park this month. The Farm Credit organization has decreed September 21, 2016 as the day that the Chuck Wagon from the Montana Food Pantry in Missoula rolls into town to help with extra food for those in need in our...

  • Jessie Jaramillo, high school art teacher

    Robert Lucke|Sep 14, 2016

    People who love rustic art celebrated Grandma Moses birthday last week. Had she lived, she would be well over a hundred years in age. Matter of fact she did live to be over a hundred. Grandma Moses started painting when she was a very old lady and her paintings caught on for art lovers all over the world. At least one of her paintings is hanging in the White House. Like many of us, Grandma Moses did not learn much about her talents for many many years. Another person shared much the same story....

  • First West Nile Virus death for 2016 reported in McCone County

    Sep 14, 2016

    The McCone County Health Department and the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services are reporting Montana’s first human death from West Nile Virus (WNV) for 2016. This case brings the total number of West Nile Virus (WNV) cases reported in Montana to six for 2016. Previously, four cases were reported in Dawson County and one in Garfield County. Additionally, several horses and mosquito pools, predominately in eastern Montana, tested positive for WNV. The deceased, an adult McCone County resident, passed away from complications r...

  • Bangs Family to Hold 2nd Annual 5K on the Farm

    Sep 14, 2016

    Great Falls, MT- Fitness, food and farming will be center stage at the Bangs Family Farm near Inverness September 17 for the 5K on the Farm fun run event. The farm is located near Inverness and owned and operated by Tom and Carol Bangs. Event organizers Jeff and Katie Bangs, son and daughter-in-law of Tom and Carol, are active members of Montana Farmers Union. Jeff and Katie were the 2014 Farmers Union Enterprise Leadership Couple. In addition, Katie has served on the Montana Farmers Union Women’s Committee and also served on the National F...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Sep 14, 2016

    Ranching Management Questions and Answers in September What herbicide do you recommend for cheatgrass management in alfalfa or an alfalfa/grass mix? Dr. Jane Mangold MSU Rangeland Weed Specialist, has talked to producers who use a low rate of Roundup (4 ounces per acre) in the early spring, prior to alfalfa and other grasses breaking dormancy. Depending on the severity of the infestation, producers may need to spray a couple years to deplete the seed bank. In addition, producers need to be careful to not stress the alfalfa/grass as a result of...

  • Make it with Wool Contest; Meeting Sept. 22

    Sep 14, 2016

    Want more information about the Make It With Wool contest? Or would you like some help getting started on a project, need some hands-on help or just want a group setting to work on your project? We will have an information session on September 22, 2016 at the Big Sandy School from 3 - 6 pm. Please come so we can plan and decide if there is enough interest to offer some sessions through the Adult Education program. It will be customized based on the overall needs of those interested. All ages are welcomed and encouraged to come, including 4-H...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Sep 14, 2016

    There are several places in and around Montana to see, simply glorious fall foliage starting right about now. Most fall foliage is in its prime around the first part of October, although it has been running later for the last couple of years. That does not count the dramatic tamarack or larch fall foliage when those evergreens have their needles turn gold then drop off until the following spring. That season can last all the way until Thanksgiving. Close to us, the best viewing for tamaracks is Marias Pass, the Swan Valley and the McDonald...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Sep 14, 2016

    Q: I know preachers like to tell people how bad they are and that they ought to feel guilty over their sins. But I don’t feel guilty over anything, because I don’t believe there’s such a thing as right or wrong. What would you say to someone like me? A: The first thing I’d say to you is that your letter made me very sad. By believing that nothing is either right or wrong, you are putting your faith in something that simply isn’t true—and eventually your disregard for right and wrong will hurt both you and others. The Bible warns, “Woe to those...

  • Big Sandy Pioneers power past Box Elder Bears 70-34

    Fred Watsein|Sep 14, 2016

    As the starting line-ups were read the seemingly endless line of 19 Box Elder Bears across the field from the Pioneers was intimidating, but the Pioneers and Coach Ronnie Simpson had one thing in mind Friday night. WIN. Win they did, and with a final score of 70-34 one may think it was an easy one, but that is not the case. The Pioneers did come out of the blocks tough and shut down the Bears on a fourth and one to set the tone of who would be leading the charge to victory. Then after a failed...

  • The Lady Pioneers fall To CJI and bring home a win in Hays

    Fred Watsein|Sep 14, 2016

    I got a chance to go watch the Lady Pioneers in action on Thursday vs. Chester-Joplin-Inverness. I was able to watch both the Junior High ladies and the varsity squad. I just want to mention Miss Blanton. Her running underhand serve would psych out Karch Kiraly on the beach any day. Then her courage to sing the national anthem to kick-off the varsity game and the way this lady carries herself on a daily basis should be a lesson to us all. It was a big weekend for Junior high sports this weekend...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Sep 14, 2016

    I just finished reading Alice in Wonderland to my 5 year old daughter. I got the idea after talking to a few teenagers, who recounted with fondness how their fathers had read novels to them as children. I’m a firm believer in imitating the actions of folks who are successful, so I resolved to take up reading novels to my kids. We started weeks ago, reading a chapter or two every night at bedtime. I didn’t think it would go over well. The book didn’t have any pictures and some of the material went over her head. Occasionally, I had to stop...

  • Happy Birthday, Grandma Moses!

    Sep 14, 2016

    Anna Mary Robertson Moses (September 7, 1860 – December 13, 1961), known by her nickname Grandma Moses, was a renowned American folk artist. Having begun painting in earnest at the age of 78, she is often cited as an example of an individual successfully beginning a career in the arts at an advanced age. Her works have been shown and sold in the United States and abroad and have been marketed on greeting cards and other merchandise. Moses' paintings are among the collections of many museums. T...

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