Articles from the September 20, 2023 edition

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  • Growth Through Agriculture Grant & Loan Program Requesting Proposals

    Sep 20, 2023

    GTA Pre-Application Submission Deadline is Monday, October 23, 2023 Helena, Mont. – The Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) is announcing the opening of the FY2024 funding cycle for the Growth Through Agriculture (GTA) Program. Montanans interested in innovating or expanding agricultural businesses are invited to apply for funds through the state grant and loan program. "The Growth Through Agriculture program continues to help Montana businesses and agricultural operations add value, s...

  • MAT Fundraiser 'Death By Chocolate' is This Saturday, September 23

    Erik Sietsema|Sep 20, 2023

    The Montana Actor’s Theater (MAT) will be holding its annual fundraising dinner theater event, Death By Chocolate, this Saturday, September 23rd at 5:30 PM in Havre. The evening will include dinner, a murder mystery, previews of the season’s shows, and dancing. The audience will have the opportunity to guess who the murderer is and win a prize. The event theme is a play of the 80’s television series “The Love Boat: The Like you Very Much Ship.” Instead of the Pacific Princess, guests will board the “Mediterranean Madam” and enjoy a Mediterranea...

  • Cold and Flu Season is here

    Jessica Ophus|Sep 20, 2023

    The dreaded cold and flu season is upon us! When someone says they have a cold or the flu, what is actually happening in their body? For most people, the “common cold” is a viral infection of the upper respiratory system. In other words, a stuffy nose, head pressure, sore throat, and a cough. There usually is no fever or chills, and maybe just slight body aches. In most cases, this will pass in 5-10 days and over the counter treatments will help to ease symptoms. The “flu,” also known as Influenza, does usually bring fever and chills, body ac...

  • The Mountianeer needs your help for Veterans Special Project

    Zoe Merrill|Sep 20, 2023

    Veterans Day is November 11th. It always comes so quickly and I don’t have time to put together a good article for the Veteran’s Day paper. I need help. I need the names of every Veteran in the Big Sandy area along with a picture. And I don’t want to leave anyone out. So it’s important to start gathering the material now. So please send information and a picture if you have one to National Today website has the following information about Veteran’s Day. I don’t want to just give the history of the day itself on Veterans Day...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Sep 20, 2023

    Fall Management of Cheatgrass in Fallow Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), also commonly called downy brome, is a problematic weed in winter wheat and in rangeland throughout Montana. Cheatgrass typically germinates in the autumn, overwinters, and produces seed by mid-summer. The cheatgrass life cycle is similar to winter wheat which makes it a problematic weed in winter wheat fields. Cheatgrass is an abundant seed producer. Seed is only viable for one to two years in the seedbank. Cheatgrass typically germinates from late August to early October...

  • Pioneer Parents Make plans to support teachers

    Zoe Merrill|Sep 20, 2023

    The Pioneer Parents Team met on September 12th at the FE Miley Library. Officers were voted on: President Rachel Baumgarn; Vice President Sarah Sura; Secretary Scarlet Auble; and Treasurer Misty LeFurgey. This is a group of parents who want to support and encourage the teachers in our community. Its design loosely follows the old PTA. They hope to encourage more parents to care about the classroom and get involved. It is also easy to understand how important it is to support the teachers as they...

  • The Best Way to Complete a Goal and Why

    Heather Sherburn|Sep 20, 2023

    When considering things about the future, many people create goals. These goals can range anywhere from getting a driver's license to simply buying a bike. However, no matter what they may be, goals all have to follow these inherent steps: planning, establishing a certain mindset, obtaining the necessities, and finally, taking the first real step towards completion. If a goal comes to mind, and it seems that there is a strong feeling of devotion towards it, the first step in this journey is to create a plan. Planning a goal may seem like...

  • Louis Virgil Beirwagen

    Sep 20, 2023

    Louis Virgil Beirwagen passed away on Wednesday September 13, 2023 at the Big Sandy Medical Center in Big Sandy, Montana. In the words of a long-time friend, "The harvest is done. The grain bins are full. It's time to rest." Louis was born April 6, 1927, on the family homestead farm in the Loma, Montana, area, and lived his entire life there. He is preceded in death by his parents Margaretha and Ludwig Beirwagen and his siblings Art, Virgil, and Alice. He is survived by his wife June; his...

  • Ivan: Family Favorite

    Zoe Merrill|Sep 20, 2023

    A family pet brings enormous joys, of laughter and companionship. Often they sleep in the same bed. Ivan was too big he would take up the whole bed. He was a Great Dane Massive. Nathan bought him when Henry came home from Seattle's Children's Hospital with the firsthand knowledge that life is precious and oftentimes too short. Henry was proof that miracles still happen, and Ivan represented that. He came to live with me on the farm because he was just too big to live in a smaller townhouse....

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Sep 20, 2023

    Every summer, I am blessed with the opportunity to drive a swather for a friend of mine in the church. I know many farmers consider swathing to be as interesting as watching paint dry, but I enjoy it because it gives me an opportunity to get away from cell phone reception and my regular work commitments. Swathing days are 8 to 10 hours of time to think and breathe without any pressing concerns or emergencies to deal with. Every time I go out to drive, my friend reminds me of the same rule: Always check the oil before you turn the key. The oil...

  • Pioneers Dominate 2nd half over the Valier Panthers 38-14

    Sep 20, 2023

    The Big Sandy Pioneer football team had a bit of a challenge with the Valier Panthers this last weekend. Senior Cooper Taylor had limited playing time due to an injury, but Coach said, “He should be ready to go this week.” The Panthers had the ball first to start the game, didn’t have much success at first with running the ball, and turned over the ball on downs. The Pioneers started the game with a couple carries from Lane Demontiney getting first downs, but Big Sandy threw an interception on a deep ball into the endzone. Valier had a great...

  • Lady Pioneers split the weekend, winning a doubleheader with Hays/Lodgepole and lost ot CJI

    Sep 20, 2023

    The Lady Pioneers played a doubleheader against Hays winning both, and also played CJI this last week losing a tough match-up. The girls had some very hard-fought battles and came away with some wins, and some lessons learned. The girls came out victorious against Hays. In the first match, the Lady Pioneers won 25-6, 25-12, and 25-6. The team and individual results were as follows: Digs: 22 with Jai Baumann having 10 Assists: 20 with Jai Baumann having 12 Kills: 22 with Keira Galbavy having 12...

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