Articles from the October 12, 2016 edition

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  • Thanks to Fire Dept. and Ambulance drivers

    Robert Lucke|Oct 12, 2016

    This is National Fire Prevention Week and we are celebrating it in "The Mountaineer" this issue. Fire prevention goes back a long, long way with early day volunteer firemen going around in wagons that would hold many gallons of water and that were manned by four or six horses. Needless to say that not a lot of fires were put out unless the fire was right next to the fire department. If those old fire wagons had to go a mile, chances were the fire would have consumed whatever building they were...

  • Cline climbs to excellence in BS Science

    Robert Lucke|Oct 12, 2016

    "The Mountaineer" has written stories about Shersteen Cline in the last few years. She played volleyball like nobodies business at Montana Tech for a four year college career. And, she was so good at what she did, that she got many scholarships to boot. But, all the time Cline was playing award winning volleyball for Montana Tech she was learning. She knew she needed a career. Volleyball was not going to last forever, maybe teaching and coaching would. Shersteen Cline is well known in the Big...

  • Lindland lands new Pharmacy

    Robert Lucke|Oct 12, 2016

    For a town the size of Big Sandy, it is as important to have as many services as the town can possibly hold. To have a medical center, a grocery store, several cafes and a bakery/deli and even Big Sandy Activities is important, not to mention very high quality schools. So, a few years ago when a new pharmacy came to Big Sandy, it was just the frosting on the cake. All of a sudden there was another medical presence in Big Sandy and when you consider that the average person sees his or her doctor...

  • DPHHS: Stay healthy this winter and get the influenza vaccine

    Oct 12, 2016

    The Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) is encouraging all Montanans 6 months of age and older to get vaccinated now against influenza in order to decrease their risk of becoming ill with the flu. In Montana, the flu season usually peaks in February and lasts through May. Officials say the vaccine is readily available. The influenza vaccine is the best form of protection against the flu and provides protection throughout the entire flu season, even when vaccinated in the early fall. The composition of the flu vaccine is...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Oct 12, 2016

    Insects Affecting Livestock Production The Chouteau County Livestock Protective Association meeting will take place on Friday, November 10th at 3:00 the Vets Hall in Geraldine. The social will begin at 5:00 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:30. An educational presentation on insects affecting livestock production will follow dinner. Dr. Greg Johnson, MSU Extension Veterinary Entomologist will discuss fly and lice management in beef cattle. Horn flies are the most common summer pest on mature cattle in Montana. These flies spend 95% of their...

  • NorthWestern Energy Seeks Montana Natural Gas Rate Adjustment

    Oct 12, 2016

    Butte, Mont. – October 3, 2016 – NorthWestern Energy has filed an application to increase its natural gas delivery service and production rates in Montana. The application, filed with the Montana Public Service Commission, also seeks to permanently place two natural-gas production properties in northcentral Montana into its rate base. The overall increase in delivery services and production charges is 7.96 percent, or approximately $10.9 million. But the overall impact on customer bills varies by customer type. For a typical residential cus...

  • Big Sandy celebrates Parents Night and fall to Valier 22-44

    Oct 12, 2016

    By Fred Watstein There were all the great components of an awesome football game Friday. Soggy field, chilli flowing, nip in the night air, fire truck sirens blaring all the makings of a great game. Only thing not great? The final score of 44-22 Valier Panthers the victors. The Big Sandy squad played a great game. Three things I noticed on Valier's team that makes them tough to beat. For starters they have a 6'6" receiver who is always open due to his height. They also have two of those running...

  • The Lady Pioneers fought hard but fell to Chinook and CJI

    Fred Watsein|Oct 12, 2016

    The Lady Pioneers visited the Highline twice last week. On Tuesday to take on the Chinook Sugarbeeters and on Thursday the CJI Hawks. Both trips they enjoyed the smooth ride of the new cruiser bus. According to coach Cline the ladies could have used a little more focus. "We are definitely capable of beating the Hawks, but we struggled with mental toughness and consistency." "We are a young team and are going to learn from our mistakes, and do our best to make corrections this week in practice...

  • Richard "Dick" Edwin Tyler

    Oct 12, 2016

    Richard "Dick" Edwin Tyler was born on the family farm May 29, 1934. He left this world for the next one on the same farm September 30, 2016. He was 82 years old. Dick attended the Mountain View country school approximately 1 ½ miles from the farm. He graduated from Big Sandy High School in 1952. Dad was an avid Weatherbee gun collector, and would only have them in his collection if he thought they were pretty enough. He was proud to show them to all who stopped by to visit. Dad had a...

  • Bear Paw Meanderings

    Robert Lucke|Oct 12, 2016

    I have a small turkey in the freezer and have decided to cook it this weekend. Having said that, now I have to figure out how to cook it. These days it is not nearly as easy to cook a turkey as it used to be. There are several answers to this dilemma. One answer is to invite someone over to help cook the turkey. The other answer is not to cook all that used to go with having a turkey dinner. If I have someone over to help cook, I am going to lean on them to cook the mashed potatoes, make a vegetable and make gravy. I am going to cook the turkey...

  • Big Sandy Medical Guild Has Successful Rummage Sale

    Oct 12, 2016

    The Big Sandy Medical Guild is pleased to report that the 2016 Rummage Sale was very successful. It takes a lot of volunteers to make this annual event run smoothly. We appreciate everyone who helped in whatever way they could: those who donated items, set up, sorted, priced items, worked the sale, and cleaned up, made pies, served pies, and donated raffle prizes. Your hard work and generosity is very much appreciated. The community is so supportive by purchasing items at the rummage sale, enjoying the pie & coffee, and purchasing raffle...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Oct 12, 2016

    Lately, it seems like I cannot look at Facebook, read the news, watch tv, or have a conversation without the current presidential election coming up. I cannot recall a more contentious or weird election in my lifetime. People are worried, angry, scared, frustrated, and looking for solutions. Rhetoric surrounding the outcome of the election has predicted catastrophe. Candidates have been verbally tarred and feathered so many times that it’s hard to imagine a civil debate or election ever taking place again. I don’t want to add to that pile of...

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