Articles from the October 17, 2018 edition

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  • National 4-H Week is October 7-13: A celebration of 102 years of youth support and development!

    Kristie Rutledge|Oct 17, 2018 reports, "Today, 4 H serves youth in rural, urban, and suburban communities in every state across the nation. 4-H'ers are tackling the nation's top issues, from global food security, climate change and sustainable energy to childhood obesity and food safety. 4 H out-of-school programming, in-school enrichment programs, clubs and camps also offer a wide variety of STEM opportunities – from agricultural and animal sciences to rocketry, robotics, environmental protection and computer scienc...

  • Exciting Beginnings with FFA and New Leadership

    Zoe Merrill|Oct 17, 2018

    Recently in Malta the FFA attended their first FFA fall district contest. They participated in range science and livestock judging. Out of 10 teams and with 45 students in range science Big Sandy's FFA chapter won first place. Katherine Bold won first place, Grace Finke placed 4th, Kassidy Pursley placed 5th, Stacey Allderdice placed 6th and Brady Pleninger placed 7th. The junior livestock team placed eighth. Mattie Gasvoda was the highest individual from Big Sandy placing 23rd. Senior...

  • FFA Wreath and Fruit Sales!

    Alicia Bjornestad|Oct 17, 2018

    This year the Big Sandy FFA is super excited about fundraising. They’re going to be selling fruit and Christmas wreaths until October 31. All the FFA members are going to be going around town to their family and friends to raise money for this amazing group. Hopefully, all of the kids can happily reach their goal and enjoy all the fundraising. The fruits that will be sold include oranges, grapefruits, and mandarins. The oranges and grapefruits can come in a 20lb box for twenty-five dollars or a 40lb box for fifty dollars. And the mandarins c...

  • A fun filled day for everyone at Chili Feed

    Zoe Merrill|Oct 17, 2018

    Also named Spirit Week, it is when the entire town celebrates our heroes the local fire fighters and the kids spend the entire week celebrating the pride of being a Pioneer. The week's celebration started with five days of spirit! Both schools dressed up each day in spirit gear on Monday it was beach day, Tuesday duo day (sometimes triple day), Wednesday cowboy day, Thursday character day, and Friday was purple and gold day. The grade school had a contest for a Pioneer motto to be put on a...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Oct 17, 2018

    Bear Paw and Highwood Mountain Land Owners Should Scout for Dying Fir Trees In October of 2017, the Bear Paw Mountains were buried with three feet of snow. Along with the snow came severe damage to many Chouteau County conifers. After the damage was completed, the Douglas-Fir Beetle (Dendroctonus pseudotsugae) moved into damaged tree locations where they reproduced and rapidly built up their numbers. In the spring of 2018, D. Pseudotsugae adults moved from the damaged trees to neighboring large trees. First the needles turned yellow, and then...

  • Getting By

    Janell Barber|Oct 17, 2018

    Does anyone recall being told as a kid eating too much sugar would rot your teeth? Or, perhaps you have caught yourself telling a child the same thing? Have you ever wondered if it was true and, if so, why? As we find out the older we get, many of the things we were told as children end up being true. In this case with sugar and rotting teeth, it is also true. Here is why: Plaque, which is a sticky film of bacteria covering our teeth, turns the simple carbohydrates (sugars and starches) from the foods and drinks we consume into acid. The acid...

  • Last days of the Soccer Season

    Zoe Merrill|Oct 17, 2018

    Soccer played their last games of the year this last weekend in Geraldine. Soccer brings out each child's personalities especially when they are five years old. If they are prone to be a little reserved they'll most likely just stand in place, or notice a rock and sit down to look at it rather than paying any attention to the ball being dribbled past them. Some children are more aggressive and there they are, at the youngest of ages running up and down the field, where their position was to go...

  • Senior News

    Leslie Gregory|Oct 17, 2018

    Thursday, October 18- BBQ Pulled Pork sandwiches, coleslaw, and brownies. Friday, October 19- Taco salad in shell, and red Velevet cookies. Monday, October 22- Beef tops over noodles, cucumber salad, and Gingerbread cake. Tuesday, October 23- Chicken Chow Mein, Chinese Coleslaw, and Cupcakes. Wednesday, October 24- Club sandwich, lettuce, ham, turkey, bacon, cheese, Carrot salad, and Pastio dessert. Recipe of the week: Pumpkin, Apple Streusel muffins. You will need the following: 2 ½ cups flour 1 ½ cups sugar 1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice 2 t...

  • Margaret Robertson

    Oct 17, 2018

    This world is at a great loss, as one of the most gentle, maternal and affectionate women of her time has been called up to heaven. Margaret Christine (Stremcha) Robertson was born on August 13, 1925 in Havre, Montana to Antone and Francis (Smoltz) Stremcha. Margaret graduated from Big Sandy High School in 1944, where she was the majorette for four years. Soon after, she married her high school sweetheart, Walter F. Robertson in June of 1944. Together, the couple raised three sons during their 6... Full story

  • New @ the Jeff Reichelt Library

    Oct 17, 2018

    A Measure of Darkness by Jonathan Kellerman, and Jesse Kellerman It’s been a busy year for Alameda County Coroner’s Deputy Clay Edison. He’s solved a decades-old crime and redeemed an innocent man--earning himself a suspension in the process. Things are getting serious with his girlfriend. And his brother’s fresh out of prison, bringing with him a great big basket of crazy. Then the call comes in the middle of the night. It’s a bad one. A party in West Oakland. An argument with the neighbors. A crowd in the street. Two guns, firing at random...

  • Big Sandy lights up the scoreboard in 89-52 win over Power-Dutton-Brady

    Kody Farmer|Oct 17, 2018

    The scoreboard operator was busy Friday night in Big Sandy as the Pioneers capped off the 63rd Annual Chili Feed with a 89-52 win over the Power-Dutton-Brady Titans. Big Sandy scored 11 rushing touchdowns in the contest, added another through the air and a 13th on a kickoff return and then added a Safety for good measure. The Titans were tough to stop as well, scoring eight total touchdowns in a game that saw the teams combine for 141 points. The 89 points would win nearly every game on the bask...

  • Big Sandy falls to Box Elder, Chester/J-I in 6C-East play

    Kody Farmer|Oct 17, 2018

    The Big Pioneers suffered a pair of setbacks over the weekend falling to the Box Elder Bears Friday 3-0 and the Chester/Joplin-Inverness Hawks on Saturday in five sets, 3-2. Against the Bears it was Box Elder winning the opening set 25-16. Set number two also went the way of the Bears 25-17. Box Elder closed out the Pioneers in the third set 25-23 to complete the sweep. Senior Jaylyn Cline led the offensive attack with five Kills. Junior Lainey Gregory recorded five assists. Saturday the girls...

  • Thoughts with Zoe

    Oct 17, 2018

    I started 4-H like most women my age with cooking and sewing. I couldn’t wait to pick out my first pattern project. Now keep in mind my mother was a National 4-H Women’s Sewing Champion. She had sewed a Make It with Wool suit with lined jacket and calf length skirt, but she was not my sewing leader. My sewing leader had helped pick me out a strait shift pattern after measuring me and had determined I was a petite. Keep in mind I was tall and skinny. My mother tried to tell me it was the wrong pattern size, but I wouldn’t listen because my 4-...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Oct 17, 2018

    This morning, while scanning the morning’s headlines and checking my Twitter feed for anything of interest, I came across a tweet from a nationally known figure encouraging folks to shun any family members that support the opposing political party. I intentionally leave out the political affiliation, because this way of thinking isn’t foreign to any point of view right now. Discourse in our country has become increasingly acidic, a fact both sides readily blame on the other party. The thing about the tweet that I read this morning is that it...

  • CCPA presents: An Evening of Michael Bublé Music

    Oct 17, 2018

    Chouteau County Performing Arts in partnership with River Market, present a thrilling evening of Michael Bublé songs staring the tribute trio known as Shades of Bublé. The fun begins on Tuesday October 23rd, at 7PM, at the Fort Benton Elementary School auditorium. Ask three people who Michael Bublé is and you’ll get three different answers. The modern Sinatra who sings and swings on all the standards, the chart-topping pop artist who wrote “Home” and “Haven’t Met You Yet”, the rock-and-roll bad-boy who reinterprets classic Motown and R&B...

  • Fun Happenings at your Local Big Sandy Library

    Oct 17, 2018

    Librarian Darlene Cline called to order the September meeting of the Friends of the Library. Old Business: Darlene reported on the success of the Summer Reading program “Libraries Rock” for both youth and adults, with over 60 involved in each age group. The May book sale held to benefit our local Food Bank brought in lots of canned goods. New stack shelving has arrived, and the last of the Carroll College metal shelving is being utilized in the storage room. New Business: Darlene announced that September 21, Kristina Smith from the Fort Benton...

  • Blood Drive a Success

    Oct 17, 2018

    The Big Sandy Blood Drive had another amazing turn out. Karli Phillips hit her 1 gallon donation mark. Out of the 32 people coming to donate we had 27 successful donations. Four of those being High Schoolers, four being first time donors. Thank you to all the donors and the CLCW ladies for their time and delicious food. The need for blood increases during the winter holidays with people being more apt to be traveling and active during these times and thus are at an increased risk for accidents. To do our part this year we will be having our...

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