Articles from the October 21, 2015 edition

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  • Thelma Mae Benefit October 24

    Robert Lucke|Oct 21, 2015

    Thelma Mae Briney is two years old and is going through treatments that no two year old should have to go through. Her parents have an extraordinary amount of expenses so friends are having a benefit for Thelma Mae on Saturday, October 24 2015 at the Jerry Martin Memorial Hall on Main Street in Big Sandy, Montana. There will be a free will spaghetti dinner served from 5 to 7pm and a silent auction and raffles from 5 to 7pm and a live auction at 7pm. Thelma is the two year old daughter of Brad...

  • Amy Terry teaching studious 2nd graders

    Robert Lucke|Oct 21, 2015

    Amy Terry is a new second grade teacher at the Elementary school. For "the Mountaineer" and our readers, Amy answered a series of questions from "The Mountaineer" about a whole range of subjects. Her answers made us dream we were in the second grade once again. "Mountaineer": Where were you born and raised., Amy: I was born in Whitefish and raised in Big Sandy. "Mountaineer": When you were a child, did you ever think you could become a teacher? Amy: I wanted to be teacher for as long as I can...

  • Twila Cline running Blood Draw for 18 years

    Robert Lucke|Oct 21, 2015

    Imagine this. In Big Sandy the same person has been running blood drawings for the last 28 years. She is Twila Cline and she is a happy camper when she talks about her blood drawings through the years. Cline is as close to a life time resident that Big Sandy has without living here full time. Twila was born and raised in Box Elder but has made her home here in Big Sandy for the last 47 years. And in that time Twila has learned a lot about blood drawings. "Like be sure that the donors have...

  • Quinn's watermelon: Sweeter due to the seeds

    Robert Lucke|Oct 21, 2015

    If you see a pickup of watermelons for sale on Main Street, those belong to Bob Quinn. They were planted and tended to by Caleb Kriser who is also in charge of Quinn's Kracklin' Kamut snack nuts. It seems that Kriser came from watermelon country in Florida. Meantime Bob Quinn has been trying all of his life to grow watermelons but could not due to a very short growing season. Quinn had succeeded in growing a few watermelons thanks to a longer growing season in this part of Montana. Caused by cli...

  • Triangle Announces 2015 Smart Rural Connected Community Challenge Program

    Guest Column|Oct 21, 2015

    As part of its commitment to strengthening rural communities, Triangle Communications (Triangle) again encourages applicants for its Smart Rural Connected Community Challenge program. Two communities from within Triangle’s service area will be selected as Connected Communities in 2015. Triangle is excited to offer this unique opportunity and looks forward to working closely with the selected communities to leverage the value of Broadband while seeking to increase the vitality of these communities in a connected world. As awardees, each c...

  • FSA 2016 Crop Acreage Reporting Deadline Nears

    Guest Column|Oct 21, 2015

    The Chouteau County FSA office is currently accepting 2016-crop fall acreage reports. Farm operators are asked to stop by the local FSA office as soon as possible to pick up their acreage reporting packets (maps, worksheets, instructions). Producers that wish to have their map sets emailed to them, rather than pick them up in person, may send an email request to JESSICA.L.ANDERSON@MT.USDA.GOV. In an email request, producers must identify the names of the producers or entities for which map sets are needed. Map sets will be mailed, upon...

  • Salinity Control Seminar Wednesday October, 28th 2015 Highwood Community Center

    Tyler Lane, Green Acres|Oct 21, 2015

    A salinity control seminar will take place on Wednesday, October, 28 at 9:00 a.m. at the Highwood Community Center and will include an afternoon field tour of a ground water investigation for a saline seep reclamation project on the Highwood Bench. The tour will be weather permitting. A $10.00 fee will be charged at the door to cover the cost of lunch and refreshments. The Highwood Bench is noted for the research conducted since the 1960’s to define the cause for dryland saline seep problems. At one time over 20,000 acres were s...

  • Food Basket and Angel Gift Applications Now Available

    Guest Column|Oct 21, 2015

    This is a reminder to all families who qualify for Thanksgiving/ Christmas food baskets and Angel gifts that applications are now available. Qualifying families from Carter, Loma, Floweree, Highwood, Big Sandy, Geraldine, Fort Benton and surrounding areas in Chouteau County are eligible to apply. Applications are available at Big Sandy Pharmacy and the Public Health and Human Services office in Fort Benton. In order to participate, completed applications must be turned in no later than November 1, 2015. No letters will be mailed out. This...

  • October is National Bullying Prevention Month

    Guest Column|Oct 21, 2015

    With children back in their school routines, October is the perfect time for local communities nationwide to unite to raise awareness of bullying prevention through education, outreach and activities. This is the message from the organizers behind National Bullying Prevention Month, which occurs each October. What was once historically viewed as “a childhood rite of passage” is no longer the case, as far from “making kids tougher,” bullying can result in such demoralizing effects as anxiety, self-esteem-loss, depression and school avoidan...

  • Adult Education- Fall Session

    Guest Column|Oct 21, 2015

    The fall session of Adult Education is underway. Classes being offered include, Aerobics, Holiday Cards, Knitting, Pintrest- getting started, Concealed weapons class and more. Please go to the school website for detailed information regarding each class. – Adult Education- Calendar. Please contact Sherri Heppner at 378-2502 for more information or to register for a class. More classes will be added, keep checking....

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