Articles from the November 18, 2015 edition

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  • New Pool for Big Sandy being discussed

    Nov 18, 2015

    There has been a lot of talk around town of a new outdoor swimming pool for Big Sandy. It started in the Big Sandy City Council where a new pool has been on the agenda for the last three months. When asked about it, Mayor Stiles is saying that there are groups and individuals around Big Sandy who are interested in a new pool. So, interested, in fact that when the city asked Rotary to fund a feasibility study, they did just that and probably that study is going on at the present time. The cost...

  • Buy Locally this Christmas season

    Robert Lucke|Nov 18, 2015

    You know when you come right down to it, this town is really smoking. When you compare where we are today compared to where we were last Stroll, we have made a lot of activity. First, and most important are all the young families who have come back home to Big Sandy to raise their children, educate them and live in the shadow of Centennial Mountain. Not a lot of Montana small towns can boast about larger census figures but Big Sandy certainly can. How many have come by “the Mountaineer” or introduced themselves on the street and said they wan...

  • Griswold Party & Parade

    Robert Lucke|Nov 18, 2015

    Griswold Christmas and Parade Lianna Heimbigner and Lisa Meyers, members of the Big Sandy Chamber of Commerce, were in “the Mountaineer” last week explaining about a Griswold Christmas in Big Sandy and the Stroll Parade. Griswold Christmas The Griswold Christmas is just around the corner. It starts on Friday, November 20 at 1pm and is a time when the Chamber of Commerce encourages the community to come down to Main Street and decorate the nines out of it! If there are lights hanging out of lights and more lights, that still is not enough Chr...

  • Volley for Yanci

    Robert Lucke|Nov 18, 2015

    There will be a volleyball fundraiser at the high school gym for Yanci Ann Phillips, daughter of Victor and Karli Phillips Saturday, November 21 starting at 9am. The style of these volleyball matchups are 6 on 6 Co-Ed. There is a sixty dollar entry fee per team and teams can be made up of seventh graders and up. Get your entry forms from Sherri at the High School and be prepared to play the most fun volleyball you have ever played in your life! For those who just love watching good and fun...

  • Jamie Tone; new fifth grade teacher

    Robert Lucke|Nov 18, 2015

    Jamie Tone teaches fifth grade at the F. E. Miley School in Big Sandy. Jamie is a long way from home. She was born and raised in Lindenhurst, New York. She moved to Missoula when she was a freshman in high school. “The Mountaineer” caught up with Jamie a couple of weeks ago. Here is her story. “Mountaineer” : Did you ever think you would become a school teacher? Jamie: I did enjoy playing “school” when I was a child but I did not know that I would follow that road until my early 20’s. ”Mountaineer”: Where did you get your education and how...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Nov 18, 2015

    Cow Herd Winter Readiness Below are some items to consider for your cow herd winter readiness from Rachel Endecott (MSU Beef Cattle Specialist). • Testing your hay for nutrient analysis is a critical component of a nutrition plan. From your forage test results, you can build a more accurate and economical winter feeding plan. Do you need to purchase supplement? Does your high protein second cutting need to be diluted with a lower quality hay to more optimally match cow requirements? Do you have enough hay? Does your grain hay have a c...

  • Rutledge shows at the NILE

    Nov 18, 2015

    Big Sandy sophomore Andrea Rutledge has had a very busy fall! After a year-long program, she took the heifer that she received from the NILE Merit Heifer program back to the NILE in Billings from October 14-17, 2015. This program was in conjunction with her FFA breeding project. At the end of the week, the heifer was transferred to Rutledge for ownership. This program is considered a "live scholarship" as the recipient keeps the heifer and is able to sell her calves or place them in her own...


    Robert Lucke|Nov 18, 2015

    This week Vicki picked a book about when knights were in power and things were not like now. Called “KNIGHTS OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS” by George R. R. Martin, this story takes place nearly a century before the events of A GAME OF THRONES. A KNIGHT ON THE SEVEN KINGDOMS is the first three official prequel novellas to George R. R. Martin’s ongoing masterwork, A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE. These never before collected adventures recount an age when the Targaryen line still holds the Iron throne, and the memory of the last dragon has not yet passed from...

  • Pioneer News

    Robert Lucke|Nov 18, 2015

    Thursday, November 19 high school basketball and wrestling start. Thursday, November 19 junior high basketball at Box Elder 5 and 6:30pm. Friday, November 20 junior high basketball hosts Chinook 4pm. Saturday, November 21 Phillips Volleyball fundraiser starts at 9am in the high school gym. November 23 and 24 Science Olympiad in Bozeman November 23 junior high basketball in Fort Benton November 25 to 29 No School Happy Thanksgiving! Breakfast and lunch menus for the coming week are as follows: Wednesday, November 18 breakfast includes egg and ch...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Nov 18, 2015

    Peter Miller was a Baptist pastor and good friend of George Washington during the American Revolution. Accounts of Miler’s life tell of his ongoing difficulties with a neighbor named Michael Wittman. Wittman put a great deal of effort toward publicly opposing and humiliating Pastor Miller. Several years into the war, Michael Wittman was arrested and tried for espionage. After being found guilty, Wittman was sentenced to death. Peter Miller, upon hearing of his enemy’s predicament, walked 70 miles to Philadelphia to plead with General Was...

  • 5 Simple Steps to Keep Pets Healthy Over the Holidays

    Guest Column|Nov 18, 2015

    When making holiday plans, consider your pets’ health needs. Here, five veterinary experts weigh in on steps to keep pets happy and healthy amid the hubbub. Resist Those Pleading Eyes According to veterinary nutritionist Dr. Dottie LaFlamme, high-calorie tidbits contribute to caloric overload and bad habits, while lacking necessary nutrient balance. “Just one teaspoon of beef fat can contain almost twice the calories a small dog should consume in daily treats,” LaFlamme notes, adding that feeding from the table also promotes begging behav...

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