Articles from the December 19, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 19 of 19

  • Montana gives the Gifts of Beautiful Sunrises

    Dec 19, 2018

    Monday morning on Main Street Big Sandy....

  • Giving a Gift of life this Christmas

    Zoe Merrill|Dec 19, 2018

    For every pint of blood donated three lives are saved. You can give blood this Christmas on Thursday, December 27 from 1:00- 7:00 PM. To make an appointment, call the American Red Cross at 406-403-0956 or visit and enter the sponsor code; bigsandy. Fear stops most first-time givers however the process is nothing to fear. According to Rachel Baumgarn Big Sandy's organizer "it isn't as scary as you think it is". All you have to do is make an appointment, bring a photo ID and...

  • Elementary students give Christmas Food Baskets

    Zoe Merrill|Dec 19, 2018

    After spending a month of asking about individual Christmas memories, it became very obvious that most of our memories are around food while sitting with family celebrating and laughing. So, the Christmas Food Baskets are more than just supplying a meal to families needing a little extra help. Christmas baskets are in fact supplying the Christmas memory for the entire family. Currently there are 23 families/100 individuals receiving Christmas Food Baskets. This year according to Heather Wolery, “F.E. Miley is going to be collecting food items f...

  • Christmas Eve Services a Gift Given at Christmas

    Zoe Merrill|Dec 19, 2018

    When we talk about what gifts we got, we hardly remember the physical gifts given to us over the years. When we talk about what kind of gifts we want to give we talk about making time for loved ones, laughter, security, family, and hope and peace. During interviewing about Christmas memories, the conversation with Larry Bitz turned to what gifts he would like to give. "Christmas for me is a season. It wows me. It overwhelms me. I love the message of the music of the season. If I could give a...

  • Christmas Memory Part 3: Christmas presents aren't always the ones wrapped in paper and bows

    Zoe Merrill|Dec 19, 2018

    The upstairs bedroom had some wooden steps to the dining room. The living room was closed off during Christmas because there was no heat in the room, so all six of the dining room chairs where claimed by a member of the family by putting their Christmas stocking on it. She couldn't wait till morning so she snuck through the boys' rooms and down the steep stairs afraid at any moment she'd fall down the steps. In the dark, she found her chair and saw the beautiful black hair baby doll sitting...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Dec 19, 2018

    Gardening tips for the Winter Season January is a time to promote healthy trees and house plants. MSU Extension has a few important recommendations for the cold winter months. • Poinsettias do best when house temperatures are consistent and placed away from drafty doors. • Most house plants tolerate normal temperature fluctuations. In general, foliage house plants grow best between 70 and 80 degrees. Most flowering plants prefer the same daytime range, but grow best at nighttime temperatures of 55 to 60 degrees. Lower night temperatures int...

  • Saturday Night in a Small Town

    Zoe Merrill|Dec 19, 2018

    Sometimes you can hear comments like there isn't anything to do in Big Sandy. This Saturday the opposite was true. It was a full of activities. Starting with Erik Sietsema's Open House- book sale/signing/reading his book at Craig Edwards Gallery. When I walked in to the event his daughter Abbey met me and asked, "How many books do you want to buy?" Pastor Sean and Vanessa Janssen opened their home for their first Christmas Open House party. When you walked into their home it was incredible the...

  • Mountaineer Photo Contest update

    Dec 19, 2018

    The Mountaineer announced a 2018 Photographic Contest with four categories: Community People, Agriculture Activities, Community Activities, and Nature (Scenery/or Animals) Photos could be either be in color or in black and white. Each photographer could have enter one photo per month. Each photo was required to be digitally emailed to Photos have been enlarged and are waiting for the judges, independent of the Mountaineer, to find the time to look at the photos. The Mountaineer will announce the winners starting the first...

  • Getting By

    Janell Barber|Dec 19, 2018

    Do not let the fun and joy of friends and family gatherings be ruined by being sick from eating foods which were improperly cooked, cooled and/or held at improper temperatures. Here are reminders about preparing and keeping food safe: • Clean hands – wash with warm water and soap for 20 seconds before and after handling any food. This is important because viruses are not killed by heating food. The key to not spreading viruses is by washing your hands!! • Shopping and storing food – transport cold food in cooler with ice and place immediately i...

  • Senior News

    Leslie Gregory|Dec 19, 2018

    Thursday, December 27 - Hot Roast Beef sandwiches, carrots, and Jello. Friday, December 28- Chili and Cinnamon rolls. Monday, December 31- Potato Soup and Crab salad sandwiches. Tuesday, January1- The Senior Center will be CLOSED Recipe of the week: Christmas Breakfast Sausage Casserole Ingredients 1 pound ground pork sausage 1 teaspoon mustard powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 eggs, beaten 2 cups milk 6 slices white bread, toasted and cut into cubes 8 ounces mild Cheddar cheese, shredded Directions Crumble sausage into a medium skillet. Cook over...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Dec 19, 2018

    Q: I lost my wife to cancer. She was a wonderful Christian lady and I find my anger and resentment toward God unbearable. Why would He allow this to happen? A: From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham The Bible tells us to be thankful to God in all things (1 Thessalonians 5:18). It is not that we thank God that loved ones have been taken from us, but that our loved ones are in Heaven where pain and death will never touch them again. Be thankful that God is with us in our own grief. God is still in control—even when we do not understand all t...

  • New @ The Jeff Reichelt Library

    Dec 19, 2018

    Unsheltered, By Barbara Kingsolver Willa Knox has always prided herself on being the embodiment of responsibility for her family. Which is why it’s so unnerving that she’s arrived at middle age with nothing to show for her hard work and dedication but a stack of unpaid bills and an inherited brick home in Vineland, New Jersey, that is literally falling apart. The magazine where she worked has folded, and the college where her husband had tenure has closed. The dilapidated house is also home to her ailing and cantankerous Greek fat...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Dec 19, 2018

    This morning is the first time I have sat at my desk, in my office, in a little more than a week. My wife and I just got back from a vacation week in Hawaii a celebration of our 20th wedding anniversary (which was technically back in July). Every morning while we were there, we got up early and went to the beach to exercise and watch the sunrise. One morning, while I was out running, I realized that the sunrise on the islands is pretty, but I actually think the sunrise over the Bear Paw Mountains is a bit more impressive. Our sunrise covers...

  • BSHS Senior Awarded Grant to Study Snow Pollution

    Dec 19, 2018

    Tyler Schwarzbach, a senior at Big Sandy High School has been awarded a grant from the Dr. David W. Baker Memorial Student-Science Foundation to study Glyphosate concentrations in snowfall. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in herbicides like Roundup, has been linked to several health conditions in the last several years. It has been found in rainwater, but it is not known if it is also found in snow. This project will look for the presence of this chemical in snow collected in the Big Sandy...

  • Ice Fishing Season is Beginning, Anglers Encouraged to Practice Safety

    Dec 19, 2018

    It’s that time of year when ice anglers will be heading out to Montana’s waters for the ice fishing season. Ice fishing is a great winter activity that the entire family can enjoy. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks reminds anglers that safety should be the number one concern during a day out on the ice. While the first ice of the year often offers some of the best fishing, it also can be quite variable from location to location and from day to day. Anglers should be familiar with the water body they plan to fish. The safest ice anglers are tho...

  • Chinook, Fort Benton sweep Pioneers as District 9C play gets underway

    Kody Farmer|Dec 19, 2018

    The Big Sandy Pioneers had a rough go of things on the hardwood this past week as both the girls and boys dropped a pair of contests to the Fort Benton Longhorns on Friday night and then to the Chinook Sugarbeeters on Saturday. The girls were defeated by the Longhorns 71-19 and then fell to the Sugarbeeters 45-33. The boys dropped a 65-50 decision to Fort Benton and were defeated 66-27 by the Sugarbeeters. The Pioneer girls saw Fort Benton jump out to a 17-2 first quarter lead and take a 39-8...

  • Wrestling Results for the Pioneers

    Dec 19, 2018

    Thursday, December 13- Fort Benton Mixer Bailey Genereux, Freshman, won 1 lost 1 in the #126 Dillin Geyer, Sophomore, won 2 lost 1 in the # 160 Friday, December 14- CMR Holiday Classic, an all class tournament Bailey Genereux, won 0 lost 2 Dillin Geyer, won 0 lost 2 Saturday, December 15- Bison Tournement Bailey Genereux, won 1 lost 1 for 9th place in 126 class Dillin Geyer, won 2 lost 1 for 8th place in the 160 class. Big Sandy/Fort Benton wrestlers took 28th over all in the Bison Tournement. The Wrestlers this season from Big Sandy are...

  • "Twas the Night before Christmas Break"; submitted by Mrs. Worrall's 6th grade class

    Dec 19, 2018

    By Alex Worrall “Twas the day before break, when all through the halls, All students were anxiously climbing the walls; The lockers were open- Kids combing their hair, In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air, Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds; While visions of carefree days danced in their heads; With people in the office and I in my class, We just settled down and let our brains rest at last; When outside the room there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter; I looked out the window t...

  • Santa Letter

    Dec 19, 2018

    Mary’s Little Lamb Daycare Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Georgia. I am 3 years old. This year I’ve been pretty good! The nicest things I did this year were share my blanket with Hudson and let Lauri in my room kind of. I hope you, Mrs. Claus and the reindeer have been well! A few gifts I’m wishing for this Christmas are a Spirit Horse with Lucky and Pru with a Chica Linda Horse. Have a safe trip on Christmas Eve! Love, Georgia Silvan Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Luke. I am 3 years old. This year I’ve been an absolute Angel! The nicest things I...

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