Articles from the December 21, 2016 edition

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  • Balmy Weather on the Way

    Robert Lucke|Dec 21, 2016

    My Grandfather Stuart featured himself as quite the weather man. He spent his life talking to his friends about what was going to happen in the South Mountain View Community of Havre, Montana regarding weather. The problem is that he was usually wrong. However one time he did correctly predict a terrible blizzard. From that day on he was known as Blizzard Stuart. The only weather tidbit I ever got from my father was that he said when there are sun dogs around the sun, it was going to be very...

  • Merry Christmas

    Dec 21, 2016

    A post card reproduced from a Charlie Russell painting called: "Charlie sees Santa; has drink."...

  • Mrs. Fasteson's 6th grade students share Christmas stories

    Robert Lucke|Dec 21, 2016

    One thing we at the "Mountaineer" have always marveled about is that if we ask about a story of most any kind from the Big Sandy School System we have it sooner rather than later, And we get it in spades! The school gives us lots of computer stories and staff gives us lot of great hunting stories but none measure up with Letters from Santa from the Elementary School and the Christmas stories that came from the sixth grade and Mrs. Fasteson. All were wonderful and we are so honored to be able to...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Dec 21, 2016

    Winter Feeding Tips (Don’t Waste Your Hay) This article was written by Dennis Cash, retired MSU Extension Service forage specialist. The complete article with tables is located on the MSU Extension website under forage and hay. Since your winter feeding program is likely your single largest ranch expense, reducing hay waste can save you money. Hay losses at feeding on most ranches averages about one fourth, but can easily approach half. During good haying conditions and with proper storage, most losses to alfalfa or alfalfa-grass hays can be m...

  • Santa Letters from daycare to Third Grade

    Dec 21, 2016

    Mary’s Little Lambs Daycare Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I really, really want a nut cracker toy. Love, Thea Merrill Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like a Batman mobile car! Love, James Calvao Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want a tractor and a green combine. Love, Liam Simpson Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want Santa and a puppy. Love, Georgia Silvan Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want magnetic blocks. Love, Levon Myers Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want a guitar and a Barbie dream house. L...

  • Deedie Mae (Bitz) Nimmick

    Dec 21, 2016

    Deedie Mae (Bitz) Nimmick, 63, passed away peacefully in her sleep on December 8, 2016, at Sweet Memorial Home in Chinook due to complications of early onset Alzheimer's. Deedie was born August 22, 1953, in Havre, to Reinholt and Lucille Bitz, the youngest of two children. The family lived in Havre where Deedie attended school until her junior year, when the family moved to the farm west of Box Elder, and she transferred to Big Sandy High School. She met her high school sweetheart Garland...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Dec 21, 2016

    This morning, I read an article on the most returned or regifted Christmas gifts every holiday season. According to the article, clothing is the most returned Christmas gift, usually because of issues with the article not being liked, not being needed, or not fitting correctly. In the arena of gifts that are given away again as gifts to others, the list is a little more expansive. It included candles, gift cards, picture frames, perfume, cookbooks, and fruitcakes. The reason I researched the idea of regifting is because I often find myself...

  • Pioneers play hard but fall to Fort Benton and Chinook in 9C action

    Kody Farmer|Dec 21, 2016

    The Pioneers face some talented competition over the weekend as District 9C conference play got underway. Friday they welcomed the Fort Benton Longhorns to town and Saturday hosted the Chinook Sugarbeeters. On the girls side it was a challenging weekend facing to of the top teams in the conference right out of the gate. The Longhorns opened a six point lead 17-11 to start the contest as Big Sandy matched the intensity early. A 24-4 run in the second quarter separated the teams by halftime but...

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