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In true Pioneer fashion, Big Sandy's Pioneer Producers are leading the way in farm-to-fork beef for schools.This fall local ranchers came together and donated 12 cows to be butchered and turned into ground beef for use by the school and senior center for the upcoming year.These animals are currently being processed and will be stored in our new freezer outside of the fire hall. A recent article published by Montana Ag Network states "Big Sandy is perhaps the only school in Montana now serving up...
Quinn Pegar has started the perfect business for the New Year! She has taken over running LIFT Fitness and loves helping people be healthier! She has changed the name by adding "with Quinn." Quinn has six certificates. She told me, "I am a certified personal trainer and a group exercise instructor. These two certificates will be the most I use in the business. My third one is online coaching. They can have six-week programs with me. I work in strength and conditioning. This would be more like...
In October, a group of Massachusetts teenagers running an Instagram account called “Boys With A Bus” built a four-story raft on the shores of the Missouri River and embarked on a 5-day adventure through the Big Sky wilderness. Along the way, they met Dan Schrock, who invited them to visit Big Sandy High School and share the tale of their adventure. Over the last few months, the Mountaineer has relayed the story of these young men and their modern Huckleberry Finn style journey. Thus far, we have looked at their presentation to the stu...
Dry Matter Losses of Hay from Field to Feeding This article was written by Dennis Cash, retired MSU Extension Service forage specialist. The winter feeding is likely your single largest ranch expense. Reducing hay waste can save you money. Hay losses at feeding on most ranches averages about one fourth, but can easily approach half. During good haying conditions and with proper storage, most losses to alfalfa or alfalfa-grass hays can be minimized. Dense large round or rectangular bales are widely used, but significant losses occur when these a...
Hello Friends, We wanted to share an update on the dryland potatoes we grew as part of the Pioneer Producers program this summer. These are the potatoes that the grade school students came out to learn about and help harvest. They have been making their way into the Big Sandy School Lunch Program for a couple weeks now, and on Thursday the 19th, they were made into some tasty french fries! Josh had the chance to visit with the grade school kids on Thursday as lunch was served. The 4th graders...
A 2019 study looking at the work habits of 1000 employees found that nearly half of all employees believe that they could perform better at work if they were not worried about making mistakes. The study found that employees were hampered as much as 40% of the time by fear of failure. As a pastor and counselor, I have spent no small amount of time talking through past mistakes with those who lament their errors in judgement, missteps, wrong moves, and outright mistakes. It seems like the easiest thing to do in life sometimes is to carry our...
Students from FE Miley Elementary School were treated to a brief visit from Santa Claus Thursday morning for their last day of classes before Christmas break. At 8:30 AM, the jolly old elf met students at the door with his trademark laugh and candy canes. Saint Nick’s appearance was part of a holiday tradition at FE Miley for the last day of school before Christmas break. Students gathered at the High School theater to watch a movie, eat popcorn, and enjoy the morning together. The High School Student Council made popcorn for the event and h...
Twas the night Before break by Piper Phillips "Twas the night before break, when all through the halls, All students were anxiously climbing the walls; The lockers were open-kids combing their hair, In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air; Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds, While visions of carefree days danced in their heads: With people in the office and I in my class We just settled down and let our brains rest at last, When outside the room there arose such a...
This June our lives were forever changed. My husband was home sick with our 2-year-old and I had brought our garbage to the dump in town for our weekly trash run. As is Drga tradition, I looked around in the dumpster to make sure there weren’t any obvious treasures that were easy to reach. That was when I found it: a pink Barbie Power Wheels car with purple accents. (We are talking about a little motorized vehicle for kids). “I bet my husband can fix this”, I thought to myself (I am married to a very handy man). That was that. I loaded it in...