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  • Letter to the Editor

    Feb 10, 2021

    My Mimi was my dad’s mom. She was a feisty 5’1” woman who could fix a car, run a store, patch a tire, and bake the best Buttermilk Pie, Carrot Cake & Texas Sheet Cake you’ve ever tasted. And those were just her hobbies. She loved the Lord, and wasn’t afraid to share Him with you. Recently, with everything that’s been going on, I’ve been thinking about something she used to say to me, “Don’t be ugly.” Since many of you aren’t familiar with Texas-speak, this meant “don’t be hateful.” I’ve noticed that many of us are being hateful to each other. I...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Feb 3, 2021

    Over the weekend, I spent some time thinking about life changing moments. I suspect that there aren’t a whole lot of them for most people. For me, I can identify a handful of experiences that have changed things radically for me. One of those times was a Sunday morning a little over 15 years ago. Our church brought in a guest speaker one Sunday who talked about the ministry done by Bashor Children’s Home. He spoke about the lost and abused kids that came to live there and how the home helped to bring healing and restoration to their lives. That...

  • Dealing with Covid

    Erik Sietsema|Jan 20, 2021

    I have heard that Covid hits everyone differently. For me, it began like a cold. I was working on my car one evening, and I began to feel run down. Every December, I catch a cold, so I wasn’t that surprised when my throat started hurting, a headache set in, and my energy level evaporated. I was prepared with Robitussin, because the same cold hits me every year around Christmastime. The sore throat passed quickly, and then I just felt tired. I also coughed a bit and was congested. It wasn’t that bad, so I carried on as normal. The first sig...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Jan 20, 2021

    Because my family moved every couple of years, I attended a handful of schools growing up. I think this is the reason I don’t really remember any of my teachers before High School, except for one. I will always remember my second grade teacher: Mrs. Strickland. As an adult, I marvel at how appropriately named she was. I was in her class at Valparaiso Elementary School in Florida. I remember her clearly because that school still utilized corporal punishment for dealing with discipline problems. In the second grade, I had terrible ADHD (really, I...

  • Grieving a Pet is Hard

    Ann Denning|Jan 20, 2021

    I don't want to write this article, but after mulling it over for some time, I believe it should be written. I am presently grieving the loss of three pets. My Koda, 15, passed in March after a nine-month battle with cancer. Erica Chauvet, our local vet, came to my house at 6:30 a.m. to be with Koda and me and help him pass peacefully in the comfort of his own home, surrounded by love. My dear Chance, my thirty-two-year-old horse, died December 3. Erica Chauvet had come out twice before and was...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Jan 13, 2021

    In her book “The Hiding Place,” Dutch Christian Corrie TenBoom recounts her family’s experiences hiding Jews in Holland during WW2. They were eventually discovered, and the entire family was sent to concentration camps. Corrie alone survived the camps. One of the most remarkable moments in the book happens when she is brought in to be interrogated by an SS officer. TenBoom was terrified of being tortured and prayed for God to save her. The officer came in and began questioning the young girl. She began to preach the gospel to the SS offic...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jan 6, 2021

    Greeting and here’s to a healthier new year. Masks, who likes them? No One! But here’s the thing, businesses are required to have signs on their doors asking people to wear their mask. I agree the signs should not say “It’s the Law” I think a better word should say “Out of Respect.” Respect not only for the businesses and their workers, but for your friends, family and community. When going to your home we take off our shoes and put out our cigarettes, out of respect.How soon we forget what our businesses and our Chamber have done for our...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Dec 30, 2020

    Every morning, starting when I get out of bed, I find myself watching the clock. I have a certain amount of time to drink my first coffee of the day, walk the dog before my wife leaves for work, and get the kids out of bed and off to school. Once I get the kids out the door, I have a certain number of minutes before I have to meet with people, start writing the sermon for the week, do hospital visits, and tend to every other urgent thing that demands my attention now. I have to get it all done before the school day ends so I can pick up the...

  • Thoughts with Zoe

    Zoe Merrill|Dec 30, 2020

    The year 2020 was a "no good very bad year." But I'm a half-full kind of girl, so I choose to look at the year differently. I ponder thoughts like what can we learn from the year? How can I change to make any other year better? There are things I've learned, like it doesn't take much for neighbors and friends to be frustrated with one another, people I never thought would raise their voice. It has taught me how to love and support those who totally disagree with me. I have learned to study...

  • River Ramblings South

    Gay Pearson|Dec 23, 2020

    Our family tradition that does not deviate from year to year is taking a drive to find the “perfect Christmas Tree.” As years passed, our whole family would go, usually including a few friends, and of course, our dogs. We would spend the afternoon looking for “the tree,” hiking, eating special snacks we brought along, and photographing our family and nature. The area we go to is close to our ranch, also off the beaten path. We have been surprised by many wild animals, such as elk, deer, wild turkeys, pheasant, bobcats, and yet no bears,...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Dec 16, 2020

    When I was in college, I had a comic strip hanging up in my dorm room. The single panel was from the nationally syndicated “Pluggers” comic. The text of the comic was simple: “An ounce of work is worth a pound of meetings.” I have long held this opinion and think back to the motto often. The fact of the matter is that 10 minutes of work will generally outproduce hours worth of meetings. This morning, I have found myself reflecting on this idea and applying it to a different subject altogether. In the past few weeks, I have had several people...

  • Medical Foundation Letter

    Dec 16, 2020

    Holiday greetings from the Big Sandy Medical Services Foundation. You may have noticed we have not sent our annual fall fund raising letter. Due to the craziness of 2020 – especially the tragedy of Covid-19 – we have chosen this means of notifying you of our need for your support. Big Sandy Medical Center has always put the health and safety of their patients, residents, and employees as their main priority. With the challenges created by this devastating pandemic virus there are many new and changing restrictions imposed on healthcare fac...

  • Reminiscent of Christmas past

    Jeremiah Genereux|Dec 16, 2020

    When I think about Christmases I have had previously throughout my lifetime, I think about many different things. I think about where they were held, who was all there and of course what I got for the special holiday. What always really sticks out to me every time out of all of it is one singular moment. This moment was very integral as I learned two valuable lessons that Christmas in 2010; As everyone was being given their gifts in the living room of Grandma and Grandpa Genereux, a feeling of...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Dec 9, 2020

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German pastor who spoke out openly against Hitler during WWII. For his public opposition to the Nazis and his involvement in a plot to assassinate the dictator, Bonhoeffer was arrested, kept in a concentration camp for 2 years, then executed. In a letter he wrote to his fiancé from prison, Bonhoeffer reflected on Christmas with the amazing comment that: “I think we were going to have an exceptionally good Christmas.” The statement is a little crazy given his circumstances. Later in the letter, he explains his reas...

  • My Time Away

    Jeremiah Genereux|Dec 9, 2020

    Hello Big Sandy, I am back from my first semester of college. Realistically, I could have decided never to have left the paper, but I thought it would have been best to leave it up to the other writers of this town to take their stab at it. I also thought I wouldn't have the time to get articles out through my schedule, but let me tell you, being a journalism major in their first college semester gives you all the time in the world. My courses were reasonably simple, courses such as...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Dec 2, 2020

    Many years ago, my wife and I were on our way to a friend’s house for Christmas on a terribly cold and snowy morning in Northern Indiana. While taking a turn in our early 80s LTD, we slid on the ice and got bellied up in the snow on the side of the road. I did my best to shovel us out, but didn’t make a ton of progress. After a bit, a guy came along and helped me get the car loose. We talked for about 10 minutes while we worked. Afterward, I got into the car and explained to my wife that the guy was on his way to his ex-wife’s house. Her power...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Nov 25, 2020

    Early in the book of Acts, Peter and John are arrested and put on trial for preaching. The pair refused to back down under pressure from the religious authorities of the time, at least partially because they hadn’t broken any laws. The court ultimately released them but warned them not to preach any more. When they got out, the first thing the two disciples did was go to the rest of the church, relay the message, and then spend time praying. This isn’t all that surprising, because it’s the sort of thing we expect people to do when we read...

  • River Ramblings North

    Beverly Terry|Nov 25, 2020

    The Virgelle valley has always been a beautiful place to visit. If you are like me, the sound of the moving water calms your heart and soul. The trees’ tranquility singing with the breeze and animals and birds sounds all around me makes me smile and say a prayer of thankfulness. The sunrises and sunsets are amazing also. God is the best artist I know. I try to capture his creations with a camera and on canvas. They do not compare. With hunting season, most of my traffic across the river has been hunters. I have taken many boats across the r...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Nov 18, 2020

    Halloween was two weeks ago. On Halloween night, my kids trick or treated for several hours and accumulated a treasure trove of candy that has been sitting in my pantry since. The problem with this arrangement is that I tend to head to the kitchen for a snack, consider my healthy options, and then eat 3 or 4 of the higher quality candy options from their bags. I do my best to steal their candy evenly, so that I am not taking too much from one or the other. This weekend, my wife finally had the kids hide their bags to keep the two of us from eat...

  • River Ramblings north

    Beverly Terry|Nov 18, 2020

    Fall arrived! It was time to prepare all the garden bounty for winter. I have only canned a few quarts here and there for the past ten years. It seemed like the more life got involved, and the more money I made, the less homegrown and the more prepared food I used. Thanks to The Grocery Store for case lot sales. I stocked up! I had all my jars packed in boxes in the shed. 1st spring projects were to clean sheds, build shelves, sort out all the canning paraphernalia and get some order for fall...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Nov 11, 2020

    Before coming to Big Sandy, the organization I worked for was struggling. As a result, my job had stretched to cover work left undone by folks who had been laid off or whose hours had been cut. I was often working six and seven day weeks. At times, I worked 12 hour days. Because I was a salaried employee, I could fill in gaps where needed. This persisted for months. I eventually reached a point where I was always tired and all of my hobbies and outside of work activities fell to the wayside. I don’t blame my employer, and I was happy to fill i...

  • River Ramblings North

    Beverly Terry|Nov 11, 2020

    I want to give all the readers of my articles a thank you for the encouraging words for me to continue writing for the Mountaineer. I struggle with ideas. I usually get ideas when I visit with patrons using the ferry. This year I had many ferry crossings from people from the larger towns and cities. For most of them, it was their first time crossing the river on the ferry. The norm this year with the riders was, “I didn’t know this was here. We were looking for places to go and things to do in Montana with this pandemic. Man, I am so happy we...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Oct 28, 2020

    “Worry is like a rocking chair. It’ll keep you busy, but you won’t get anywhere doing it.” I first heard this line from a 16-year old kid in a rehab program I was working with. I’ve repeated it hundreds of times because a great deal of the stress and anxiety we experience in life is related to things we have very little actual control over. In the current season of our lives, constant anxiety is easy to spot. Folks are worried about the pandemic, the election, instability in our cities, economic dangers, and a million other things. It seems...

  • Letter to the Editor- Peaceful Protest

    Oct 28, 2020

    Our “Trump 2020 sign was taken from our front lawn last week. We have since learned several others have had their signs taken as well as the “Trump Train” by the highway being vandalized. These are not acts owe expect to happen in Big Sandy. To me these actions represent the lawlessness the Democratic Party has tolerated and even supported. Such as many of Biden’s and Harris’ campaign staff contributing to funds to provide bail for so called peaceful protesters who are arrested. Also we see many Democrat prosecutors not file charges against t...

  • Letter to the Editor - Living with Covid-19

    Oct 28, 2020

    Dear Big Sandy Community: I am writing this out of an inherent obligation to be transparent with the Big Sandy community. By the time this letter is published, I will be fully recovered and back to work after testing positive for COVID-19. This is a personal health issue I am choosing to share because it is the right thing to do. First and foremost, according to the timeframe of my symptoms, there was no exposure to residents, patients, or other BSMC staff. I was not in contact with anyone, besides my immediate family, close enough or long...

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