Sorted by date Results 335 - 359 of 720
As a young child, I developed a love for travel from road trips with my family. The destination was always predictable. We would either visit family in San Diego or my family in Baja California, Mexico. Being as I grew up in Central California in the predominantly agricultural town of Bakersfield, the final destinations were not distant, but were vastly different from home! San Diego was my favorite in that there were many beaches to walk and play in, as well as delicious restaurants, outlet malls, and it always seemed to have the most ideal...
This week my positive praise is for our TEACHERS! We have 19 certified teachers in our K-12 district, 7 teachers in the elementary and 12 in the high school, six of those teachers travel between both buildings. Together they have more than 250 years of experience! They each hold a 4 year degree. Among them they have 14 minor degrees or concentrations and 6 masters. They have spent 24,960 minutes with your children so far this year, that number being based on their contracted hours. Although I would estimate that they have put in an extra...
I needed to prepare for Thanksgiving for a holiday, which allows us to express our gratitude. Although when asked what we are most thankful for, we always say something like, my family, my health, my home, my job. Ok, those are, of course, what we are all most thankful for, but gratitude should be more profound than that. It should penetrate our lives by the hour. One of the greatest truths I have discovered is you find what you are looking for. I started keeping a gratitude journal; I called...
In ancient Israel, every Jewish boy would learn the Torah in school. Specifically, they would memorize the Jewish religious writings starting at an early age until the rabbi teaching them decided they had reached their potential as students. At that time, they were sent off to work in whatever field their family had always worked in. Some students would be sent away early to work, while others would progress to the point that they were accepted as a disciple to a rabbi. This was sort of like earning your doctorate. Anyone who studied under a...
Khrushchev, the former leader of the Soviet Union, used to tell a story about a factory guard who was posted at a lumber mill in Leningrad to guard against employee theft. One day, a worker came walking out of the factory with a wheelbarrow containing a sack. The guard asked the worker what was in the sack, assuming that it was something the worker was stealing. The factory worker explained that it was a bag of sawdust, which he had permission to take home. The unconvinced guard searched the bag and found it to contain nothing but sawdust. Day...
It won’t be the first time I didn’t know what to do. A paper requires a lot of advertisements to publish. I knew when I bought the Big Sandy paper that this would be a challenge for me. That’s not saying writing isn’t it, but I had been writing, learning, as I went for over almost two years when I bought the paper. I knew nothing about how to sell ads. I also knew that Big Sandy didn’t even have enough businesses to place ads to pay for the process of printing, so I had to find and sell the paper to prospective businesses. It takes about 43% to...
One of the hardest parts of professional pastoring is ministering to families in times of loss. It is hard because our natural inclination when folks are hurting is to try to fix it. We want to make the sorrow stop, but it’s impossible. You can’t make it so folks don’t weep and hurt at the death of a family member or friend. Nor should you make it stop. Hurt is a part of life and mourning is a healthy natural thing that has to happen. As a Christian, we often turn to Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 4. In that letter, he reminds the church that...
Growing seasons are unpredictable in most parts of the country, and living here by the Missouri River is no different and sometimes worse! We always plan to plant our seeds in the garden around the 10th of May. Then we plant our plants and seedlings out around the 25th of May. It is a super plan, but most often, we have to expect or plan for variables. This year we had the garden rototilled ready for planting right on schedule. Then the variable came in the form of rain that lasted for days until my garden was a bog! We had planted potatoes...
Over the third weekend in September, my high school class (‘69) celebrated our 50th reunion in the Bay Area of California. We were a class of about 250 students. I was quite a bit more socially inhibited in those days, so I pretty much kept to my crew of about a half a dozen close friends. One of those close friends, perhaps the closest, was John Doe (not his real name). John had continued to live in that part of the country. He had a successful dental practice, married, and had one beautiful daughter. John and I lived in the same suburban n...
I hate shopping for cars. I would probably enjoy it more of I had a lot more money, but as it is, I typically go into car buying with a strict set of rules and a limited budget. The worst part is when you talk to a salesman and he has you test drive a fancy car that is out of your price range or doesn’t fit your needs well. You wind up sitting in a car you want, because it is attractive and fun, but know you shouldn’t buy because it costs too much or has some impractical aspects that make it the wrong choice for you. The salesman is just doi...
I have a work out schedule I follow from week to week. It is Tuesday morning as I write this, and I will confess honestly that I dread going to the gym on Tuesday mornings. My Tuesday workout is very difficult. I have to push myself to finish it because it is so strenuous. My whole body is always sore by the middle of the day on Tuesdays. What makes matters worse is, this morning I added to the workout because I am trying to improve my fitness level, and I’m going to continue to make it a little harder every week in pursuit of that goal. It i...
When you crest the hill into the Virgelle Valley, you will see the first glimpses of fall. The leaves are turning yellow, and the grasses have their fall hues. It is an excellent time to cut the dry grasses and flower buds for fall arrangements. This time of year is always great for a Sunday drive, and the gravel roads are in good condition. If you decide to take a drive down to our quaint little valley, you will find plenty of things to do. You can go to Coal Banks Landing for a picnic lunch and enjoy the sound of the river flowing by as you t...
A while back, Apple added a feature to their iPhones that tracks the amount of time you spend looking at the screen and sends you a report at the end of the week. I usually don’t pay attention to this report because I get so many notifications during the average day, so I simply dismiss them. A few weeks back, I took the time to read the weekly report and realized that I use my phone a ton on the average day. Much of that time is spent using Facebook and Twitter, though a handful of other apps appear prominently. The crazy thing is that I h...
I recently watched an interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger where he talked about going from being a small, self-doubting kid to winning Mr. Universe 7 times. He described hanging photographs of boxers and athletes he idolized all over his room. Every morning, he would wake up early and look at the pictures, which were his goal. He wanted to look like those athletes. He described this as the source of his early motivation to push himself to train as hard as possible. He kept his goal in front and center, focused on it every day, and pushed...
Last week, I listened to an interview with business coach/best selling author Steve Chandler. His business has been built up around the idea of being a “Time Warrior.” Put simply, he teaches folks how to overcome procrastination and accomplish more in life. The thing that I found most interesting about the guy is that his solution could be boiled down to one line: If you have something to do, do it now. It seems really simple, and it is. He argues that we tend to look at time in terms of deadlines or when we need to begin something in ord...
My wife and I enjoy doing Escape Rooms. These are games where you are locked in a room and have an hour to escape by solving puzzles that provide you with keys, combinations, or directions for escaping the room. We have done a dozen or so over the years in different cities around the country and love the challenge of solving problems together. Last night, we did one in Billings while on vacation. I watched as one of the gals we were doing the puzzle room with made an interesting mistake. It is one I’ve observed frequently in the past. She faced...
Ancient rabbis used to tell a story about the Jewish exodus from slavery in Egypt. At the climax of the story, God parted the Red Sea so that His people could cross on dry land and escape from the pursuing Egyptian army. In the story, two men were walking along and complaining. They were looking down at the deep mud that they were trudging through, where the vast sea had been before. They complained about the mud on their legs and feet. They complained about all the walking. They complained about their clothes getting messy. The whole time they...
It takes a village to raise a child they say. It takes a community to withstand all the difficulties of time. A community bands together over the years if it wants to survive 110 years. The Mountaineer is 110 years old. Older than the homestead pictures I took. The Mountaineer has gone through many changes, but always serving the same community. I love unique pictures, this one of a blank with old rusty nails which may be helping to hold the old building together, reminds me of the Mountaineer....
I do about 30 chin-ups at the gym several times a week. I don’t like doing chin-ups, and I couldn’t do them for many years. I’d try and try and couldn’t quite get myself up over the bar. Then, a crazy thing happened one day: I did one. After doing one, I found that doing a second one was easier. In the space of a few weeks, I jumped from none to more than a dozen. I didn’t develop some supernatural strength or find a new training program. What changed was that I figured out that I could do chin-ups. Before I did my first one, I never believed I...
It was hot that day and still in the high 80's when it approached the hour I go for my walk. I have accepted a #365challenge to go for at least a mile walk/run/bike ride every day for a year. I wasn't looking forward to walking in the heat, but like always I grabbed my cellphone to prove I did indeed walk that day. I had also committed myself to "smell the roses" every time I walk. I was almost at the end of my walk, while still frustrated because of the heat, I finally noticed the sunset and th...
A few weeks ago, my 6 year old son and I were at the community pool for swimming lessons (for him, not me). It was the last session of the week, and they typically just play in the pool for the hour. I asked my son to go down the big slide, which has been a requirement in our family as a prerequisite to going to water parks during the summer. He looked at the slides and told me that he would do the little one, but not the big one because he was too scared to do the big one. Reaching into my parental toolbox, I went for the big hammer: bribery....
About 10 years ago, I started playing a Facebook game. It was one of those games where there’s almost no skill or thinking involved. A few of the guys I worked with started playing the same game, and before long we were discussing it at lunch and ducking away every hour or so to check on our status. We played it for months. Until one day, I realized that it was kind of pointless. I didn’t really find it challenging or fun. I wasn’t competing with anyone to try and win anything. It didn’t impact my life in any way. There was no way to win or...
It's Time to Fly In December 2017, when I started writing for the Mountaineer, I felt inadequate. In nineteen months, I've improved. I've learned a local paper is essential. Philosophically, I believe the Big Sandy Mountaineer should be used to celebrate who we are. It should be a tool to keep us connected. Rural lives matter, and we need to be supporting our community. I do have dreams. It will take time before I can make them a reality. However, it's worth the effort. Nothing gained without...
This week, I have been married for 21 years, and I am happy. I thank God every day for my wife and the life we have shared, good and bad. This isn’t to say we never disagree or fight. Rather, that I love her dearly and she is my favorite person in the world. I’ve spent some time trying to come up with some sort of magical advice that would account for our marital success. I spend a bit of time doing this whenever I do premarital counseling or talk with married couples who are struggling. I don’t think there is a magic key. Instead, havin...
I am a procrastinator by nature. Though I’ve gotten better about it over the years, when I was in college, I turned it into an art. I began by waiting until a few days before an assignment was due to start working on it. Then as time went by, the starting point moved to the day before. Eventually, I began setting my alarm early on the due date and rushing through the work. There were times I would print up papers and run to class to turn them in with seconds to spare. As I have grown older and begun to look back at those days with a little m...