Sorted by date Results 401 - 425 of 720
Last weekend, I hosted a book sale/reading/signing for a book I wrote and published myself. In the days leading up to the event, I found myself losing sleep and worrying at length as to how the whole thing would go. This isn’t all that unusual for me. In the weeks leading up to publishing the book in the first place, I found myself very nervous and worried about how the whole thing would go. In both instances, my younger brother told me something wise that assuaged my worries. He pointed out that no matter how the book sold or how the event w...
Q: I lost my wife to cancer. She was a wonderful Christian lady and I find my anger and resentment toward God unbearable. Why would He allow this to happen? A: From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham The Bible tells us to be thankful to God in all things (1 Thessalonians 5:18). It is not that we thank God that loved ones have been taken from us, but that our loved ones are in Heaven where pain and death will never touch them again. Be thankful that God is with us in our own grief. God is still in control—even when we do not understand all t...
This morning is the first time I have sat at my desk, in my office, in a little more than a week. My wife and I just got back from a vacation week in Hawaii a celebration of our 20th wedding anniversary (which was technically back in July). Every morning while we were there, we got up early and went to the beach to exercise and watch the sunrise. One morning, while I was out running, I realized that the sunrise on the islands is pretty, but I actually think the sunrise over the Bear Paw Mountains is a bit more impressive. Our sunrise covers...
In 1934, an American theologian wrote a prayer for a sermon he was delivering. Reinhold Niebuhr’s short prayer has grown fairly well known over the years: God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. Though it is generally presented with slightly different wording and has a second stanza, most people recognize it as the Serenity Prayer. The prayer is most famous for its association with Alcoholics A...
Q: My husband is having an affair and I am devastated and have no one I can trust to turn to for counsel. What is a wife to do? A: From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham Scripture documents many accounts of the weary-hearted and declares: “But they did not ask counsel of the Lord” (Joshua 9:14). We all have the right to pray and ask the Lord for wisdom and discernment in making all of our decisions. Often the Lord puts someone in our pathway that we can trust to share our burdens, but ultimately we must hold to God’s promise that He will ne...
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham Q: Someone on the radio spoke about God putting a value on the human soul. How can this be since no one can see or touch the soul? A: From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham It was reported several years ago that it would take a hundred billion dollars to get one man safely to Mars. That is a staggering amount of money. It is interesting how people place great value on things and even experiences. But God, in His outpouring of love for mankind, placed the value of one human soul at an incalculable...
This Christmas give yourself and others a gift of thinking before you speak. This is a recent poem I wrote for the Variety Show recently held in Big Sandy. It’s called The Power of Words. I’d love to write a poem where the words have power Power to help people to sing and dance Or the power to crawl out of a hole Or move them to action and stir them to service I’d love to use words to help people to find peace and tranquility allowing them to breath deep and finally to rest Words can bring sweetness to the soul By giving healing power to pain...
This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham. Q: I am not necessarily against Jesus but I think people throughout history have embellished his story and made him bigger than life. Show me where I might be wrong. A: From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham Jesus Christ is bigger than life! He breathed life into the first man, Adam, and He gives life to every human being. He is so much bigger than life that He speaks it into existence. “He gives to all life, breath, and all things” (Acts 17:25). “You alone are t...
Years ago, I learned a format for praying that I continue to use in my personal devotions. It’s very simple: ACTS. It’s an acronym meaning Adoration (adoring God for His grandeur and awesomeness) , Confession (confessing my sins and asking for forgiveness), Thanksgiving (saying thank you for the blessings I have received), and Supplication (asking God for stuff). When I take a large block of time to talk to God, I usually follow this simple formula. The thing that I have discovered praying this way is that spending time praising God, con...
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, because it reminds me to always have a thankful spirit! If I can live life thankful I'll have fewer days of pity, fewer days of regret, fewer days of anger, and fewer days of depression. A few years ago, I learned of the true story of Squanto, also known as Tisquantum. He was a Native American of the Patuxet native American tribe near Plymouth Massachusetts in 1588. Squanto was captured as a young man in 1605 by Captain George Weymouth who brought...
Anthony Hopkins once played C.S. Lewis in a movie. C.S. Lewis is the most quoted Christian author of the 20th century and one of my favorite writers. The movie, The Shadowlands, tells the story of Lewis’ brief marriage to Joy Davidman, who was dying of cancer when the two were wed. Lewis knew she was dying and married her anyway because he loved her. There is a great scene in which one of Lewis’ fellow professors remarks on how much Lewis had been praying over his wife’s situation. Lewis responds: “That’s not why I pray, Harry. I pray beca...
I can’t help but comment about our responsibilities as citizens of this state and our great nation following the mid-term elections. It was a great turnout, but it can’t end there. Whether your candidate won or lost it is our responsibility to stay engaged with the issues facing us. I remember a Montana Senator once told me a number of years ago that he had gotten a lot of letters concerning an issue and he decided he needed to research it to see what he could do to help. I was curious and I asked him, “How many letters did you recei...
This morning, while I was making breakfast, my 5-year old came into the kitchen with a book he got a few weeks ago: The Jurassic World Survival Guide. He wanted to talk to me about how important the book would be in the event we encountered dinosaurs or if we take the time to watch the Jurassic Park movies again. He told me all about the reasons a guide book would be useful. During the time that I cooked the morning eggs, I learned a great deal about dinosaurs and guide books in general. Later in the morning, I told my wife about it and she...
While I was at a conference recently a statement was made that has stayed with me. She said, "Remember in this day and age perception is more powerful than truth." It reminded me how currently to many people only listen to, read articles and books, and watch only the news that already proves what they believe. Our perception drives our vision. It reminded me of a photo I took. It had been a very stressful day. I took my camera and went for a walk down Hopp Road. I had walked this gravel road so...
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham Q: My wife tells me I am addicted to golf and that God is not pleased with my obsession. I work hard to provide for my family and golf is a release from the tensions that build up during the week. Is this wrong? A: Obsessions can bring harm to relationships. But golf can be a useful game. When the value of what may be considered a leisurely activity is explained, often it can relieve the anxiety it may create in others. The apostle Paul wrote about physical exercise and competition of his time. The...
Q: Can a person really find a soul mate to share the deepest things of life? A: From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham Matchmaking has become a booming business in our culture’s restless search for a “soul mate.” Online services promise to bring light into your life by matching you up with someone just right for you. “Relationship experts” teach clients to practice “self-love” in order to attract a potential partner. One such expert wrote, “We have the power to create our own personal movie-like narratives, love stories based on our ow...
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham Q: Several times a year I do prison visitation to bring encouragement to inmates who feel they have no one to turn to for a listening ear and a word of hope. Some are so hardened it is like talking to the cement walls, but others warm to the message that God will pardon them and give them a new purpose. Many people tell me I am wasting my time. Am I? A: History reveals that there are those who have actually refused a pardon. From the records of the U.S. Supreme Court comes such a story of defiance. In...
As a part of my ongoing effort to be a healthier person, I have started making small changes to my routine every few weeks. For example, months ago I started adding more fruits and vegetables to my diet. I’ve also cut out most processed foods. These changes have been easy. The one I recently started has proven significantly harder. I’ve been tracking my sleep in an attempt to get the recommended 8 hours every night. Oddly enough, I rarely get over 7. In fact, I find myself stretching to make time to sleep. It’s so much easier to sleep a littl...
I started 4-H like most women my age with cooking and sewing. I couldn’t wait to pick out my first pattern project. Now keep in mind my mother was a National 4-H Women’s Sewing Champion. She had sewed a Make It with Wool suit with lined jacket and calf length skirt, but she was not my sewing leader. My sewing leader had helped pick me out a strait shift pattern after measuring me and had determined I was a petite. Keep in mind I was tall and skinny. My mother tried to tell me it was the wrong pattern size, but I wouldn’t listen because my 4-...
This morning, while scanning the morning’s headlines and checking my Twitter feed for anything of interest, I came across a tweet from a nationally known figure encouraging folks to shun any family members that support the opposing political party. I intentionally leave out the political affiliation, because this way of thinking isn’t foreign to any point of view right now. Discourse in our country has become increasingly acidic, a fact both sides readily blame on the other party. The thing about the tweet that I read this morning is that it...
I read a story about CS Lewis years ago in which a friend asked him if attending church is a necessary part of following Jesus. In response, Lewis answered “No” and pulled a coal from the fire and placed it on the hearth. In response, he asked his friend to describe the coal on the hearth. The answer was the sort of thing you’d expect: hot, glowing, etc. The conversation continued before Lewis turned the conversation back to the burning coal and asked again for a description. This time, the answer was different: cold, dark, etc. As the coal...
Partial Life or Complete Life Even in a small community, and maybe because I live in a small community, I often live in a bubble of my own world. My life is busy, doing and going, and I quickly don't seem to have time to continue my own development. I've left behind the dreams of my youth, I don't even stay connected friends I've had for a long time, and I seldom make time to venture out of my own comfort zone. This last week, I became more intensely aware of the longings of a friend. I...
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham Q: I enjoy making money and doing things that please me. My mother tells me about the stories in the Bible about how riches can corrupt. Is her interpretation correct? A: Luke 16 is the famous passage about a rich man whose disobedience to God led him to reject the very thing he longed for—eternal life. God does not condemn people because they are rich, nor does He justify others because they are poor. Poverty is not a virtue, nor are riches themselves sin. But Jesus did say, “It is easier for a cam...
We have a hidden place on our farm, where I love to go and just sit. It's a sand coulee where the Cotton Woods have grown so tall. In the spring, a river goes through there, but in the fall, it is just a dried-out water way full of different kinds of brush and Choke Cherries bushes. It is the most magical place as the leaves are so beautiful. I am reminded of a quote from John Burroughs, "How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days." You can only see the...
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham Q: The world’s approach to life is that we should spend our time securing our future through education, health plans, financial security, etc. The Bible seems to teach that we should live one day at a time when it says: “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things” (Matthew 6:34). How should we live? A: From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham One of the dangers in taking advice is taking it out of context. The Psalmist reminds us, “The entirety of Your word is truth...