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  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Sep 19, 2018

    From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham Q: It seems that more and more people believe that when we die we reemerge in a different form and have a second chance at life. Some try to say that Christianity teaches this. Could this be possible? A: The Bible does not teach reincarnation. Scripture makes it very clear that we live only once and that when we die we go into eternity. The Bible says, “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). For mankind to hope for a second chance reveals the knowledge tha...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Sep 12, 2018

    This weekend, I replaced my dishwasher. The old one broke down a few months ago, and for various reasons, I chose to hand wash dishes rather than replace it. Finally, I decided to go and get another one. While installing it, I learned an important lesson: if you let a dishwasher sit for a few months, any liquids inside it sit too. Not only do they sit, they begin to smell awful. I learned this lesson when I unhooked the old one and tipped it over to disconnect it. Though I couldn’t see water in the machine before doing so, it was there. D...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Sep 12, 2018

    Q: Is misrepresentation to protect myself a lie if it doesn’t hurt anyone else? — T.T. A: The Bible teaches that proper conduct includes truthfulness. God’s Word teaches that we should be truthful in our representations of ourselves. Jesus denounced the hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees! In the Sermon on the Mount, He rebuked all hypocritical giving, praying and fasting. We should be truthful in speaking of our past achievements in our particular vocation. God does not ask us to understate the facts, but neither does He want us to overr...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Sep 5, 2018

    Kim Sheehy a Big Sandy Hero Every town has its heroes. Some of those heroes everybody knows, others do their work so no one knows. That is what Kim Sheehy did. She quietly did her advocating for people with Developmental Disabilities for over 20 years. It is difficult to measure her impact, but you can understand when I tell you that if a strong woman like Kim fought for the rights of an individual you know they were strengthened by the process. Kim was a strong woman and she brought to the table that strength and fought to make sure that the...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Sep 5, 2018

    From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham Q: As a student of archaeology, I am studying what is called the myth of the great flood. My professor says that anyone who truly believes this account fails to believe truth by evidence. What can I say to refute that? A:“Archaeology substantiates Noah’s Flood,” said the London Times in 1929. The article that followed gave an archaeologist’s view of the civilization that existed prior to the flood. The Bible also gives a vivid account of the corruption and the sin of that day. At least 2,000 years o...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Aug 29, 2018

    For the last several years, I have occasionally filled in as a substitute teacher at the school. I’ve really enjoyed the experience and have been impressed over and over at the high quality of the school in Big Sandy. Last week, I helped out washing dishes a few times in the school cafeteria. I also really enjoyed this and was impressed at how hard the folks there work to take care of our kids. It was the first week of school and the younger kids were learning the etiquette for visiting the cafeteria. The teacher walked with them and p...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Aug 29, 2018

    Q: I am tired of hearing spiritual people talk about the right way to live and then they live like the devil. My grandparents were wonderful people and while I am not of the same faith they were, I could always count on them to tell me the truth. But I don’t see this lived out among many today, especially leaders. Why is this? A: From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham Actually many people, regardless of spirituality, tend to talk one way and live another and it is something to guard against. Not too many years ago, honesty was the h...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Aug 22, 2018

    In the last several years of writing this column, I’ve mentioned my High School English teacher several times. Every time it was to talk about how much her efforts as a teacher meant to me as a student. This is particularly the case since I was a very poor student. I didn’t really try at all, but she put a effort into engaging and encouraging me. It would have been much easier to simply write me off, but her efforts made a difference in my life. A couple years ago, when I talked about this teacher, a good friend of mine approached me and enc...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Aug 15, 2018

    One of my favorite quotes from the boxer Muhammad Ali is about training: “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’” I have a good friend who says it a bit differently: “Training is better than trying hard.” The idea behind this is simple: the key to becoming good at anything is training. Exerting effort every day over the course of months and years accumulates into excellence that cannot be matched by putting effort forward in the moment. When I worked with kids in...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Aug 8, 2018

    In a few weeks, I am (hopefully) going to self publish a book through Amazon’s Kindle service. Shortly thereafter, we’ll print physical copies of the book and put them up for sale on Amazon. I am waiting on the last details for the cover art to come together, and then it’ll be a go. Since I was a kid, I have wanted to write books and have started the process many times, only to get discouraged and give up. To be honest, I am a little surprised to find myself at this stage of the process after so many starts and stops. I’ve spent a bit of time t...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Aug 8, 2018

    Q: We’ve been invited to a family reunion this summer, and to be honest I’m dreading it. Some in our extended family haven’t spoken to each other in years, and instead of being a happy time I’m afraid it could be tense. Should we even go? A: I can understand why you might want to avoid this event; after all, no one likes to be caught up in an unpleasant situation. When we face hard decisions (no matter what they are), it’s always tempting to take the easy way out—which in this case probably would be to stay away. But the easiest path isn’t...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Jul 25, 2018

    Many years ago, I briefly went to church with a person who had a gift for using words to get folks upset. This person could say a few choice sentences and make you feel defensive or belittled. They could phrase compliments in such a way that you felt worse for having received them. The worst was when they decided to be angry, in which case they used their words to bludgeon anyone who was unlucky enough to cross them. Not surprisingly, this individual quickly pushed people to one of two extremes. Folks either associated with them and were...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Jul 18, 2018

    Today is my 20th wedding anniversary. Over the last 2 decades, my wife and I have traveled to nearly every state in the US. We have hiked in rain forests, climbed mountains, been lost in the wilderness, worried, laughed, cried, played, argued, and celebrated. I’ve treasured the last 7300 days that we’ve spent together. I’ve also come to realize that for all the adventures we’ve embarked on together, the thing that makes them really memorable hasn’t been the experiences themselves. It’s been sharing them with the woman who is my closest fri...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Bily Graham|Jul 18, 2018

    Q: My best friend was killed in a tragic motorcycle accident a few weeks ago, and it’s really hit me hard. I’ve never given any thought to death, but now I can’t avoid it. Frankly, I’m scared, because I know I’m not ready to die. How can I be ready? A: One of the Bible’s greatest truths, although it’s one that’s hard for us to accept sometimes, is that God is able to bring good out of even the most senseless tragedy. I pray this may be the case for you. What do I mean? Simply this. All your life, you’ve lived for yourself, never thinking ab...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Jul 11, 2018

    Last year, my then 4-year old son started using a new tactic in responding to me when he get’s frustrated with my unwillingness to give him whatever he wants whenever he wants it. Specifically, he started telling me that he doesn’t like me any more or that he likes mom more than he likes me. Using affection as a lever to get another person to do what you want is manipulative. It’s not an uncommon tactic for a small child, but it’s the sort of thing that folks should grow out of pretty early. There are less overt versions of this that are typ...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Jul 11, 2018

    Q: My best friend was killed in a tragic motorcycle accident a few weeks ago, and it’s really hit me hard. I’ve never given any thought to death, but now I can’t avoid it. Frankly, I’m scared, because I know I’m not ready to die. How can I be ready? A: One of the Bible’s greatest truths, although it’s one that’s hard for us to accept sometimes, is that God is able to bring good out of even the most senseless tragedy. I pray this may be the case for you. What do I mean? Simply this. All your life, you’ve lived for yourself, never thinking ab...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Jul 4, 2018

    Most mornings, I wake up at about 3:45 and turn off my alarm before it goes off at 4 AM. I read the news until 4:05, giving the coffee make enough time to brew at least one cup. I get up, read, have my coffee, and go to the gym by 5. I am a night owl. I hate getting up early. Most nights, when I go to bed, I dread getting up so early in the morning. I also dread exercising so early. I do it first thing in the morning because I have time then (and the gym is usually empty). However, I recently noticed a crazy truth. My schedule has been screwy o...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Jun 13, 2018

    For nearly a decade, I worked for a residential mental health facility. One of my favorite parts of that job was our annual trip to take kids to the upper parts of Minnesota, where we would canoe and camp with the clients for a week in the Boundary Waters. One year, I was working with a group of young ladies from our addiction treatment program. We were on the second day of our trip and one of our students was having trouble managing and paddling her canoe. She was sitting in the back seat, which is the position that essentially steers the...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Jun 6, 2018

    “Are you keeping alive anger at a person who you haven’t seen in years?” I have asked this question of hundreds of people over the years and surprisingly ‘yes’ is a far more common response than ‘no’. It’s easy to do. Someone wrongs you and you feel hurt or betrayed by it, then over the course of time, those feelings of hurt become anger and eventually that anger takes root and becomes resentment. Resentment is old anger that we hang on to. I’ve talked with folks who harbor resentment toward a parent that has been dead for decades or a pers...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|May 23, 2018

    Many years ago, I worked with a guy I couldn’t seem to get along with. Whenever I had to deal with him I found myself bumping heads with him. At times, we devolved to shouting matches in the office. During that time, I came home from work fuming on many occasions, sometimes having to take long walks after I got home to cool off. During one such walk, I decided that I should spend time praying about the ongoing conflict and the other guy. It wasn’t my first instinct and I was not particularly formal or nice when I actually did it. On that day, I...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|May 23, 2018

    Q: Why doesn’t God do something about the evil in the world? Sometimes I wonder if God even cares about the bad things that happen to people today. I don’t understand why He doesn’t just destroy everything that’s evil. A: I suspect almost everyone reading this has asked themselves the same question, because evil is real, and at times our world seems completely in its grip. And to be honest, we don’t always know why God allows evil things to happen. The Bible talks about “the mystery of iniquity”—and that’s what evil often is: a mystery (2 Thes...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|May 16, 2018

    GK Chesterton once wrote that if you were sitting in a restaurant and a rhinoceros was to enter the establishment, the rhino would have a great deal of power in the situation. It could knock people around, trash the place, stop business transactions, ruin the waiters’ day, etc. There is no doubt that an animal that weighs more than a ton could certainly wreak havoc in a restaurant. However, as much power as the rhino could exercise, it would have absolutely no authority. The rhino couldn’t fire employees or change the price of dessert or ord...

  • MY Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|May 9, 2018

    Q: Why doesn’t God do something about the evil in the world? Sometimes I wonder if God even cares about the bad things that happen to people today. I don’t understand why He doesn’t just destroy everything that’s evil. A: I suspect almost everyone reading this has asked themselves the same question, because evil is real, and at times our world seems completely in its grip. And to be honest, we don’t always know why God allows evil things to happen. The Bible talks about “the mystery of iniquity”—and that’s what evil often is: a mystery (2 Thes...

  • Letter to the Editor: Remembering Robert Lucke

    Ann Denning|May 9, 2018

    I have started this article a few times in my head and then thought, what do you have to write about, you met him once?! But the idea persisted that I did have something to say. I did not get to know him the one time I met him as I was there for an interview, so conversation was one sided. I got to know Robbie through his articles. I looked forward each week to more of his tales of his and his family’s past. They were so colorful and often funny. He educated me about a time of which I had no knowledge. His writings were not just of a time p...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|May 2, 2018

    I have been busy for the last few weeks. Between rushing around to deal with various obligations and efforts, I have hardly slowed down at all. When I have, I am finding myself tired, which prompts me to use my relaxation time for things like watching television or mindlessly surfing the internet. My energy to spend on reading or more edifying pursuits is limited. This morning, when I sat down to write this column, I discovered that my mind is blank. Coming up with ideas for topics is rarely difficult. Generally, they are birthed from my...

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