Bergtoll: busy Art & Eng. Teacher

When Big Sandy Schools hired Brittani Bergtoll from Saco, Montana to be an art teacher, it was an art teacher and so much more.

Bergtoll is tall, like a basketball player and yet rodeo is her thing.

Last week Brittani sat down and answered some "Mountaineer" questions.

"Mountaineer": What do you teach and where do you teach it?

Bergtoll: I teach grades 7 through 12 art at the high school. I also teach seventh grade English and elective English classes. This semester they are American Literature and speech.

"Mountaineer": Where were you born and raised?

Bergtoll: On a ranch north of Saco, Montana.

"Mountaineer" : When you were a child did you ever think you might become a teacher?

Bergtoll : No.

"Mountaineer" : Where did you get your education and how did you find Big Sandy?

Bergtoll : After two years at the University of Great Falls, I transferred to MSU Northern where I graduated with an English major and Art minor.

"Mountaineer": What else would you like to be teaching this year?

Bergtoll : I really love my schedule and couldn't ask to be teaching anything else.

"Mountaineer": What is the favorite thing about what you are teaching?

Bergtoll: The kids are great. I get to watch and guide them as they create art, improve public speaking skills and explore themes within American literature. I am grateful to have a core English class; my seventh graders are a very enthusiastic bunch.

"Mountaineer" : How many kids do you teach every day?

Bergtoll: About 45.

"Mountaineer": How are you getting along with a four day week?

Bergtoll: I love it!

"Mountaineer": What have you heard about Big Sandy winters? Are your home town winters better or worse than what you have heard about winter here?

Bergtoll : I am from Saco. I think I will survive the winters!

"Mountaineer": What are your hobbies? What do you love to do best when you are not teaching?

Bergtoll : I enjoy helping on my family's ranch in the summer, riding horses, reading, and creating art.

"Mountaineer": Are you an easy grader?

Bergtoll: I feel that I grade work fairly. However assignments not turned in can't receive a grade!

In some short questions about Big Sandy, Bergtoll did very well with them. She is a home town teacher already!