Amy Terry teaching studious 2nd graders

Amy Terry is a new second grade teacher at the Elementary school. For "the Mountaineer" and our readers, Amy answered a series of questions from "The Mountaineer" about a whole range of subjects. Her answers made us dream we were in the second grade once again.

"Mountaineer": Where were you born and raised.,

Amy: I was born in Whitefish and raised in Big Sandy.

"Mountaineer": When you were a child, did you ever think you could become a teacher?

Amy: I wanted to be teacher for as long as I can remember.

"Mountaineer": Where did you get your education and how did you find Big Sandy?

Amy: I went to MSU Northern and received my bachelor's in elementary education. I got my master's in Early Childhood Special Education."

"Mountaineer": What grade are you teaching?

Amy: Second Grade

"Mountaineer": What is the favorite thing about what you are teaching?

Amy: My favorite thing about teaching second grade is the look in a child's eyes when they are excited about what they are learning.

"Mountaineer": How are you getting along with a four day week?

Amy : So far, the four day week has been great!

"Mountaineer": What have you heard about Big Sandy winters? Are your home town winters better or worse then what you have heard about winter in Big Sandy?

Amy: Same as they have always been.

"Mountaineer": What are your hobbies? What do you love to do when you are not teaching?

Amy : My hobbies are trying to keep up with my two boys, spending time with my beautiful daughter, doing crafts and reading books. I also enjoy riding horses when I get the chance.

Big Sandy high school and elementary school kids asked that this next question be included.

"Mountaineer": Are you an easy grader?

Amy : No, I am the toughest grader ever!

Then there were four questions about Big Sandy to see how observant the new teacher is. As everyone else did, Amy got all right except it seems that no one knows the name of our Mayor Stiles. Mayor Stiles, it looks like you have some work to do!

Amy said, correctly there are three places to eat, the snack nuts are called Kracklin Kamut, there is one grocery store, there are two schools and a preschool in Big Sandy and there are around 700 people in Big Sandy.