BSHS Pioneer News

Wednesday, October 28 Red Ribbon Week. Wear Red.

Thursday, October 29 District Volleyball tournament at North Star School.

Thursday, October 29 is the end of the first quarter. Parents may pickup report cards at Parent/Teacher conferences November 6.

Friday, October 30 Junior High basketball at Box Elder.

Friday, October 30 Annual Halloween hamburger feed and dance for grades 7 through 12 at the elementary school. 7 to 9 pm.

Tuesday, November 3 a representative from MSU Billings will be here at 2:30pm to answer questions about MSU Billings.

Wednesday, November 4 Agriculture Day at Fort Benton in the morning.

Lunch and breakfast menus for the coming week. Remember that breakfasts come with fresh fruit, milk and juice. Lunch comes with salad bar and milk.

Wednesday, October 28 breakfasts includes hot oatmeal with toppings and assorted cereal. Lunch is chicken noodle soup, tuna sandwich and applesauce.

Thursday, October 29 breakfast is muffins, yogurt and assorted cereal. Lunch is Sloppy Boos, peaches and owl cupcakes for the Lunch of the week!

Friday, no school

Monday, November 2 mini maple pancakes, sausage links and assorted cereal for the breakfast of the week! Lunch is barbecue rib patty, fresh baked buns, green beans and pineapple.

Tuesday, November 3 breakfast is strawberry cream filled bagel, assorted cereal. Lunch is chicken fajitas, Mandarin oranges and butterscotch cookies!