Cropping questions and answers from the Chouteau County Extension Office

Is sorghum a practical crop to raise in Chouteau County? Sorghum production may be practical in the warmer regions of Chouteau County. The Central agriculture research center at Moccasin is too cool to produce sorghum. The maximum yield at Moccasin was 500 pounds per acre on dryland fallow. Northern Agricultural research center near Havre has more heat units, and has produced 2000 to 4000 pounds per acre on dryland fallow. One of the major concerns with sorghum is frost during the growing season. Sorghum between Fort Assiniboine and Laredo frosted on August 9th, 2015 and did not produce seed.

How do I determine a cash lease rate for wheat? Duane Griffith MSU Extension Economist (retired) developed a formula for determining cash lease rates for wheat. The formula takes into account seeding a wheat crop every other year. The lease rate is an estimate only.

Formula for Cash Lease Rates for wheat only

.333 x bushels per acre x price per bushel = $.80 = $ /2= $ per acre

Example: .333 * 40 bushels per acre= 13.32

13.32 * $4.50 per bushel = $59.94

$59.94 *.80 = $47.95

$47.95/2= $23.98 per acre

Are you concerned with wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) in winter wheat? When it comes to WSMV, I’m more concerned about spring wheat than winter wheat. Late May and early June rains often carry winter wheat through enough development that losses in winter wheat are minimal compared to spring wheat. MSU Research from 2008-2011 found that WSMV reduced yields an average of 15% in Montana fields. Losses in individual fields can reach 100%. Ledger winter wheat was consistently the most resistant variety from 2008-2011. Yellowstone winter wheat was fairly tolerant to yield losses at 4%.

Montana State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.

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