Buy Locally this Christmas season

You know when you come right down to it, this town is really smoking. When you compare where we are today compared to where we were last Stroll, we have made a lot of activity.

First, and most important are all the young families who have come back home to Big Sandy to raise their children, educate them and live in the shadow of Centennial Mountain.

Not a lot of Montana small towns can boast about larger census figures but Big Sandy certainly can. How many have come by “the Mountaineer” or introduced themselves on the street and said they wanted their children to get the same education they did and to live in Small Town America as found right here.

So, our slight population gain is out of sight when thinking of the many families that are sharing duties on the family farm/ranch today.

Also important is that ground has been broken for a new and wonderful Big Sandy Library right between the Law Office and the Mint. After years of collecting money and fund raising until the fund raising people were more than exhausted! What a wonderful thing to see that Main Street was blocked off this morning as people tried to drive Main Street. That is real progress, to be building a brand new library in Big Sandy.

And for the past month we have heard talk from many areas concerning a large new outdoor swimming pool that could be built here in Big Sandy.

The local Rotary Club has put up over four thousand dollars to do a feasibility study as to where the pool would be located and what the cost would be on such a new amenity in Big Sandy. The School Board and Superintendent Moore seem interested in that project, too. As does the City Council who has had it on their agenda for the last month now.

It is rare to have one of those projects come into a prairie town like Big Sandy, much less two!

Is Big Sandy experiencing a large growth spurt? No, probably not but it is certainly holding its own.

And part of that is because of you citizens of Big Sandy. You keep spending as much of your money at home as often as you can even though at times it is difficult to do so.

Need groceries? Buy at home first. Need gas? Buy at home? Need to eat out? Buy at home. Need a wheat snack? Buy at home.

In other words keep buying at home as much as you can because much of that money keeps staying in Big Sandy and never stops doing good deeds around the community.

And that, fellow citizens, is what causes swimming pools to be dreamed about and libraries to go from dream structures to getting a real strong foundation under what is going to be a great addition to this part of Montana.

Keep spending as much as you can at home and just you watch Big Sandy grow!

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