BSHS Pioneer News

Parents and guardians are reminded that school starts at 8am sharp. There has been a rash of tardies the last several weeks. Students are expected to be in their seats ready to go at 8am. Please allow extra time for bad roads, inclement weather, etc. It is a disruption to everyone in the class when students arrive late.

It appears that winter is here, so please make sure students are prepared by wearing warm coats and having hats and gloves on hand as well. There are students showing up to school with no coats or with very light jackets.

School resumes from Thanksgiving break on Monday, November 30.

Monday, November 30 and Tuesday, December 1 Honor Band and Choir in Choteau.

Tuesday, December 1 junior high basketball district 9 tournament in Gildford. It will go all week and schedules are not out yet.

Friday, December 4 and December 5 wrestling in Cascade.

Thursday, December 8 high school Christmas Concert at 7pm in the high school auditorium.

Tuesday, December 15 elementary Christmas Concert at 7pm in the high school auditorium.

Breakfast and lunch menus for the coming week are as follows:

November 25, 26 and 27 no school due to Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 30 breakfast is strawberry cream bagel, assorted cereal, fresh fruit, juice and milk. Lunch includes fish nuggets, fresh baked buns, corn and peaches.

Tuesday, December 1 breakfast is mini maple pancakes, sausage links, assorted cereal, fresh fruit, juice and milk. Lunch includes chicken noodle soup, tuna sandwiches, applesauce, salad bar and milk.

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