Angel Trees are ready

The “Angel Trees” decorated with many angel tags are now in stores in Fort Benton and Big Sandy. The Angel Trees provide an opportunity for people to share with others in their community through the Angel Gift Program for Chouteau County children. The trees can be found in Fort Benton at Benton Pharmacy, RJ’s Toggery, and Lehman’s True Value. Angel Trees may also be found at Big Sandy Pharmacy and Wells Fargo Bank in Big Sandy.

Each angel tag represents a child who might not otherwise receive a gift at Christmas. The angel tags indicate a child’s age and whether the child is a boy or girl. The angel tags also indicate a clothing size or designate whether a toy or other non-clothing item should be purchased.

The angel gifts need to be under the Angel Trees by Wednesday afternoon, December 9, at Big Sandy and Fort Benton. The gifts should NOT be wrapped.

Every year there are some angel tags left on the trees. Monetary donations may be made to help purchase gifts for these children and for the holiday food baskets that have been made up for the families in need in Chouteau County. Checks may be made payable to: General Federation of Woman’s Club (GFWC) of Fort Benton/Angel Program, and mailed to: GFWC of Fort Benton, P.O. Box 192, Fort Benton, MT 59442, or be dropped off with Terri Halko at Benton Pharmacy. Donations made to the Angel Program are used ONLY for the Angel Program, not for any other Woman’s Club projects.

The Angel Program is not only active at Thanksgiving and Christmas, but also, provides school supplies to children throughout the school year.

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