School Board News

Unofficial minutes are out from the School Board meeting of November 17th.

Trustees present were Kurt Strutz, chairperson, Darin Genereux, Diana LaBuda. Trustees absent were Brad Weaver and Brandon Gasvoda.

Staff present were Brad Moore, superintendent, Maryetta Engle, clerk and Heather Wolery, elementary lead teacher.

After a call to order, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. There were no guests present.

Minutes were approved from the last meeting.

There were no public comments to the Board, no correspondence, no old business.

In new business Cheryl Struts and Pete Jerrel were approved for assistants to boys and girls varsity basketball.

The Board approved the Early Retirement Incentive.

Christmas money was approved for the staff.

The Board modified the school calendar. There will be no school on April 29 and May 13. There will be school on May 20. (all in 2016)

A staffer’s request for additional personal days was denied.

Darin Genereux went over some research he completed on a safety plan.

No negotiations to report on.

The Clerk reported that the 2014-2015 audit was completed on November 5 and 6. The report should be available in a few months.

Superintendent Moore reported that we will need to revisit the student attendance agreement from August of 2015.

Superintendent Moore has been speaking with Coke and they would like to know if we would be interested in a water/juice machine at the elementary school.

Montana School Boards Association has presented a proposal for strategic planning.

Superintendent Moore mentioned that at this time we have six players for each of the boys and girls basketball teams. We will be getting approval from the Montana High School Association for eighth graders to play. At this time we have one wrestler. Superintendent Moore asked the Board of Trustees opinion regarding the possibility of cooping wrestling with Fort Benton.

The December 15th Board meeting is the same day as the Elementary Christmas Concert. After discussion it was decided to hold the board meeting at 4:15pm on December 15 so that all can attend the Christmas Concert.

Claims were approved and the meeting was adjourned.

The next regular School Board meeting will be December 15 at 4:15pm.