MSU-Northern Alumni Foundation Accepting Nominations for Achievement Awards

The MSU-Northern Alumni Foundation is actively seeking nominations for the Founders’ Excellence and Hall of Fame awards for the 2016 year, with the awards ceremony to be held Friday, May 6th, 2016. These two awards help honor Northern’s brightest and most successful alumni, athletes, and friends.

Founder’s Excellence is an award to deserving individuals in honor of their professional accomplishments, loyalty and service that have enhanced the development of Montana State University - Northern. In 1976, Founders’ Day was added as an NMC tradition. Over the past 39 years 99 people have been honored with the Founders’ Excellence Award. Candidates for the Founders’ Excellence Award must be an alum, administrator, former faculty or staff, or friend of MSU-Northern who has made a significant contribution to the development of Northern or to their chosen profession in one or more of the following areas: leadership, service to Northern, or by financially supporting Northern.

For a listing of Founders’ Excellence Award recipients and additional information please visit:

The Athletic Hall of Fame recognizes players, managers and coaches who have made outstanding contributions to athletics at either Northern Montana College or Montana State University-Northern. Other individuals may also be recognized for outstanding and meritorious service to Northern Athletics. Before election of any person to the Athletic Hall of Fame, the Selection Committee requires a written nomination consisting of the following: collegiate and/or coaching records of the nominee; achievements and honors since graduation/leaving Northern; professional and service accomplishments; other honors and awards; and a brief biography. In order for the nominees name to appear on the ballot, the Selection Committee must also receive three letters of support for each nominee.

For a listing of Hall of Fame inductees, nomination forms, and additional information about the Hall of Fame please visit:

Although the Foundation collects nominations throughout the year, to be nominated for the 2016 class please submit your nomination by January 15, 2016. To nominate an individual for the Founders’ Excellence Award or the Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame please submit a letter of recommendation along with any other supporting documents to:

MSU-Northern Foundation

c/o Jim Bennett

PO Box 1691

Havre, MT 59501

Telephone: 406.265.3711

Fax: 406.945.9402


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