From The Mayor's Desk

At the regular December 9 City Council meeting there were five guests present.

After the Pledge was recited, the minutes were approved. There was no public comment and no sheriff’s report.

The Wastewater Treatment project was discussed. What C and C Construction is working on now will take three to four weeks depending on the weather. There is a line that flows up instead of down. That is being corrected.

There is survey work being done on the west side of town for future water lines providing the project goes through.

No one was at the City Council meeting representing Bear Paw Development.

The Brownfield project at the four way stop had six wells dug and kept three of them open.

In new business the second reading of Ordinance 2016-02 was passed into law. It increases the fines for slaughtering animals within the city limits of Big Sandy.

The person who does the housekeeping at the City Hall got increased compensation.

In old business, regarding street improvements, Big Sandy is still trying to find good gravel.

A possible new swimming pool for Big Sandy was discussed.

The Mayor said, “I have received a bunch of phone calls on how the pool might be funded, so to clarify the situation, if we get to the point of funding a new swimming pool, it will be a bond and that means we cannot do any fundraising. There can be no government fundraising. But private individuals can fundraise. If that happens the City would like to know who is doing the fundraising and ideally they would have a 5013C in place.”

Mayor Stiles said that the engineers determining where to put a swimming pool and what it would cost, are looking at details of swimming pools around this area and have almost decided that the location by the high school and the cemetery would fit Big Sandy best.

The engineers also said that the amenities at the children’s pool would fit in any new pool.

Regarding the old hotel in Big Sandy, the owners have given permission to allow an assessment of the structure.

There were no actions taken from committee reports this month.

Mayor Stiles said that the water shutoff list was very large this month. There is close to $4500.00 in outstanding revenue.

Claims and vouchers were paid.

The meeting was adjourned

The next regular City Council meeting will be on January 13.