Paula Reynolds will be missed all along the entire Hi-Line

Paula Reynolds, a friend, co-worker and a great ‘Ad Lady’ lost her life suddenly due to a heart attack Wednesday, February 26. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her.

If you were a business on the Hi-Line from Malta to Fort Benton and your phone rang with Paula’s unique voice on the other end, you knew immediately what she wanted.

Paula didn’t mess around, she might ask you how your day was going but in the end she did her job and did it very well. Hearing a customer say ‘No’ didn’t bother her, she thanked them for taking her call and moved on.

Most people quiver when they hear the word ‘No’ but Paula was motivated by it.

She had great respect for all whom she came in contact with. Paula figured they might say ‘No’ now but if she treated them right they might say ‘Yes’ next time.

Thats how Paula was, she spoke her mind, wasn’t afraid to let you know her opinion, but respected yours and your right to have with just as much vigor.

At the Blaine County Journal ~News Opinion, The Big Sandy Mountaineer and the Havre Daily News, she developed many friendships through the years and all involved a few butted heads but just the same involved respect in the end.

Paula loved to do things for her co-workers. She never forgot a birthday, always got each person something little for Christmas. Made sure to say ‘Have a good night” when she left. She always thought about the well being of those around her.

They say that anyone can be replaced, and many times it’s not so hard and even easy to do, but there are times when replacing someone is only accomplished because you have to.

Paula did so much for everyone she came in contact with. She had a system that few could decipher and learning ‘Paulaglyphics’ was a requirement if you were to successfully work with her.

At the Journal we did many, many, many projects together and there was an understanding. Now that Paula is no longer with us, things have to change.

We at the Blaine County Journal ~ News Opinion and Big Sandy Mountaineer ask that the public, the business owners and those wishing to advertise in either of the papers for patience.

Paula was one of a kind, she was a saleswoman and a great one. We want to get our clients served as best we can.

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