Senior Center News

March birthdays include Pastor Jeff Stoppes, Marla Ray, Beau Pegar, Shirley Kulbeck, Del Starr Simon, Paul Marino, Edna Bitz, Lorraine Skaalure and Midge Edwards.

A sashay around the ball room floor while Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadians play Moonlight in Vermont for Angus and Ruth Merrill, Bob and Ann Quinn, Paul and Kandi Marino and Dale and Carrie Cline.

March events include Rotary Banquet on March 12, Daylight savings time starts on March 13; blood pressure day on March 14 and a Board Meeting on March 15.

St. Patrick’s Day dinner is noon on March 17 and costs $10.00; Easter dinner is March 22 and costs $10.00 as well; St. Patrick’s Dinner includes Corn Beef and Cabbage and all the trimmings. Easter dinner is a Black Forest Ham with all the trimmings.

March 24 is a foot clinic.

The Senior Citizen leaders say that special meal prices have gone up to ten dollars. Meat and other food prices have gone up so to recoup costs and keep from going in the red, we must raise these prices. Thank you so much for your understanding.

To contact Senior Citizen Cooks call 378-2405

All lunches include entrée, potato, vegetable, salad, dessert and drink and all cost $5.00 each unless otherwise noted.

Menus for the coming week are as follows:

Wednesday, March 2 classic fillet chicken sandwich, lettuce, tomato, potato salad, cheese slices, cookies and fruit.

Thursday, March 3 spaghetti with meat sauce and Parmesan cheese, peas, lettuce salad, garlic medallions and banana bread for the Lunch of the Week!

Friday, March 4 pecan salmon with boiled potatoes or chicken pot pie and mixed veggies and five cup salad and brownies.

Monday, March 7 hamburger stew, corn bread and tapioca pudding.

Tuesday, March 8 ham and bean soup, grilled cheese, relish tray and cookies.

Linda said to try Mountain Dew Cake

1 box yellow cake mix with pudding

1 box small vanilla instant pudding

½ cup water

½ cup oil

½ cup Mountain Dew

4 eggs

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix together and pour into greased Bundt pan. Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

Glaze includes

1 cup sugar

1 stick butter or margarine

¼ cup Mountain Dew

Cook in a sauce pan until clear. Pour over cake while warm in the pan. Let set ten minutes before removing from pan.

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