What was your favorite? Top Ten 2016 Super Bowl Commercials

Many people have said that Super Bowl Fifty was a fizzle from the teams playing, the actions of Panthers quarterback Cam Newton, the Half Time Show and even the Super Bowl Commercials were mostly duds this year.

In fact, only if you are a fan of the Denver Broncos did you have much to crow about in terms of this Super Bowl. In a word, it was anything but Super!

However, there were commercials and they were rated as to the top ten in terms of television enjoyment.

Here are the top ten commercials for 2016. Don’t feel bad if you don’t remember a single one of them. Few do.

1. Doritos “Ultra Sound”

2. Mountain Dew “Puppy Monkey Baby”

3. Taco Bell “Bigger than Everything”

4. Buick “The Convertible is a Buick”

5. Pepsi “The Joy of Dance”

6. Marmot “Fall in love with the outside”

7. Apartments.com “Moving on up”

8. Bud Light “Raise one to right now”

9. Skittles “The Portrait”

10. Toyota Prius “Prius 4”

In the biggest disappointment department, it was probably Budweiser who usually feature their wonderful horses doing something. This year no horses, just a sort of mundane beer commercials.

As far as most information gained, many people seemed to think that the fact that Buick was making a new convertible was interesting. That commercial probably boosted Buick’s sales for convertible lovers especially.

Most nostalgic was Apartments.Com “Moving on Up”.

Who can forget that old spin off comedy featuring George Jefferson and his wife who had suddenly gotten money and were moving on up in society and in apartments too? That was a funny show and the commercial brought back fond memories.

For the most part, this year’s commercials were a lot like the Super Bowl itself. They left a lot to be desired. It can only be hoped that by next year advertisers bring back some of the great commercials that we have seen in previous years.